Chemistry Experiment - Preparation of 250 ml of N/20 Solution of Mohr’s Salt - An Introduction
Mohr’s salt is also known as Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (FAS), which is an inorganic substance with the formula $\left (NH_{4} \right )_{2}Fe\left ( SO_{4} \right )_{2}.6H_{2}O$. The ammonium cation and the ferrous cation are two major cations known to be present in Mohr's salt. Mohr's salt appears to be a bluish-green colour under standard temperature and pressure conditions. In these conditions, it is a crystalline solid. The standard solution of FAS may be prepared by dissolving crystalline FAS in a known volume of solvent along with concentrated sulphuric acid.
The FAS standard solution is a primary standard as its concentration does not change over time, and this standard solution of oxalic acid can be used directly without any standardisation. Mohr’s salt is used to standardise potassium permanganate(${{K}{Mn}{O}_{4}}$). The estimation of ferrous ions in Mohr's salt is done by permanganometry where Mohr's salt solution is made to react with potassium permanganate solution in acid.
Table of Contents
Apparatus Required
To prepare 250 ml of N/20 solution of Mohr's salt.
Apparatus Required
Chemical Balance
Watch Glass
Weight Box
250ml Beaker
Glass Rod
250ml Measuring Flask
Wash Bottle
Mohr’s Salt
Concentrated Sulphuric Acid
Distilled Water
The molecular formula of Mohr’s salt = $\left (NH_{4} \right )_{2}Fe\left ( SO_{4} \right )_{2}.6H_{2}O$ .
The molecular weight of Mohr’s salt = 392 g/mol.
The equivalent weight of Mohr’s salt is also 392 g/mol.
Normality = (weight x 1000) / (equivalent weight x volume).
Mohr’s salt required for preparing 250 ml of N/20 or 0.05 N solution of Mohr’s salt can be calculated using, (392 x 250 x 0.05) / 1000 = 4.9 g.
Take a watch glass, rinse it with distilled water, and then dry it.
Weigh the clean and dried watch glass and record its weight in the notebook.
On the watch glass, accurately weigh 4.9 g of Mohr's salt crystals. Record its weight in the notebook.
In a clean 250 ml beaker, carefully transfer the weighted Mohr's salt from the watch glass. To check the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate, add 5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid to this beaker.
To completely transfer the sticking salt into the beaker, thoroughly rinse the watch glass with distilled water. Gently stir the beaker to help the salt dissolve.
Carefully transfer the entire solution with the help of a funnel into the 250 ml measuring flask.
With distilled water, clean the beaker. Pour the washings into the measuring flask.
With the help of a wash bottle, gently pour enough distilled water into the measuring flask to fill it to just below the etched mark on its neck.
Use a pipette to add the final few drops of distilled water until the lower level of the meniscus just touches the mark on the measuring flask.
Put a stopper on the measuring flask, give it a gentle shake to make the solution homogeneous (i.e., uniform throughout), and then label it as N/20 Mohr's salt solution.
Weight of the watch glass = W1 g
Weight of the watch glass and Mohr’s salt = W2 g (W1 + 4.9)
Weight of Mohr’s salt = (W2 - W1) g = 4.9 g
Volume of concentrated sulphuric acid = 5ml
Volume of distilled water = 245 ml
250 ml of N/20 or 0.05 N of the standard Mohr’s salt solution is prepared.
Wash the watch glass thoroughly to ensure that not even a single Mohr’s salt crystal remains on it.
To prevent adding additional distilled water over the mark on the standard flask's neck, add the final few drops using a pipette.
Add the requisite amount of concentrated sulphuric acid to prevent ferrous sulphate hydrolysis.
Heating is avoided when dissolving the Mohr’s salt in water, this is done to prevent the oxidation of ferrous ions (light green colour) to ferric ions (yellow colour).
Lab Manual Questions
1. Why is concentrated sulphuric acid added during the preparation of Mohr’s salt solution?
Ans: Concentrated sulphuric acid was added during the preparation of Mohr’s salt solution in order to prevent ferrous sulphate hydrolysis.
2. How to prepare Mohr’s salt solution of 1N concentration in 1 L of distilled water?
Ans: Dissolve 392 g of Mohr’s salt in 1L of distilled water along with concentrated sulphuric acid to prepare 1N, 1L solution of Mohr’s salt.
3. Calculate the number of moles in 392 g of Mohr’s salt.
Ans: The number of moles in 392 g of Mohr’s salt is 1.
4. How to prepare 250 ml of an N/20 solution of Mohr’s salt?
Ans: Dissolve 4.9 g of Mohr’s salt in 250 ml of distilled water along with concentrated sulphuric acid to prepare 250ml of N/20 solution of Mohr’s salt.
Viva Questions
1. What is the n-factor of Mohr’s salt?
Ans: n- factor of Mohr’s salt = 1.
2. What are the two primary cations present in Mohr’s salt?
Ans: The two primary cations in Mohr’s salt are the ammonium cation and the ferrous cation.
3. What is the formula of Mohr’s salt?
Ans: The formula of Mohr’s salt is $\left (NH_{4} \right )_{2}Fe\left ( SO_{4} \right )_{2}.6H_{2}O$ .
4. What is added to avoid the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate during the preparation of Mohr’s salt solution?
Ans: Concentrated Sulphuric acid is added to avoid the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate during the preparation of Mohr’s salt solution.
5. Should the prepared Mohr’s salt solution be standardised?
Ans: No, since Mohr’s salt is a primary standard.
6. Is Mohr’s salt a primary standard or secondary standard?
Ans: Mohr’s salt is a primary standard.
7. What is the basicity of sulphuric acid?
Ans: The basicity of sulphuric acid is two since it’s a dibasic acid.
8. Comment on the equivalent weight and molecular weight of Mohr’s salt.
Ans: The equivalent weight and molecular weight of Mohr’s salt is the same, i.e., 392g/mol, as its n-factor is 1.
9. How is the preparation of standard Mohr’s salt solution done?
Ans: The standard solution of Mohr’s salt may be prepared by dissolving crystalline Mohr’s salt in a known volume of solvent along with concentrated sulphuric acid.
Practical Based Questions
Mohr’s salt is also known as?
Ferric ammonium sulphate
Ferrous ammonium sulphate
Cupric ammonium sulphate
Cuprous ammonium sulphate
Answer: (b)
Which of these chemicals is not required for preparing the standard Mohr’s salt solution?
Conc. hydrochloric acid
Conc. sulphuric acid
FAS crystals
Distilled water
Answer: (a)
The molecular weight of Mohr’s salt is
300 g/mol
150 g/mol
292 g/mol
392 g/mol
Answer: (d)
Why is heating avoided during the preparation of standard Mohr’s salt solution?
To prevent oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) ions
To prevent the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) ions
To prevent the hydrolysis of Ferrous sulphate
None of the above
Answer: (a)
What is the n-factor of ferrous sulphate?
Answer: (a)
What is the shape and colour of Mohr’s salt crystal?
Light green and tetrahedral
Light green and octahedral
Yellow and tetrahedral
Yellow and octahedral
Answer: (b)
What is the equivalent weight of Mohr’s salt?
350 g/mol
250 g/mol
192 g/mol
392 g/mol
Answer: (d)
What amount of Mohr’s salt is required to prepare 0.1N of 250ml of Mohr’s salt solution?
2.8 g
5.8 g
9.8 g
7.8 g
Answer: (c)
In which type of volumetric titration is Mohr’s salt used?
None of the above
Answer: (a)
Mohr’s salt is a light green, crystalline inorganic salt whose molecular formula is $\left (NH_{4} \right )_{2}Fe\left ( SO_{4} \right )_{2}.6H_{2}O$ and its molecular weight, as well as equivalent weight, is 392 g/mol. The amount of Mohr’s salt required to prepare 250ml of an N/20 standard solution of Mohr’s salt is calculated using the molarity formula.
Using the formula, the amount of Mohr’s salt required to make 250ml of 0.05 N Mohr’s salt solution is 4.9 g. 4.9 g of Mohr’s salt is accurately weighed and transferred into a 250ml measuring flask with 5ml concentrated sulphuric acid, and the crystals are dissolved using distilled water. The solution is made up to the mark in the 250ml measuring flask with distilled water.
FAQs on Preparation of 250 ml of N/20 Solution of Mohr's Salt
1. Mention a few applications of Mohr’s salt.
Mohr's salt is one of the most frequently used substances to act as a source of ferrous ions in analytical chemistry. Due to its relatively long shelf life and resistance to oxidation by exposure to the atmosphere, Mohr’s salt is used as a source of ferrous ions. The presence of ammonium cations and sulphuric acid in Mohr's salt solutions accounts for their typical tendency to be somewhat acidic. Mohr's salt also plays a significant role in Fricke's dosimeter, which uses it to detect high gamma radiation doses.
2. Why is Mohr’s salt called a double salt?
Ammonium and ferrous cations are the two principal cations known to be present in Mohr's salt. As a result, Mohr's salt can be regarded as a double salt composed of ferrous sulphate and ammonium sulphate. Mohr's salt quickly crystallises and produces crystals that are quite resistant to oxidation in the presence of air, which is an important laboratory reagent to keep in mind.
3. Comment on the structure of Mohr’s salt.
Mohr's salt is recognised as a member of the family of double sulphates known as Tutton's salts (or, in some cases, Schonites). The family as a whole, including Mohr's salt, is known to produce crystals having a monoclinic geometry. Mohr's salt's molecular structure exhibits octahedral centres made up of $\left [ Fe\left ( H_{2}O \right )_{6}\right ]^{2+}$ centres in its bonding patterns. These centres also tend to form hydrogen bonds with the ammonium and sulphate ions.