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A couple went for a picnic. They have 5 sons and each son has three sisters. Each sister has one baby. In total how many people went for the picnic?

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 329.4k
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Hint: In the given question we can see that it is a kind of word problem where we are given various conditions and we need to tell the total number of people who went to picnic. In the question we are given relations between couples and their children and also includes children’s of children’s.

Complete step by step answer:
According to the given question we know that the couple went to the picnic and they have five sons and since each son has three sisters that means that they also have three daughters.
Now, we have taken three daughters because we are given that each son has three sisters and the sisters are the same for all the five sons.
Also, we are given that each sister has one baby this implies that we have no. of babies as three.
Now, we are completed with the relations and number of people who went to the picnic. In order to get the number lets sum all the as:
Couple=2 members
Total members =13

Therefore, the total number of people who went to picnic are 13.

Note: In the given question, a very common mistake is that we don’t read the relations carefully and then the terms or words used creates confusion and we lead to wrong answers. Also, sometimes such questions are easy so we don’t need to make it complicated during the calculations.