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Difference Between Integral and Definite Integrals for JEE Main 2024


Integral and Definite Integrals: Introduction

One of the most important areas of mathematics is calculus. Calculus is a methodical approach to problem-solving that typically entails using integrals and derivatives to pinpoint function attributes or values. The core ideas in calculus are differentiation and integration. The two ideas are diametrically opposed to one another. The differential is the opposite of differential, whereas differential is the opposite of integral. Based on the outcomes they generate, integrals are categorized as integral and definite integrals. At the end of this article, one will be able to differentiate between integral and definite integrals, and what is integral and definite integrals.


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Difference Between Integral And Definite Integrals

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What is Definite Integrals?

A graph's curve's area can be determined using a definite integral. The start and endpoints are its boundaries, within which the area under a curve is determined. To select the area of the curve f(x), with respect to the x-axis, the limit points [a, b] can be used. The equivalent phrase for a definite integral is baf(x)dx.

Integration is the total of the areas, and the size inside bounds is determined using definite integrals.

Integration was first studied in the third century BC when it was used to calculate the areas of circles, parabolas, and ellipses. Let's find out more about definite integrals and their characteristics.

Properties of Definite Integral: 

If a function f is positive, then the definite integral ∫baf(x) dx can be represented as the area under the graph y=f(x), above the x-axis and between x=a and x=b.

This results in the following characteristics, which hold for integrable functions generally as well:

∫aaf(x) dx=0

(This is a vertical line segment's area with no width.)

∫baf(x) dx+∫cbf(x) dx=∫caf(x) dx

(In this case, the two nearby areas are added, and the result is expressed as a single definite integral.)

What is Integral?   

F'(x) = f(x) for all values of x in I. TF(x) is referred to as an antiderivative, Newton-Leibnitz integral, or primitive of a function f(x) on an interval I.

A region's area under a curve is represented by an integral. By drawing rectangles, we can roughly estimate an integral's true value. The area of the region enclosed by the graph of the supplied function between two points on the line can be used to illustrate a definite integral of a function. By dividing a region into small vertical rectangles and adding the lower and upper bounds, the size of the region may be calculated. Over an interval on which the integral is based, we provide an integral of a function.

Types of Integral: 

The following kinds of issues are resolved using integral calculus.

  1. A function must be found if its derivative is known.

  2. The issue of locating the region confined by the graph of a function under predetermined circumstances. Thus, there are two categories of integral calculus.

  • Integrals with definite values (whose values are known in advance)

  • Integrals with indefinite values (where C is a random constant and the value of the integral is undefined)

Method to Find Integral: 

The indefinite integrals can be found using a variety of techniques. The common techniques are:

  • Integrals can be found using the integration by substitution approach.

  • Using integration by parts to find integrals

  • Integrals can be found by integrating with partial fractions.

Key Concepts: 

  • The area above the x-axis less the area below the y-axis is known as the net signed area, and it may be calculated using the definite integral. 

  • Net signed area may be zero, negative, or positive.

  • The integrand, the integration variable, and the integration limits are the constituent elements of the definite integral.

  • Integrable continuous functions are those on a closed interval. Depending on the type of discontinuities, functions that are not continuous could nevertheless be integrable.

  • Integrals can be evaluated using the characteristics of definite integrals.

  • Many functions' areas under the curves can be determined using geometric formulas.

  • A function's average value can be determined using definite integrals.

Difference Between Integral and Definite Integrals:

The difference between the definite and indefinite integrals solutions is that, in the former, after integrating the given function, we simply obtain a number while, in the latter, we simply integrate the function and add an arbitrary constant. We can determine the value of that arbitrary constant and, thus, a suitable function, using beginning conditions.



Definite integral


An integral represents the process of finding the antiderivative (indefinite integral) of a given function.

A definite integral calculates the net signed area between a function and the x-axis over a specified interval.


∫ f(x) dx

∫[a, b] f(x) dx

Integration interval 

The indefinite integral does not have specified integration limits and includes a constant of integration (C).

The definite integral has fixed integration limits, denoted by 'a' and 'b', and yields a specific numerical value.

Graphical meaning

The indefinite integral is represented as a family of curves, each differing by a constant 'C', which represents a whole class of antiderivatives.

The definite integral corresponds to the area between the curve and the x-axis over the given interval, and it represents a single numerical value.


An indefinite integral gives a general solution, and additional information is required to find the particular solution.

A definite integral yields a precise numerical value that represents the accumulated area under the curve over the specified interval.


The differentiation of definite integrals is a significant concept in calculus, bridging the gap between integration and differentiation. Understanding this concept is crucial for aspiring mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and anyone working with complex mathematical models. By grasping the applications and techniques involved in differentiating definite integrals, one can unlock the full potential of calculus and apply it effectively to real-world problems. So, the next time you encounter a problem involving varying parameters, remember the power of differentiating definite integrals and its relevance in diverse fields.

FAQs on Difference Between Integral and Definite Integrals for JEE Main 2024

1. What is integral?

An integral is a mathematical notion that explains how concepts like displacement, area, and volume can be produced from infinitesimal data. Integration is the action of finding integrals. Calculus' fundamental and crucial operation of integration, like differentiation, can be used to resolve problems in mathematics and physics involving the area of an arbitrary form, the length of a curve, and the volume of a solid.

The following integrals are definite integrals, which are defined as the signed area of the plane region encircled by the graph of a given function between two points on the real line. Positive regions are those that are above the horizontal axis of the plane, and negative regions are those that are below. Integrals are functions whose derivative is the stated function, or antiderivatives. They are referred to as indefinite integrals in this instance.

2. What is definite integrals?

Finding the area of the curve is done using the definite integral, which is represented as baf(x).dx. , where a and b are the lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the function f(x), defined with reference to the x-axis. The antiderivative of the function f(x) is the definite integrals, and the upper and lower limits are used to determine the value of F(b) - F(a).

3. Write the practical use of definite integrals.

The area of curves like a circle, ellipses, and parabolas can be calculated using the definite integrals. In essence, integration methods are used to calculate the areas of asymmetrical shapes. Applying limits allows you to compute the area of a tiny space in definite integrals, which you can then manipulate to determine the area of the total space. Calculating a circle's area involves taking its integration with respect to the x-axis in the first quadrant, setting constraints from the origin to the radius, and multiplying that result by 4.

4. Differentiate between integral and definite integrals.

An indefinite integral has no integration bounds. When the lower and upper bounds are constants, a definite integral denotes a number. An extended family of functions, whose derivatives are f, is represented by the indefinite integral. Any two family functions will always differ from one another.

5. Are all definite integrals positive?

It's possible for an integral to be negative. The area between the x-axis and the curve under study over a specific time period is calculated using integrals. If the entire period is above the x-axis but below the curve, the outcome is positive.