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Find the difference between the place value and the face value of the digit 9 is 459326.

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
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Hint: Write the position of all the digits in the given number. Then, write the place value of the digit 9 corresponding to its position in the number. Then, write the face value of 9. We will find the difference between the place value and face value of 9 by subtracting the face value from place value.

Complete step-by-step answer:
In the given number, 459326, we can see that 6 is one place, 2 is in the tens place, 3 is in the hundredth place, 9 is at thousandth place, 5 is at ten-thousandth place and 4 is at hundred-thousandth place.
And the place value of the digit is the value of the digit according to its positions in the number.
Hence, the place value of the digits of the number are as follows:-
  6 = 6 \\
  2 = 20 \\
  3 = 300 \\
  9 = 9000 \\
  5 = 50,000 \\
  4 = 4,00,000 \\
Hence, the place value of 9 is 9000
The face value of the digit is the value equal to digit.
Then, the face value of 9 is 9.
We want to find the difference between the place value and face value of 9 in the number 459326.
Then, we will subtract 9 from 9000 to find the difference between the place value and face value of 9 in the number 459326.
Thus, $9000 - 9 = 8991$

Note: Students should know about the place value and face value of a digit in any given number. Place value helps us know the value of each digit in any number. When we add all the places values of the digits, we get the same number back.