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Last updated date: 13th May 2024
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Hint: During the reign of the Han dynasty, the first Pax Sinica of the Eastern world appeared, coinciding with the Pax Romana of the Western world, which was originally led by the Roman Empire. When we translate the words ‘Pax Sinica’ from Latin we find that it is called the ‘Chinese Peace’.

 Complete answer:
In China long ago there was a time when there was a lot of peace and prosperity. It is called the Pax Sinica and it lasted for four-hundred years. To explain in detail about Pax Sinica; China experienced the Chinese Peace or Pax Sinica, during the reign of the Han emperors. The Han rulers formed a powerful central government to assist and protect the people. In several respects, the Han rulers maintained stability and prosperity.

They tried to maintain the peace by the following :
- They formed healthy habits like storing large quantities of food and other items and sold them during times of scarcity, thus stabilizing prices and feeding the public.
- Also for the betterment of the public they stopped offering important government roles to members of the royal family and instead chose the most competent leaders through a series of carefully written public assessments. So they were able to go on like this for a good four-hundred year period.

Note: This period is distributed over a course of a number of dynasties. The various dynasties are namely; Han dynasty, then came the Tang dynasty, followed by Yuan dynasty also Ming dynasty. Finally it was also there at the time of Qing dynasty and by then it was also called the ‘Pax Manjurica’ since the Qing dynasty rulers were very much ethnic Manchu.