Important Topics for NEET UG 2025
NEET UG 2025 syllabus is released by NTA, containing all the important topics that should be prepared by the candidates before appearing for the examination. After analysing the previous year's question paper for NEET UG and understanding the examination paper, here is the well-prepared list of Important Topics and Chapters for NEET UG 2025.
Note: 👉Get a Head Start on Your Medical Career with the NEET Rank and College Predictor 2025.
NEET UG 2025: Important Biology Chapters
Students appearing for NEET UG are aspiring to be medical professionals. Therefore, they focus more on biology compared to other subjects. Thus, to assist in their preparation, here is a list of important chapters and topics from classes 11 & 12 they should look into.
Class 11 Biology Chapters for NEET UG 2025
Class 12 Biology Chapters for NEET UG 2025
NEET UG 2025: Important Chemistry Chapters
Experts consider the chemistry section as the most scoring area. The questions in this section are less tricky when compared to that of physics and biology. Therefore, a detailed weightage of chapters in NEET UG 2025 for chemistry can help candidates to prepare more thoroughly.
Class 11 Chemistry Chapters for NEET UG 2025
Class 12 Chemistry Chapters for NEET UG 2025
NEET UG 2025: Important Physics Chapters
Last but not the least, physics is the other subject that students have to study for this exam. Furthermore, medical students often struggle with this subject, and they tend to leave it aside. Usually, they find it hard to figure out the important topics and often get confused.
However, physics can be a deciding factor in this exam if prepared well. Thus, candidates should note the following comprehensive NEET UG weightage of physics to score more in this exam.
Class 11 Physics Chapters for NEET UG 2025
Class 12 Physics Chapters for NEET UG 2025
NEET UG 2025 Biology: Chapterwise Questions from Botany section
NEET UG 2025 Biology: Chapter-wise Questions from Zoology section
Important Topics For NEET UG 2025 Biology
Here, mentioned are some chapters and their important topics for the aspirants to focus on:
Human Physiology: All of the topics are essential for learning. The diagrams in this chapter need more attention.
Genetics And Evolution: The Dihybrid cross, Linkage, co-dominance, Pedigree Analysis, Genetic Disorders, Darwinism and Natural Selection, and Human Evolution are all covered in this chapter.
Ecology and Environment: This chapter needs aspirants to understand the fundamentals of all environmental issues, such as biogeochemical cycles and various environmental processes, as well as population interactions, adaptations, and succession.
Biotechnology: Processes and applications, BT cotton, RNAi, Human insulin, Gene therapy, and molecular diagnostics are all key points to remember in biotechnology.
Biology in Human Welfare: Human immunity, AIDS, Cancer and Drugs are the important sections from this chapter.
Reproduction: The most of questions from these sections, Gametogenesis in plants, Gametogenesis in humans, Reproductive structures in plants and animals, Polyembryony, Parthenocarpy, and Apomixis, menstrual cycle are covered in this chapter.
Plant physiology: TAnother chapter with a lot of diagrams is this one. Apart from that, the C3, C4 cycle, Kranz anatomy, Glycolysis and Krebs cycle, Photoperiodism, Bulk movement in Phloem, Mineral deficiency & Nitrogen cycle, Transpiration pull, and ETS complexes are some more topics to concentrate on.
Plant Kingdom: This chapter will cover general topics such as pteridophytes and gymnosperm characteristics, as well as different species of algae and their pigments.
Biological classification: For this chapter, the general characteristics of Monera, Protista, and Fungi are sufficient.
Structural Organisation In Plants And Animals: The aspirants must go over root, stem, and leaf anatomy. Also, animal tissues and their functions, particularly epithelial tissues, are studied.
Cell: Structure And Functions: All of the definitions for Mycoplasma, nucleus, chromosomes, ribosomes, chloroplast, and mitochondria in this chapter must be remembered in order to score well in the exam.
NEET UG 2025 chemistry: Important sections with total marks
Important Topics For NEET UG 2025 Chemistry
Here are the top chapters mentioned according to their importance for NEET UG Chemistry 2025:
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: The importance of Valence Bond Theory, Hybridization, and the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory is highlighted in this chapter.
Solutions: This chapter will concentrate on ideal and non-ideal solutions, as well as Colligative properties.
Equilibrium: Ionisation of acids and bases, as well as the Solubility Equilibria of sparingly soluble salts, are all discussed in this chapter of Organic Chemistry.
Coordination Compounds: Another important chapter in Organic Chemistry is coordination compounds. Bonding in coordination compounds and stability of coordination compounds are two important considerations.
Atomic Structure: The primary subjects to learn in this chapter are the Bohr model for the hydrogen atom and the Quantum mechanical model of the atom.
Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers: This chapter in the Inorganic Chemistry part is extremely important. Every aspirant for NEET UG 2025 should understand the properties of alcohols and phenols.
Some Basic Principles and Techniques: Many scoring questions based on isomerism and essential concepts in the organic reaction mechanism can be found in this chapter.
NEET UG 2025 Physics: Chapter Wise Number of Questions
Important Topics For NEET UG 2025 Physics
While preparing for NEET UG, the aspirants must learn the following topics mentioned below as they consist the major part of the Physics section for NEET UG 2025:
Electrostatics: Electric Charges and Field, Electrostatic Potential, and Capacitance should all be given more attention in electrostatics.
The Motion of System Of Particles and Rigid Body: Particles and the rotational motion system are key topics for this chapter.
Properties Of Bulk Matter: Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, and Thermal Properties of Matter are among the most important topics covered in this chapter.
Oscillations and Waves: A general understanding of the concept and function of oscillation and waves should be prepared.
Current Electricity: For NEET UG 2025, the entire chapter comprises important numerical and theoretical concepts.
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents: To score well in this chapter, students must have a thorough understanding of the theory as well as numerical parts.
Optics: For this chapter, aspirants must study Ray Optics, Optical Instruments, and Wave Optics.
Electronic Devices: Semiconductor Electronics is important in this chapter because it covers the majority of the questions.
Find links for Previous Year's Question Papers Below
NEET UG Question Paper 2015 with Answers Keys - (Code A, B, C, D)
NEET UG 2016 Phase-II Question Paper with Answers and Solutions - Code AA, XX, ZZ
NEET UG 2016 Phase-I Question Paper with Answers and Solutions - Code A, X, Y, Z
NEET UG Question Paper 2017 with Answers Keys - (Code A, B, C, D)
Tips while covering Important Chapters, Topics and Previous Year Question Papers for NEET UG 2025
Before covering the important chapters of NEET UG 2025, candidates are advised to seek professional opinions on what every aspirant should know. Aspirants are suggested to go over the following things while studying the subject-wise NEET UG 2025 chapters.
Revise the concept on a frequent basis.
As much as possible, practise a mock test or a previous year's paper.
Studying should be done in a systematic manner.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle and get enough sleep.
The Important Topics for NEET UG-UG 2025 - Biology, Physics, and Chemistry will help Candidates prepare a plan for the NEET UG exams. This will also help the candidate to understand the pattern of the NEET UG exam and how it has changed over the years.
Moreover, having a comprehensive guide about NEET UG chapter-wise weightage can be of great help. Based on such a guide, candidates can count on chapters and topics, which appear more in the exam when compared to others. Also once candidates finish all-important chapters, candidates can start solving some great Vedantu NEET UG mock tests which will also provide candidates with a realistic view of the exam.
As Exam is just around the corner, and the Candidate must rank higher in this exam to secure admission to one of the top medical colleges in India. Moreover, this extended period due to the global pandemic can be a blessing for candidates if candidates can use it properly. Furthermore, during this time, candidates can go through the important chapters for NEET UG 2025 and refer to the previous year's questions for better preparation.
Besides preparing the important topics for NEET UG-UG, candidates should also take care of candidatesr health. Moreover, create a schedule comprising both revisions and solving of questions papers for more comprehensive preparation.
FAQs on NEET Important Topics 2025 (All Subjects)
1. What is the Duration of the NEET UG 2025 Exam?
The duration of the NEET UG 2025 exam is 3 hours. Moreover, there will be a total of 180 questions, and the total marks are 720.
2. How Many Sections are there in the NEET UG Exam?
There are a total of three sections in this exam, containing physics, chemistry and biology. The physics and chemistry section comprises 50 questions each and aspirants should attempt 45 from each subject. On the other hand, the biology section has 100 questions and aspirants should attempt 90.
3. What is the Marking Scheme for this NEET UG 2025 Exam?
The marking scheme for this exam is +4 for every correct answer, and -1 for every wrong answer. However, there is no deduction of marks in case of unanswered questions.
4. What is the exam pattern that was followed in NEET UG 2025 exam?
According to the NEET UG 2025 exam pattern the student was asked to fill in an OMR sheet to record the responses. The total marks that were assigned to the NEET UG 2025 exam were 720 marks. Each question would carry a total of 4 marks. This means that if a candidate gets an answer right he or she will get a total of 4 marks for the right answer. However, if a candidate gets an answer wrong, he or she will have a mark cut from the answer owing to a negative marking system. There were a total of 180 questions that needed to be answered. The duration was for about 3 hours.
5. What are some of the most Important Topics for NEET UG 2025 Biology that cannot be skipped?
As it has been seen throughout the years, the highest weightage is provided to Biology. Hence it is important that candidates are clear about all the topics and the content provided in Biology to score good marks. Biology is more theoretical in nature allowing candidates to remember stuff and not forge a lot of concepts. However, a clear understanding of all the chapters that are present along with the most important ones will be very necessary. The topics that are important for Biology can be provided as follows:
A. Important Chapters for Botany subject in NEET UG exam:
Genetics and Evolution: Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Molecular basis of inheritance and evolution
Cell Structure and function
Cell: the unit of life
Ecology and Environment: Environmental issues, biodiversity, and conservation
B. Important chapters for Zoology subject in NEET UG exam:
Reproduction: Human reproduction, reproductive health
Biotechnology: biotechnology and its applications, processes, and principles
Human Physiology: Chemical coordination, digestion, and absorption, nervous system, locomotion, and movement.
6. What are some of the most Important Topics for NEET UG 2025 Chemistry that cannot be skipped?
Chemistry might be the only scoring subject out of all the three subjects that are present. However, making sure that candidates keep handy all the Chemistry formulae and reactions is a must for a smooth paper. Some of the most important topics that need to be covered can be provided as follows:
Inorganic Chemistry: s-block Elements, p-block elements, d- and f-block elements, coordination compounds, chemical bonding, and molecular structure
Physical Chemistry: Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics
Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons and their substituents, carboxylic acids, aldehydes and ketones, alcohols, phenols, and others.
7. What are some of the most Important Topics for NEET UG 2025 Physics that cannot be skipped?
Physics can be somewhat problematic to a lot of students. The reason for it might be due to the type of numerical involved or the long and hard derivations to get the formula. Solving the questions to get a real feel of the subject is necessary to do well in the exams. The important chapters can be provided as follows:
Mechanics: a system of particle and rigid body, Mechanics of solids and fluids, work and energy, kinematics, laws of motion
Heat and Thermodynamics: Thermal properties of matter, thermodynamics
Electricity and Magnetism: current electricity, moving charges and magnetism, electrostatic potential and its capacitance
8. How to pay effective attention to all the chapters that are needed to study for the NEET UG 2025 exam?
NEET UG 2025 is an exam that most students might find difficult. As they need to practice all three subjects and understand the concepts of not only the 12th standard but also the 11th standard. Hence studying hard is something candidates should do. But along with studying hard, it is important that candidates study smart. This helps candidates to finish off a lot of concepts while also keeping up with the time schedule. Even though it might seem hard to score well, however with proper planning and attention it is possible to score well.