NCERT Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 2 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 2 Kings and Kingdoms
1. What Was the Main Reason for Rashtrakutas Becoming Powerful?
The Rashtrakuta empire covered large parts of the Indian subcontinent and was one of the most powerful empires during its time. The most historical inscription of the Rashtrakuta dynasty is a 7th-century copper plate that gave a detailed map of the dynasty’s rule from Manapura located in Central or West Asia. The rashtrakutas were the subordinate to the Chalukyas, and it was in the mid-18th century that Dantidurga, who was a Rashtrakuta chief overthrew the Chalukya chief and conducted the hrinaya-garbha ritual with the assistance of Brahmanas. The Rsthrakutas fought battles with the Palas and Gujura Prathiharas and managed to establish an empire covering Karnataka as well as Rajasthan.
2. State the Activities That Were Associated With the Temples in the Chola Kingdom?
The Chola dynasty was a Tamil kingdom located in the southern part of the country and is referred to as one of the longest-ruling empires in world history. The Cholas were based around the fertile land of the Kaveri river, but they occupied a significantly larger area at the height of their power. The temples occupied a very important position in the empire, and they were the centres of craft while also being the nuclei around which the settlements developed. The temples not only were a place of worship but played a significant role in the cultural, social and economic life of the kingdom. The bronze images crafted in these temples are often considered the finest in the world.
3. Who were the Samantas from Class 7 History Chapter 2?
The Samantas were the warrior chiefs or the big landlords that existed between the seventh - twelfth centuries in the Indian continent. They were recognized as subordinates to the kings. The Samantas were supposed to bring presents for their kings. But soon these Samantas started gaining more power and independence - they began calling themselves maha Samanta or maha-madaleshvara. They began asserting their dominance over their regions and even their overlords or kings.
4. Who is Rashtrakutas from Class 7 History Chapter 2?
The Rashtrakutas were the subordinates to the Chalukyas of the Deccan kingdom. But in the Eighth century, Dantidurga, one of the Rashtrakutas chiefs overthrew and asserted dominance over his Chalukya overlord. Dantidurga performed a ritual with the help of the Brahmanas that led to the rebirth of a Kshatriya, even if Dantidurga was not a Kshatriya by birth. Rashtrakutas soon became very powerful and started controlling their land.
5. What do you mean by a tripartite struggle between Kings And Kingdoms?
There were some conflicting areas in the Indian subcontinent on which multiple kingdoms had their eyes on. One such area of conflict amongst dynasty rulers was Kanauj, a city in the valley of the Ganges. There was a tussle for control over this land between Gurjara Pratihara, Rashtrakutas, and the Pala dynasty. Since there were three parties involved in this conflict over Kanauj, the struggle between them was termed as a tripartite struggle.
6. Who was Mahmud Ghazni as discussed in Class 7 Chapter 2 History?
Sultan Mahmud Ghazni was an Afghan ruler who expanded his control over Central Asia and the northwest Indian subcontinent. Mahmud Ghazni used to plunder the temples in the Indian subcontinent and take all the wealth for establishing his capital in Ghazni. One such temple was the Somanath temple of Gujarat. He wanted to know more about his subjects so he asked a scholar, Al Biruni, to write an account on the Indian subcontinent. This was called “Kitab ul-Hind”.
7. How did the Cholas rise to power?
A small chiefly family called Mutharaiyar used to control the delta on Kaveri. The Muttaraiyar were subordinate to the Pallava rulers of Kanchipuram. Vijalaya, a member of a chiefly family of the Cholas in Uraiyur, gained control over the Kaveri delta after defeating the Muttaraiyar. Vijalaya established the Thanjavur town and a very famous temple for Nishumbhasudini. The Cholas soon became more powerful and started gaining control over other nearby kingdoms including the territories of the Pallava and the Pandyan.
8. What is the main focus of History Class 7 Chapter 2 Kings and Kingdoms?
History Class 7 Chapter 2 focuses on the rise and administration of various dynasties in ancient India, such as the Cholas, Palas, and Rashtrakutas. It highlights the roles of kings, their governance, and key historical events.
9. Why is it important to study Kings and Kingdoms?
Studying Class 7 History Chapter 2 Questions and Answers PDF helps us understand the political and cultural evolution of ancient India. It provides insights into how kingdoms were managed and the impact of their rule on society and culture.
10. What are the key topics covered in Chapter 2 History Class 7?
Kings and Kingdom Class 7 Questions and Answers Key topics include the responsibilities and roles of kings, the administrative structure of kingdoms, military strategies, and significant events and contributions of major dynasties.
11. How many questions from History Chapter 2 Class 7 appeared in the previous year's exams?
From History Chapter 2 Class 7 around 5 questions were asked from this chapter in the previous year's exams. These questions typically cover the important dynasties, key events, and the administrative aspects of their reigns.
12. How does The New Kings and Kingdoms Class 7 PDF help in preparing for exams?
The New Kings and Kingdoms Class 7 PDF provides detailed explanations of key concepts, important questions, and answers. They help students understand the historical context better and prepare effectively for their exams.