Responsibility is the task that is entrusted by managers to subordinates. It is a moral commitment to complete the work assigned. In other words, it is also defined as “Responsibility is the obligation of an individual to carry out assigned activities to the best of his/her activities”.
The responsibility ends when the person has accomplished the task.
The following points help to understand more the concept of responsibility:
It is the obligation of a person to perform the task.
When a superior delegates authority to perform a certain task, he is answerable to his superiors for those tasks.
Lack of parity should not be there as it will not help in achieving the desired result.
The hierarchy followed is from bottom to top. Every individual is answerable to his/her superior.
Responsibility should be fixed in quantitative terms as it helps in framing standards against which it can be compared. Social Responsibility Of Business Concept.
The concept of social responsibility means that the firm accomplishes its financial goal and serves society as well. Every organ of the society contributes to business growth and success as no business can survive in isolation. This becomes the moral obligation of business to do something in return in favour of society. This responsibility towards society is called social responsibility. A socially responsible firm should seek the welfare of different sections of society and should not solely work on profit maximization.
Ernst and Ernst have identified six areas in which social responsibility is expected:
Energy: It is described as conservation of energy in the business operations and increasing energy efficiency as business demands to do in later stages.
Fair Business Practices: It focuses on the relationship of the company to other special interest groups. It deals with the employment and advancement of minorities, employment and advancement of women, support for minority business, and social responsibility practices abroad.
Human Resources: The activities mainly included under this head are recruiting practice, training programs, job enrichment, wage, and salary levels, mutual trust and confidence, job security, transfer and promotional activities, and occupational health.
Community Involvement: This head covers community activities, health-related activities, education and arts, and other community-related activities.
Products: This head concerns the qualitative aspect of the product. Their utility, serviceability, and safety of products. It moreover includes customer satisfaction, its advertisement, labelling, and packaging of the product. These aspects are important from a marketing point of view.
Environment: This head covers the pollution control in the conduct of business operations. Corporate social responsibility in adopting more efficient technologies to minimize the use of resources and the reduction of waste.
Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
Every business is to conduct its operation to provide an overall positive impact on people or society surrounding. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) requires every business to perform ethically and to improve the living of the society. A voluntary contribution must come from every business. The concept of CSR brings a balance between economical, social, ethical, and societal dimensions of business. It forces every business to conduct its activities in harmony and in an ethical way possible. Through the below pointers, the meaning and concept of CSR will be cleared:
All businesses must make profits, but that should not be at the cost of customers.
CSR promotes every business to run in an ethical way.
All businesses should make voluntary efforts in order to benefit society.
It creates a balance between all dimensions of the business environment.
Concept of Authority and Responsibility
Authority is the right of a superior to give instructions to its subordinates whereas responsibility is the duty assigned to people to get things done in a given time frame. It denotes an obligation on subordinates to get the duties done and arises from the superior-subordinate relationship.
Authority can be delegated and moves downward but responsibility cannot be delegated. The responsibility is owed to subordinates. Hence, no subordinate can delegate his responsibility to people to avoid responsibility. Both are closely related and should have parity between the two. A subordinate is answerable to the authority delegated to him and not beyond that.
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Concept of Responsibility in Management
Generally, in the organization, managers have the authority. They are solely responsible for other people recruited. Responsibility is used in many senses. It means an obligation or liability or accountability. In the words of Koontz and O’ Dennell, responsibility is defined as “ The obligation of subordinate, to whom a superior has assigned a task, to perform the services as required”.
Below are the areas of responsibility where managers have to perform:
Attitude towards upper management.
Behaviour with other groups.
Personal attitudes and values.
Behaviour with subordinates.
FAQs on The Concept of Responsibility in Business
Q1. What are CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Theories?
Ans. There are three theories contributing to the CSR present scenario. These are discussed below:
The Stakeholder Theory of CSR: It denotes that the stakeholder’s forces impact on business must not be underestimated. It should be ethical and programmatic.
The Business Ethics Theory of CSR: The business ethics theory is based on moral duties that a company has towards society. Changing and emerging social expectations, Intrinsic ethical values, and corporate citizenship. The business ethics theory focuses more on moral values rather than legal and economic responsibilities. If there is any legal obligation, CSR declines.
The Shareholder Value Theory of CS: It denotes that the social responsibility of business is to generate profits following the legal terms.
Q2. What is Meant by Responsibility Accounting?
Ans. Responsibility accounting refers to accounting and budgeting and financing each responsibility within a company. The objective of responsibility accounting is to assist in the company’s financial and managing decisions held by managers. Many responsibilities are delegated to the subordinates such as cost, profit, investment, etc. These decisions are helpful in denoting the profits of the year. Each head is only responsible for a particular section. The cost head will be responsible only for the production department and so on.
Example: Each division or department within the organization receives a monthly report showing the budget and actual amount planned for the year and recent months.