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Boojho and Paheli performed experiments taking similar bulbs and cells but two different solutions. A and B as shown in Fig.14.1. They found that the bulb in the setup A glows more brightly as compared to that of the setup B. You would conclude that
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A. Higher current is flowing through the circuit in setup A.
B. Higher current is flowing through the circuit in setup B.
C. Equal current is flowing through both the circuits.
D. The current flowing through the circuits in the two setup cannot be compared in this manner.

Last updated date: 14th May 2024
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Hint: concept of current flow will be used for finding the more brightness of the bulb when you compare both of two.
$P = {I^2}R$
Where P is power, I is the current flowing in the circuit and R is the resistance.

Complete step by step answer:
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After experiments, Boojho and Paheli found the Bulb setup A glows more brightly as compared to that of setup use. Now come to the expiation.
We know that power is given by
$P = {I^2}R$
From above it is clear that the power output of the bulb depends upon the current and the resistance.
As for both the setups resistance is the same. So the bulb from whose strong current passes will glow more brightly than the other. As the bulb glows brightly in set up A as compared to B. So, Current flow in solution A (setup A) is strong enough through solutions in setup A for the flow brightly.
Hence, after all comparison between and analysis the reason for brightness we find the current in setup A is more than current in setup B. So, set A has more brightness of bulb.
So, we do comparison of current and we solve the comparison of brightness.

So, the correct answer is “Option A”.

 (i) Firstly comparison current for both setup A and setup B.
(ii) Comparison the brightness of the bulb for both settings.
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