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Assertion Silver bromide is used in photography.
Reason Silver bromide is used in photography is because silver bromide is photosensitive. It decomposes and is converted into metallic silver grains when light is incident on it.
A. Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
B. Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
C. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
D. Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect.

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
Total views: 393.3k
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Hint: Silver halide is an inorganic compound. It can be prepared easily from the reaction of silver nitrate with alkyl halides. Silver halides are sensitive to sunlight. In presence of sunlight they decompose. That is why silver halides are kept in a dark bottle.

Complete step by step answer:
In the case of photochemistry, due to the light sensitivity of the silver halides, they can be used as the key to the photographic process. Tiny crystals of these halides are used in making the photographic film. When they are exposed to light they can react with light and make the darken to create an image.
Silver bromide is photosensitive. Silver bromide is used in photography as a component of emulsion which helps to create a photographic image. Due to its light sensitivity, when silver bromide is suspended into gelatin, silver bromide creates a photographic emulsion.
So, Silver bromide is used in photography because when it is exposed to sunlight it decomposes and is converted into metallic silver grains.

So, the correct option is A.

A colloid is a mixture of particles of nanometers in diameter, also called colloidal dispersions because the substances remain dispersed and do not settle at the bottom. They may either dissolve macromolecules or may represent a separate phase, such as powders, emulsions, aerosols, etc.
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