Class 11 NCERT Solutions Indian Economic Development - Chapter 7 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Economics Chapter 7 Environment and Sustainable Development
1. How did the term ''sustainable development'' come into being?
In the 1970s, global organizations realized that we could not further develop as if the world had unlimited resources. In light of this conclusion, in 1980, the International Union for Conservation of Nature published a paper named World Strategy for Conservation, during which the phrase "sustainable development" appeared for the first time. In 1987, it surfaced again, during a paper published by the World Commission on Environment. Named ''Our Common Future'', more broadly referred to as the Brundtland Report, this work propelled "sustainable development" alongside its definition into common usage. From then on the term gained importance, and became a prominent factor in every aspect of development.
2. Why is sustainable development often linked to the environment?
In the 1970s, environmental organizations gave out the alarm about the growth in economic activity and hence, the ceaseless exploitation of natural resources, which too frequently were degrading to the environment. Their attempts to sensitize people to the environmental downside of development bore fruit, and slowly there appeared an environmental consciousness in societies around the world. It explains why, during the 1980s, the idea of sustainable development was linked to protecting the environment. However, sustainable development is a far broader concept, one that puts people at the center of decision-making. It brings a fresh way of conceiving and implementing development in which economic, social, and environmental considerations are taken into account.
3. What are the functions of the environment?
The functions of the environment are as follows,
Supplying of resources - The non-renewable and renewable sources of energy are given to us by the environment.
Assimilation of wastes - The waste that gets produced during the production and consumption process is absorbed by the environment.
Sustaining life - The environment gives us elements like soil, air, water, etc., that help in the sustenance of life.
Other services - The environment gives us beautiful views in the form of sceneries that include rivers, oceans, deserts, mountains, etc.
4. What are the consequences of the environmental crisis?
The consequences of the environmental crisis are as follows,
Development and pollution have led to the drying up of rivers and other natural resources. This has also led to the deterioration in the quality of water.
The extraction of renewable and non-renewable resources on a large scale has led to the exhaustion of some of the most vital elements.
There is an increase in air and water pollution leading to many respiratory and water-borne diseases.
5. What is global warming, and what are its long-term effects?
Global warming points at the gradual increase in the temperature of the lower atmosphere of the Earth. This is caused by the increase in carbon dioxide levels. This is a man-made condition. Global warming also results because of greenhouse gases, as a result of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.
Global warming has resulted in the melting of the polar ice which has resulted in the rise in sea levels. This has affected mankind in the form of flooding. Global warming has also given rise to frequent tropical storms. The most commonly realizable effect of global warming has been the gradual rise in atmospheric temperature.
6. What is land degradation? What are some factors responsible for it?
Land degradation results from the depletion in the quality of the soil, water, and vegetation conditions. This is mostly caused by human activities. Some factors that have led to land degradation involve forest fires, overgrazing, loss of vegetation as a result of deforestation, shifting cultivation, overuse of fertilizers and pesticides, etc.
For more such insights into the chapter, it is important that the students read the chapter thoroughly. Along with this, it is also advisable that they refer to the NCERT Solutions Class 11 Economics by Vedantu.
7. Are the NCERT Solutions enough to prepare Class 11 Economics Chapter 7?
Yes, the NCERT solutions are enough to prepare Class 11 Economics Chapter 7. These solutions are prepared by experts and help to make the students exam-ready. They prepare the students in such a way that they are able to answer all the questions that are asked from any particular chapter with confidence. The language used is extremely simple and to the point, which makes the concepts crystal clear to the students. With the practise of these exercises, the students will no doubt attain perfection.