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What percent of 1 day is 36 minutes?
A. 25%
B. 2.5%
C. 3.6%
D. 0.25%

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: We will first convert 1 day to 24 hours and 24 hours into minutes as $\left( 24\times 60 \right)=1440\min $. Then we will find the percentage of 36 minutes in one day using the formula, $\dfrac{\text{given time}}{\text{total time}}\text{ }\!\!\times\!\!\text{ 100}$, where the given time is 36 minutes and the total time is 1440 minutes.

Complete step-by-step solution:
It is given in the question that we have to find the percentage of 36 minutes in one day. So, first we will find the total number of minutes in one day. We know that 1 day = 24 hours and that 1 hour = 60 minutes. Now, we will use the unitary method to find the total number of minutes in a day. So for that, let us first understand what a unitary method is. A unitary method is a mathematical approach, in which we will first find the value of one unit and then we will multiply the value of one unit with the required data.
Here, we know that, 1 hour = 60 minutes.
So, 24 hours = $\left( 24\times 60 \right)\min \Rightarrow 1440\min $.
Now, we know that the formula of percentage is given by, $\dfrac{\text{given data}}{\text{total data}}\text{ }\!\!\times\!\!\text{ 100}$. So, we can substitute the value of the given data as 36 minutes and the value of the total data as 1440 minutes.
So, the percentage of 36 minutes in one day can be written as, $\dfrac{36}{1440}\times 100$. 
 $ \Rightarrow \dfrac{360}{144} $
 $ \Rightarrow 2.5%  $ 
Therefore, we get that 36 minutes is 2.5% of one complete day.
Hence, option (B) is the correct option.

Note: This is a very basic question on percentage problems, but the students generally make mistakes by not converting all the given data into the same unit. Here, in the given question, either we have to convert 36 minutes into hours or we have to convert 24 hours into minutes. It is recommended to convert all the given data into the same unit in order to find the percentage.