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What is the difference between resemblance and semblance?

Last updated date: 14th May 2024
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Hint: Resemblance and Semblance are two common words with different meanings. Both words are referred to as a noun and can be used in varying ways in a sentence.

Complete step by step answer:
1. The word resemblance is a noun that means looking alike or similar identical properties in a person, place, or thing. 1. The word semblance is a noun that is associated with the outer appearance of something real. It indicates a specious appearance or shows that aren’t fake or is generally true to the identity.
2. Example of Resemblance - There is no resemblance between Jordan and his sister. 2. Example of Semblance - The State suffered from the political necessity of avoiding the outward semblance that is the result of aggression.

Resemblance can be used in a sentence in the following ways:
1. Kate doesn’t look exactly like her mother, but there is some resemblance.
2. There was a distant resemblance between John and Lily.
Semblance can be used in a sentence in the following ways:
1. In Persia alone was there even a semblance of constitutional government?
2. Babylonians were intended to flatter by the arrangements.

Note: The major difference between resemblance and semblance lies in the appearance of a person or thing. When semblance can be judged for an individual, the resemblance can only be compared between two. Semblance is a trait or property whereas resemblance is the comparison between an individual appearing like another individual.