Class 12 DK Goel Solutions Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Change in Profit Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners
FAQs on DK Goel Class 12 Accountancy Volume 1 Chapter 2 Solutions
1. How Helpful is DK Goel Solutions Class 12 Chapter 2 Accountancy?
Ans. DK Goel Solutions to Accountancy chapter 12 is a must-have book for every commerce student appearing for the CBSE board examination. This book helps to clarify critical concepts of change in the profit-sharing ratio of firms and factors that affects it. The book provides detailed illustrations of important concepts and also offers step by step solution to numerical problems that helps students learn the applied formulas easily. Further, the easy language of the book and the provided solutions improves the learning experience of the students allowing them to understand the application of the commercial theories in practice.
2. From Which Website can I Download Reliable DK Goel Solutions?
Ans. DK Goel Solutions can be easily downloaded in PDF versions from Vedantu. These solutions can be downloaded without any additional charges from Vedantu. These PDF versions are extremely helpful for students. The use of easy language and properly-organized format of the PDF documents comes as immense help for students and enhances their learning process. Furthermore, these files are curated by expert teachers by strictly adhering to recent updates in the syllabus as well as marking patterns. Thus, opt for Vedantu and enjoy the best outcomes.
3. What are the Important Topics in Profit-Sharing Rates?
Ans. Some important topics in chapter 2 of Accountancy which are crucial for CBSE board examination are the meaning of partnership and reconstruction of firms, the concept of change in profit sharing ratio between existing partners, meaning and computation of the sacrificing and gaining ratio, treatment of reserves, and accumulated profit and losses, accounting treatment of goodwill, adjustment of accumulated profits, losses and reserves through accumulated partners accounts, the accounting treatment for a reassessment of assets and revaluation of liabilities, adjustment of capitals. The solutions chapter 2 Change in Profit Sharing Rates of DK Goel proves beneficial in understanding these topics, so it is imperative for students to follow it crucially.
4. What are the total chapters in DK Goel Solutions Class 12 Accountancy Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Change in Profit Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners?
Ans: In DK Goel Class 12 Accountancy book, there are 11 chapters in total. Each chapter has equal importance for the students for building a detailed knowledge of the accountancy subject. On Vedantu website, you can find solutions for all the chapters with a simple to understand language. In addition, the students who have any query can also get a resolution as Vedantu team is available round the clock to assist them. So, get the best know-how of the entire syllabus with Vedantu.
5. How to set a perfect routine for studying DK Goel Solutions Class 12 Accountancy Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Change in Profit Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners?
Like other chapters, this chapter named DK Goel Solutions Class 12 Accountancy Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Change in Profit Sharing Ratio Among the Existing Partners also demands a considerable time to devote for the students. Always remember, one day or one week of study is not going to make any difference, you will experience the change only if you work on it every single day. Keep following, learning and revising, and you will get the desired results. Follow this key to score well.