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JEE Advanced 2024 Solid State Notes

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JEE Advanced 2024 Solid State Revision Notes - Free PDF Download

Solids are different from fluids in various aspects. The molecules of a solid remain in a highly compacted state. The intermolecular attraction in the solids is the highest causing no free flow of the molecules. This is why they have a specific volume and shape. Solid State is an important chapter covered in the JEE Advanced syllabus. To understand the various concepts of this chapter, go through the JEE Advanced Solid State revision notes prepared by the subject experts at Vedantu.


JEE Advanced Revision Notes


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Solid State

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These Solid State JEE notes have been prepared as per the latest JEE syllabus to offer a better understanding of the advanced concepts. Students will be able to learn the theories and principles of Solid State here and resolve their doubts on their own. 

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JEE Advanced Revision Notes Chemistry Solid State

In crystalline solid atoms, ions or molecules are arranged orderly in a three-dimensional manner due to strong binding force.

Due to this arrangement, crystalline solids acquire rigidity and definite geometric shape or crystalline structures.

Characteristics Properties of the Solids

  • They have definite mass, volume and shape.

  • Intermolecular distance is short.

  • Intermolecular forces are strong.

  • Their constituent particles (atom, molecules or ions) have fixed positions and can only oscillate about their mean position.

  • Their existence of a substance in more than one solid modification is called Polymorphism.

Anisotropy: Crystalline solids are anisotropic in nature that is some of their physical properties like electrical resistance of refractive index show different values when measured along with different directions in the same crystals. This arises from the different arrangements of particles in different directions.

Isotropy: Amorphous solids on the other hand are isotropic in nature, it is because there is no long-range order in them and arrangement is irregular along with all the directions. Therefore, the value of any physical property would same in any direction.

Annealing: An amorphous substance, on heating at a certain temperature, may attain crystalline nature while on cooling regains its amorphous nature, this phenomenon is called annealing.

Difference Between Crystalline and Amorphous Solids: 


Crystalline solids

Amorphous solids


Definite characteristics geometrical shape.

Irregular shape. 

Melting point

Melt at a sharp and characteristic temperature.

Gradually soften over a range of temperature.

Cleavage property

When cut with a sharp-edged tool, they split into two pieces that are plain and smooth.

When cut with a Sharpe-edged tool, they cut into two pieces with an irregular surface.

Heat of fusion 

They have definite and characteristics value.

They do not have definite value.


Anisotropic in nature except for cubic crystals.

Isotropic in nature.


True solids

Pseudo solids or super cooled liquids

Order in arrangement of constituent particles

Long range order

Only short-range order

Law of crystallography


Does not follow

X-ray diffraction bands


Does not form

Cooling Curve

Cooling curve is not smooth 

Cooling curve is not smooth

Cooling curve is smooth 

Cooling curve is smooth


NaCl, Diamond, MgO

Glass, Rubber, Plastic, Quartz glass

Classification of Crystalline Solids:

A crystal is classified as ionic, covalent, metallic and molecular according to the nature of the building units, chemical bonding and the intermolecular forces in the crystal.

Different Types of Solids:


Types of Solid

Constituting Unit

Interparticle Force


Physical Mode

Electrical Properties.


Molecular solids

i) polar-molecular solid.

Polar molecules

Dipole, dipole attraction forces

HCl, $S{O_2}$etc

Soft solid with low melting point


ii) Non-polar molecular solids

Non -polar molecules

van der Waals’s force of attraction


Soft solid with  very low melting point


iii) H-bonding solids

Molecules capable to from H-bond


$N{H_4}$,ice, glucose, etc

Harder than (i) and (ii) with low melting point



Covalent or network solids.


Covalent bonds

Diamond, quartz, silica

Very hard melting point rigid 




Ionic solids

Cations and anions

Electrostatic force of attraction

NaCl, Zns

Hard rigid high

Conductor in fused state


Metallic solids

Metal atom

(kernels embedded in sea of electrons)

Metallic bonds

Metal Cu, Ag, Mg, Fe

Hard but malleable and ductile


Law of Crystallography:

The study of structure, geometry, and properties of crystals is called Crystallography.

Different Law of Crystallography is

  1. Law of Constancy of Interfacial Angle:  measured at the same temperature similar angle on crystals of the same substance remains constant regardless of the size and shape of the crystal.

  2. Law of Constancy of Symmetry:  The symmetry in all crystals of a particular species is constant though, i.e., the crystals of the same substance possess the same symmetry of element.

The Symmetry of Elements is:

  • Plane of symmetry

  • Axis of symmetry 

  • Centre of symmetry

  1. Law of Rational Indices: The law of rational indices states that the intercept of any face of crystal along the crystallographic axes is either equal to the unit intercept or some simple whole number multiples of them.

Unit Cell

The smallest portion of the crystal lattice which can be used as a repetitive unit in a three-dimension manner to get the entire crystal lattice is called a unit cell.

They are broadly divided into two categories, primitive and centred unit cells.

a. Primitive Unit Cell: when constituent particles are present only in the corner position of a unit cell, it is called a primitive unit cell

Primitive Unit Cell

Primitive Unit Cell

b. Centred Unit Cell: When a unit cell contains one or more constituent particles present at a position other than corners in addition to those at corners, it is called centred unit cell.

Centred Unit Cell

Centred Unit Cell

There are 3 Types:

  • Simple cubic cell

  • Body-centred unit cell

Body-centred Unit Cell

Body-Centred Unit Cell

  • Face-centred cell

Face-centred Cell

Face-Centred Cell

Bravais Lattices: 

  • Bravais Lattices showed there are 14 different possible kinds of three-dimensional lattices.

  • These 14 Bravais lattices are grouped into seven crystal systems based on unit cell symmetry.

These Seven Crystal Systems are: 

Crystal System

No. of Bravais Lattices

Possible Names of These Lattices



Simple cubic, fcc and bcc



Primitive body-centred face centre



Primitive body-centred face centre and end centred



Primitive Hexagonal prism



Rhombohedral (or) primitive



Primitive and end centred



Triclinic primitive

Seven Crystal Systems:

Seven Crystal System.

Seven Crystal System

  • The two tetragonal: one side different length to the other, two angles between face all 90°

  • The four orthorhombic lattices: unequal sides, angles between faces all 90°

  • The two monoclinic lattices: unequal sides, two faces have angle different to 90°

Coordination Number for Elemental Crystallization:

The coordination number is the number of nearest such lattice point surrounding a lattice point in a crystalline.

Simple Cubic Cell: In a lattice of this type, each corner atom is shared by eight-unit cells, four in one layer and four in the layer above it.

Thus, the contribution of each atom placed at the corner of the single cubic unit cell is $\dfrac{1}{8} \times 8 = 1$. Thus, the rank of a primitive unit cell is 1.

BCC Unit Cell: In a BCC lattice, each corner atom is shared by 8-unit cells while the body-centred atom is not shared by any other unit cell. So, the number of effective atoms associated with a BCC unit cell is  $\left[ {\dfrac{1}{8} \times 8} \right] + 1 = 2$. Thus, the rank of the BCC unit cell is 2.

FCC Unit Cell: In an FCC unit cell, each corner atom is shared by 8-unit cells and each face centred atom is shared by 2-unit cells, so the number of effective atoms in an FCC unit cell would be $\left[ {\dfrac{1}{8} \times 8} \right] + \left[ {\dfrac{1}{2} \times 6} \right] = 4$, thus the rank of FCC unit cell is 4.

HCP Unit Cell: Each corner atom would be common to 6 other unit cells, therefore their contribution to one unit cell would be $\dfrac{1}{6}$, Total number of atom in 1 hcp cell $ = \dfrac{{12}}{6}$(from 12 corners)+$\dfrac{2}{2}$(from 2 face centred)+$\dfrac{3}{1}$(from body centre)=6.

Hexagonal Closest Packing of Spheres:

  • Normal 

  • Diagrammatic view

Interstitial Voids: The empty spaces between the three-dimensional layers are known as holes or voids. The holes are also referred to as interstices. There are three types of holes possible.

Tetrahedral Holes:  A hole formed by three spheres in contact with each other of a layer. The holes are also referred to as interstices.

Radius ratio of the tetrahedral void,$\dfrac{{{r_{void}}}}{{{r_{sphere}}}} = 0.225$

Tetrahedral Hole

Tetrahedral Hole 

Octahedral Hole: It is the vacant space between a group of three-sphere in a layer and another set of three-sphere in the next layer, these six spheres surrounding the hole, lie at the vertices of a regular octahedral.

The total number of octahedral voids $= 1 + 12 \times \dfrac{1}{4} = 1 + 3 = 4$

Octahedral Hole

Octahedral Hole

Packing Fraction in Element Crystallization:

  • Percentage efficient of simple cubic unit cell =$\dfrac{{{\text{volume of one sphere}}}}{{{\text{volume of unit cell}}}}{\text{ }\times 100}$

${a^3}$= volume of the unit cell 

$a = 2{r_s}$ where ${r_s}$ is the radius of the sphere.

$\dfrac{{\dfrac{4}{3}\pi  \times {{({r_s})}^3}}}{{{a^3}}} \times 100 = \dfrac{{\dfrac{4}{3}\pi  \times {{({r_s})}^3}}}{{{{\left( {2 \times {r_3}} \right)}^3}}} \times 100$

$= \dfrac{{\dfrac{4}{3}\pi }}{8} \times 100 = 52.3$ 

  • Percentage efficiency of body-centred unit cell =$\dfrac{{{\text{volume of the two sphere}}}}{{{\text{Volume of cube}}}}{\text{ }\times 100}$

${a^3}$= volume of the unit cell by taking edge length ‘a’

$a = 2{r_s}$where ${r_s}$ is the radius of the sphere.

\[\dfrac{{2 \times \dfrac{4}{3}\pi {{({r_s})}^3}}}{{{a^3}}} \times 100 = \dfrac{{2 \times \dfrac{4}{3}\pi {{({r_s})}^3}}}{{{{\left( {\dfrac{4}{{\sqrt 3 }}{r_s}} \right)}^3}}} \times 100 = 68.05\]

The volume occupied by spheres in body-centred unit cell is 68.05% and void volume is 31.95%

Length of facial diagonal -$\sqrt{2a}$

Length of body diagonal -$\sqrt{3}a$

  • Efficiency of packing in face-centred unit cell = $\dfrac{{{\text{volume of the four sphere}}}}{{{\text{Volume of cube}}}}{\text{ }\times 100}$

${a^3}$= volume of the unit cell by taking edge length ‘a’

$a = 2{r_s}$where ${r_s}$ is the radius of the sphere.

\[\dfrac{{4 \times \dfrac{4}{3}\pi {{({r_s})}^3}}}{{{a^3}}} \times 100 = \dfrac{{4 \times \dfrac{4}{3}\pi {{({r_s})}^3}}}{{{{\left( {2\sqrt 2 {r_s}} \right)}^3}}} \times 100 = 74.06\]

Thus, the volume occupied by a sphere in face-centred unit cell (cpp arrangement) is 74.06% and the void volume is 25.94%

  • Volume Fraction in HCP: 

$V.F = \dfrac{{6 \times \dfrac{4}{3}\pi {R^3}}}{{{V_{HCP}}}}$

${{\text{V}}_{{\text{HCP}}}}{\text{ = Area of base  }\times  Height}$

${\text{ = 3}}\sqrt {2{a^3}}  = 24\sqrt 2 {R^3}$ 

Volume fraction of HCP=$4\sqrt {\dfrac{2}{3}} R$

Note: Distance between A and B layer in CCP or HCP=$2\sqrt {\dfrac{2}{3}} R$

Bragg’s Equation: $n\lambda  = 2d\sin \theta $

n= order of reflection

$\lambda$=wave length of incident x-ray

d= interplanar distance

$\theta$=angle of reflection

Types of Crystal Defects:

  • Intrinsic Defect: These are seen in pure crystal.

  • Extrinsic Defects: These are due to the impurities in the solids.

  • Point Defect: These Occur at the lattice points or sites in the crystals.

  • Extended Crystal: These are present in one or more dimensions.

Stoichiometric Defects:

Ionic Solids Show Two Types of Defects 

  1. Schottky Defect

  • This defect arises due to vacancy at cation sites and equal number of vacancies at anion sites

  • Condition for the defect:

High co-ordination numbers and where the positive and negative ions are of similar size i.e., $\dfrac{{{r^ + }}}{{{r^ - }}} \cong 1$

  • Number of Schottky defect

  • $n = N{e^{ - E/2kt}}$

  • $n = {\left( {N{N_i}} \right)^{1/2}}{e^{ - E/2kt}}$

K = Boltzmann’s constant

T= Kelvin temperature

E= energy required to create defect 

N= number of ions present 

Ni= number of interstitial spaces

  1. Frenkel Defect

  • This type of defect arises due to a vacancy at a cation site.

  • Conditions  that favour the defect:

Large difference in size between cation and anion and Compounds having ions of different size i.e., $\dfrac{{{r^ + }}}{{{r^ - }}}$ is low since positive ions are smaller than negative ions.


  • Addition of B(IIIA Group) or P or As (VA Group) element to alter the conductivity of Ge(or) Si is called Doping.

  • Pure Si (or) Ge are intrinsic semiconductor. 

  • In doping, group IIIA(13 group element) elements behave as electrons acceptor and group VA(15 group elements) elements behave as donor.

Importance of Physical Chemistry Solid State

Here you will learn the different aspects of the Solid State at an advanced level. This chapter will explain how the molecules form solid and what their characteristics are.

Go through these notes to quickly revise the physical properties of a solid and realize how this state of matter is defined. With the knowledge of the physical properties of different solids, differentiate, distinguish, and identify different materials. This chapter will also describe the classification of solids following the various features.

The importance of this chapter is that it explains the different physical properties of all classes of solids with examples. All these classifications are done based on particular parameters such as crystal structure and chemical bonding. It will also explain how lattices are formed and what kinds of lattices exist with pictorial illustrations. Get Solid State for JEE Advanced key concepts from the chapter and refer to these notes for a quick revision.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Solid State JEE Notes PDF

  • The revision notes offer a simpler explanation of all the advanced concepts of this chapter in an easy-to-understand language. You will find it easier to learn different types of solids, types of crystalline structures, their examples, and all other topics included in this chapter.

  • The simpler version of this chapter in the Solid State JEE notes PDF will help you complete preparing this chapter in no time. You will find learning the fundamental principles much easier. In fact, you can also resolve doubts on your own and proceed to solve exercise questions without any difficulty.

  • These revision notes are the easiest way to revise the chapter before the exam date. These notes also come with Solid State JEE Advanced questions and answers prepared by the experts. Students can try to solve the questions on their own and check their preparation level.

  • Students can easily recall all the concepts, definitions, derivations, formulas, etc of this chapter by using these notes to score well in the competitive exam.

Download Solid State JEE Revision Notes Notes PDF

Students can add the free PDF version of these revision notes and questions to their JEE Advanced preparation material for this chapter. Many students prefer to use these notes to make their study sessions more productive. The simpler format of these notes will help them to recall the definitions, explanations, formulas, and derivations of this chapter without any difficulty.

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FAQs on JEE Advanced 2024 Solid State Notes

1. What is perfection in solids?

The crystal structure of a solid remains in perfect order at 0 K. It is called perfection in the solid state. The electrons start to move randomly as the temperature gradually increases. It results in an imperfect stage.

2.  What are insulators?

As per the definition in this chapter, a solid that does not allow electrons or heat energy to pass through is called an insulator. Example: plastic, Bakelite, etc.

3.  What are diamagnetic substances?

These are magnetic substances that are weakly attracted by magnets. They contain paired electrons in the outermost shells. Example: titanium dioxide and sodium chloride.

4.  What is an amorphous solid?

The solids that do not have an even crystalline shape with no sharp edges are called amorphous solids. These solids do not have a proper melting point and heat of fusion.