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What are artificial sweetening agents? Give two examples.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 40.8k
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Hint: We know that artificial sweeteners are used to chemically sweeten food. These sweeteners are suitable for human consumption. A sweetener must be water soluble and it must bind to the receptor molecule present in our tongue.

Complete step-by-step solution:
The artificial sweeteners are suitable for human consumption. The first artificial sweetener discovered was Saccharin. Advantages of using artificial sweeteners are that they can control our weight, and also help in controlling the diabetes related issues in humans etc.
Two examples of artificial sweetening agents are: sucrolose and alitame.

Additional information:
Saccharin was actually found accidentally by a researcher at John Hopkins. He was doing some research on the derivatives of coal tar. Before lunch, he forgot to wash his hands. While eating he tasted something sweet on his fingers. After testing he found that the compound was benzoic sulfimide (saccharin), which is a derivative of coal tar.

Note: Artificial sweeteners are 300 times more sweetener than normal sugar. They are most used by the diabetic patients. They are used in soda, cold drinks, baked foods, puddings, canned foods, dairy products, jams and jellies, candies, powdered drink mixes etc.