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Which of the following statement is/are correct
(A) Rhombic Sulphur is stable at room temperature
(B) Monoclinic Sulphur is stable at room temperature
(C) Both rhombic and monoclinic Sulphur has the molecular formula \[{S_8}\]
(D) Both rhombic and monoclinic Sulphur are soluble in $C{S_2}$

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Rhombic Sulphur is crystalline in nature and has octahedral shape. On heating the solution on roll Sulphur in $C{S_2}$ we get rhombic Sulphur whereas when we melt the rhombic Sulphur, we obtain monoclinic Sulphur.

Complete step by step answer:
Sulphur is found in group 16 in the periodic table. $0.17\% $ of the Earth’s crust consists of Sulphur. It is a non-metal and is obtained as a by-product after the production of the natural gas.
Moreover, Sulphur forms various allotropes. Its two most important allotropes are:
1. Rhombic Sulphur ($\alpha $Sulphur)
2. Monoclinic Sulphur ($\beta $Sulphur)
The allotropes of Sulphur are interconvertible i.e. rhombic Sulphur when heated above $369K$, gives monoclinic Sulphur.
However, the most stable form of Sulphur is rhombic Sulphur. Both rhombic and monoclinic Sulphur have the molecular formula ${S_8}$. The alternative packing of ${S_8}$ molecules gives different crystal structures.
As we heat the solution on roll Sulphur in $C{S_2}$, we get rhombic Sulphur and further when we melt the rhombic Sulphur we het monoclinic Sulphur and hence, both rhombic and monoclinic Sulphur are soluble in $C{S_2}$.
Therefore among the given options three options have been proved to be correct.

Hence, option A, C and D are correct.

Note: Sulphur has gained its importance just because of its uses. It is not only used in industries but also plays a vital role in our ecosystem by affecting the growth of the plants and this has led to the development of many Sulphur containing fertilizers.