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JEE Advanced Electric Current Important Questions


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Vedantu provides important questions for IIT JEE Advanced on Electric current with solved answers which help as a guide for students to follow the subject. Practising the important questions for JEE Advanced plays a vital role and they are provided chapter wise free PDF download option which makes students leverage their core areas and this provides a base to score additional marks in the exams. A comprehensive electric current important questions would work as a ready reckoner to students to be well prepared for their examinations.


JEE Advanced Important Questions


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JEE Advanced

Chapter Name:

Electric Current

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English Medium



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Chapter-wise Important Questions with PDF

Master the Concepts of JEE Advanced Physics Electric Current with Our Practice Papers

Want to improve your chances of success on the JEE Advanced Physics Electric Current exam? Download our JEE Advanced Physics Electric Current practice paper in PDF format. With targeted questions and in-depth solutions, you can identify and address any areas where you need improvement. Start practicing today and see the difference!

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Electric Current Important Topics for JEE Advanced

JEE Advanced important questions of electric current are formulated after careful and thoughtful consideration by our experienced tutors at Vedantu. In this chapter, students will learn about Ohm’s law, electric current, electric currents in conductors and Drift of electrons and the origin of resistivity. The most important concepts in this unit are Electrical energy, power, the combination of resistors and temperature dependence of resistivity. Examples of Kirchhoff's law, Wheatstone bridge and Meter bridge are given along with the supportive diagrams which help the students to have a tactful idea of the complete concept. 

The foundation of the students get stronger with these important questions and students can also learn various methods of solving problems and questions by practising them on a regular basis. The solutions are drafted in an easy language and also in a step by step manner to make the students understand them quickly. The chapter has a weightage of 6% to 7% in the main examination and this is also one of the most important chapters for JEE Advanced.


About JEE Advanced Electric Current Provided by Vedantu

Electricity is used for the operation of different electrical devices, including bulbs, refrigerators, fans, and more. Electric energy can be modified according to varied energy forms such as light, mechanical energy, or heat to make it more useful. The production of electricity is done via the movement of the electrons via the wire. The physics branches that deal in motion are known as current electricity. Current is one of the fundamental and important elements within both electronic and electrical technology. 

This topic is one of the hottest topics in IIT-JEE and due to high competition, each student wants to work on the best areas to stand ahead of peers. But, they have to do better than others to stand ahead. So, if you are also in a race to do the best, then you need to do something exceptional. Willing to do something different? Go for Vedantu material and you will prepare the best. All it takes is to do a thorough study and stick to regular time management. 

Keep solving, and keep gaining confidence in your ability!

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FAQs on JEE Advanced Electric Current Important Questions

1. How important is Electric Current for the JEE Examination?

Current is really an essential as well as fundamental element within electronic and electrical technology. The current that flows in a circuit must be used in varied methods from generating heat to causing circuits to switch and information is stored within an integrated circuit.

2. How many marks does the Electric Current section comprise in the JEE test?

The total marks for JEE Advanced have calculated 366 Marks. Every paper; Paper I and II carry a total of 183 Marks. The question paper comprises objective-type questions that consist of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) as well as Numerical type questions. The question paper is set in English and Hindi only, it is up to the student in which language he wants to attempt the questions. From Electric Current, you can expect a few crucial questions.

3. What are the fields of Electric Current?

There are two major fields; one is current electricity and the second is static electricity. Static Electricity is rubbing two objects together and making friction. And, current electricity is electric flow change across an electric field. Hope this helps you to comprehend.

4. Which chapters will I be able to skip for Electric Current?

You are not suggested to skip any of the topics in Electric current. You can skip the following topics for your JEE advanced test: 

  • Physics

  • Circular motion. List of concepts. Circular motion.

  • Laws of motion. List of concepts. Concept of Force.

  • Center of mass and collisions. List of concepts. Center of Mass.

  • Principles of Communication. List of concepts. Frequency Modulation. 

  • Heating and Chemical Effects of Current. List of concepts. 

  • Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.

5. How to download Electric Current study material from Vedantu?

IIT JEE exam that comprises JEE Main, as well as JEE Advanced, is one of the most crucial entrance exams for engineering aspirants. A student who qualifies for the JEE Main exam is considered eligible to seek admission in the top colleges as most of the institutions accept the scores of the exam. If you are looking for a reliable platform, go to Vedantu and you will be happy with the material available.