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TNHSC Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2020


Class 12 Economics TNHSC Question Paper 2020 - Free PDF Download

Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Higher Secondary TNHSC Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2020 is available in pdf format for free download  Directorate of Government Examination, Tamil Nadu organizes the 12th Standard board exams each year. The TN HSC Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2020 pdf given below will help students to find the most important and repeatedly asked questions in the Tamil Nadu Class 12th board exams. We have uploaded the TN HSC Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2020 pdf on this page. By solving the Economics question, you will be able to understand the exam pattern, type of questions asked in the exam, and their complexity level. You can download TN HSC Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2020 free pdf.

Tamil Nadu 12th Economics Model Question Paper Weightage of Marks

The weightage of knowledge in the Economics Paper is 30%, weightage of understanding is 40% , weightage of application is 20% and the weightage of Skills/ Creativity in the question paper is 10%.

Important Topics for Economics Exam

Graphs, Tables and Formulas Hold Very Important Position

  • Here the Economics Theories that are supported by the Tabular and Graphical representation along with the formulas which will help us to easily understand the concepts of economics in a very easy way.

  • Students should keep practicing drawing graphs regularly so that they can draw correct shapes of various curves all the time whenever asked. Pencils are recommended for this purpose.

  • Tables are much important and it includes calculations and also the application of formulas. Students should practice them along with graphs.

  • Students should not mug up all those formulas and should understand how that formula is really derived and for what purpose it is made for. Once you understand these formulas always prepare a chapter wise formula sheet and revise them regularly.

  • Special amount of focus has to be given while practicing for the tables and the graphs.


  • The Numericals in Economics are much important for both Micro and Macroeconomics.

  • Many questions are asked in the examination from chapters such as the elasticity of demand and supply, National income, Revenues and Costs, etc

  • Practicing all of them on a regular interval is must for the students.

Books to be Followed

  • Treat the NCERT books like the bible as they are all according to the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE. CBSE board examinations are entirely based on the given syllabus.

  • Many reference books are available in the market which can be looked up for more information.

  • Few of the renowned reference books which can be referred for class 12th Economics books are T.S. Grewal, T.R. Jain & V K Ohri and C B Sachdeva.

Tamilnadu Class 12 Economics Syllabus



Nature and Scope of Economics

Scope of micro and macro Economics, Definition of Economics, The divisions, and nature of economics, and their relationship with other subjects, static and dynamic concepts, Basic concepts in economics, Nature of Economic Laws.

Basic Economic Problems

Production possibility curve, Basic economic problems of all societies.

Consumer's Behavior

Indifference curve theory, Characteristics of human wants, Consumers' surplus and indifference curves theory, Concept of utility Marshallian approach.

Law of Demand and Law of Supply

The concept of demand and the causes for the demand curve sloping downwards, Factors determining demand, Elasticity of demand, Factors determining Elasticity of demand, The concept supply, Factors or determinants for supply curve, shifts in supply curve.

Equilibrium Price

Concept of equilibrium, Concepts of static equilibrium and dynamic equilibrium, Diagram of equilibrium price, Time periods and price fixation.


Production function, The concept of production, The factors of production, Laws of returns and laws of returns to scale, Difference between Laws of Returns and Laws of Returns to Scale.

Cost and Revenue

Different kinds of costs and revenues,The concepts of cost and revenue, To develop the skills to draw diagrams and to prepare the tables,

Market Structure and Pricing

Structure and different kinds of the markets, Product differentiation,The characteristic features of the perfect and imperfect competition, Wastes of many monopolistic competition, Monophony.

Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution

The general theory of the income distribution, The marginal productivity and theory of factor pricing and its criticism, Theories of distribution and many more.

Simple Theory of Income Determination

The theory of income determination, Aggregate demand, and aggregate supply, consumption function, investment function, Govt.'s Spending, Shifts in aggregate demand, and more.

Monetary Policy

Money, Functions of money, money supply, Inflation, and Deflation.

Fiscal Policy

The concept of public finance and its importance, taxes, Budget, Limitations of fiscal policy.

What are Benefits of Tamilnadu 12th Question Papers?

Solving the questions papers have several benefits while preparing for the Tamil Nadu 12th board examination. A few benefits are listed below -

  • TN HSC 12th question papers help in understanding the exam pattern and marking scheme followed in the board examination.

  • The difficulty level of these question papers are strictly based on the latest pattern, hence students can prepare them accordingly.

  • By solving these question papers or sample papers students can check their level of preparedness. Knowing about them the students can work on their preparation strategy, even if to score well in the examination.

  • Students should solve the Tamilnadu 12th Question Papers in the provided time only to check their ability to handle the exam stress level. This is a way where students can improve their exam paper solving speed and try to score good marks.

Tips for Studying Economics

  • The syllabus of this subject is vast and one must always prepare written notes for each of the chapters which are clear to comprehend and learn as well.

  • There are many diagrams in both Micro and Macro Economics so the students can easily practice drawing precisely marked diagrams. Though, the students would score marks for their drawing abilities but unlabelled diagrams are surely not going to help them to score marks.

  • The Economics paper chiefly consists of many differences between notions and terms. One must prepare the differences in a good way and try to present them in a tabular format; where it can be explained precisely.

  • Practice the previous years’ question papers as it can help one to recognise the format of the questions and comprehend what really the examiner requires.

  • The day before the exams, do not exercise these questions, Just have a glance at the whole chapters and their concepts from the notes that you would have prepared.

Attempting the previous year’s question offers an opportunity to evaluate oneself and these should be attempted thoroughly as if you are attempting the actual exam. You can also evaluate the understanding of the topics and time factors. It also enhances the confidence level. You will be aware of a combination of easy and complicated questions and master the art of balancing to maximize scores which eventually matters. Also, there is a possibility that most of the questions may be repeated, or given with slight variations.