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JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2025 (Released)


JEE Advanced Updated Maths Syllabus 2025: Download The Topic-Wise PDF with Weightage

The revised JEE Advanced 2025 Maths Syllabus has been released, and Vedantu brings you the revised JEE Advanced syllabus for Maths in the form of downloadable FREE PDFs. It is important to have access to a comprehensive syllabus. It serves as a guide for your preparation, ensuring that all the important topics are covered.

JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2024

Using Vedantu's syllabus PDF can help you improve your JEE Advanced preparation. The syllabus for JEE Advanced Maths is divided into 8 units and covers a wide range of topics such as calculus, algebra, vectors, coordinate geometry, and trigonometry. The PDF also includes information about topic weightage, which can help you prioritise your studies more effectively, ensuring you focus on the most important areas.

JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus Topics

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JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus: 2025 Free PDF Download

Mathematics is extremely important in the JEE Main exam, it serves as a foundation for engineering. The JEE Advanced Maths syllabus 2025 covers a wide range of topics and is divided into the following sections:

  • Algebra

  • Calculus

  • Coordinate Geometry

  • Vectors

Each section of the syllabus is further divided into subsections, which covers specific topics. The syllabus is designed to be challenging, but it is also fair. Candidates who have a strong understanding of Maths should be able to score well on the JEE Advanced Maths exam.

Section A

Chapter Name


Sets, Relations and Functions

  • Sets and their representations, different kinds of sets (empty, finite and infinite), algebra of sets, intersection, complement, difference and symmetric difference of sets and their algebraic properties, De-Morgan’s laws on union, intersection, difference (for finite number of sets) and practical problems based on them.

  • Cartesian product of finite sets, ordered pair, relations, domain and codomain of relations, equivalence relation.

  • Function as a special case of relation, functions as mappings, domain, codomain, range of functions, invertible functions, even and odd functions, into, onto and one-to-one functions, special functions (polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, power, absolute value, greatest integer etc.), sum, difference, product and composition of functions.


  • Algebra of complex numbers, addition, multiplication, conjugation, polar representation, properties of modulus and principal argument, triangle inequality, cube roots of unity, geometric interpretations.

  • Statement of fundamental theorem of algebra, Quadratic equations with real coefficients, relations between roots and coefficients, formation of quadratic equations with given roots, symmetric functions of roots.

  • Arithmetic and geometric progressions, arithmetic and geometric means, sums of finite arithmetic and geometric progressions, infinite geometric series, sum of the first n natural numbers, sums of squares and cubes of the first n natural numbers.

  • Logarithms and their properties, permutations and combinations, binomial theorem for a positive integral index, properties of binomial coefficients. 


  • Matrices as a rectangular array of real numbers, equality of matrices, addition, multiplication by a scalar and product of matrices, transpose of a matrix, elementary row and column transformations, 

  • Determinant of a square matrix of order up to three, adjoint of a matrix, inverse of a square matrix of order up to three, properties of these matrix operations, diagonal, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices and their properties, solutions of simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables.

Probability and Statistics 

  • Random experiment, sample space, different types of events (impossible, simple, compound), addition and multiplication rules of probability, conditional probability, independence of events, total probability, Bayes Theorem, computation of probability of events using permutations and combinations.

  • Measure of central tendency and dispersion, mean, median, mode, mean deviation, standard deviation and variance of grouped and ungrouped data, analysis of the frequency distribution with same mean but different variance, random variable, mean and variance of the random variable.


  • Trigonometric functions, their periodicity and graphs, addition and subtraction formulae, formulae involving multiple and sub-multiple angles, general solution of trigonometric equations.

  • Inverse trigonometric functions (principal value only) and their elementary properties.

Analytical Geometry 

  • Two dimensions: Cartesian coordinates, distance between two points, section formulae, shift of origin.

  • Equation of a straight line in various forms, angle between two lines, distance of a point from a line; Lines through the point of intersection of two given lines, equation of the bisector of the angle between two lines, concurrency of lines; Centroid, orthocentre, incentre and circumcentre of a triangle.

  • Equation of a circle in various forms, equations of tangent, normal and chord. Parametric equations of a circle, intersection of a circle with a straight line or a circle, equation of a circle through the points of intersection of two circles and those of a circle and a straight line.

  • Equations of a parabola, ellipse and hyperbola in standard form, their foci, directrices and eccentricity, parametric equations, equations of tangent and normal.

  • Locus problems.

  • Three dimensions: Distance between two points, direction cosines and direction ratios, equation of a straight line in space, skew lines, shortest distance between two lines, equation of a plane, distance of a point from a plane, angle between two lines, angle between two planes, angle between a line and the plane, coplanar lines.

Differential Calculus 

  • Limit of a function at a real number, continuity of a function, limit and continuity of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, L’Hospital rule of evaluation of limits of functions.

  • Continuity of composite functions, intermediate value property of continuous functions.

  • Derivative of a function, derivative of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, chain rule, derivatives of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions.

  • Tangents and normals, increasing and decreasing functions, derivatives of order two, maximum and minimum values of a function, Rolle’s theorem and Lagrange’s mean value theorem, geometric interpretation of the two theorems, derivatives up to order two of implicit functions, geometric interpretation of derivatives.

Integral Calculus 

  • Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, indefinite integrals of standard functions, definite integrals as the limit of sums, definite integral and their properties, fundamental theorem of integral calculus.

  • Integration by parts, integration by the methods of substitution and partial fractions, application of definite integrals to the determination of areas bounded by simple curves. 

  • Formation of ordinary differential equations, solution of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree, separation of variables method, linear first order differential equations.


  • Addition of vectors, scalar multiplication, dot and cross products, scalar and vector triple products, and their geometrical interpretations.

JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2025: What's New and What Remains Unchanged?

The JEE Advanced Maths syllabus for 2025 has undergone some significant changes, while some topics remain unchanged. The syllabus is based on the latest NCERT textbooks for Class 11 and 12.

Revised Maths Syllabus:

The following are some of the minor changes in the revised JEE Advanced Maths syllabus:


New Topics Added

Syllabus Reduction


  • Vector Calculus: applications to lines, planes, and surfaces

  • Differential Equations: first order and higher order equations

  • Probability Distributions: binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions

  • Reduction in the number of formulas and a greater emphasis on problem-solving skills

  • Streamlining of certain topics, such as reducing the complexity of coordinate geometry and trigonometry

Overview of JEE Advanced 2025 Maths Topics 

The syllabus for JEE Advanced Maths typically covers a wide range of topics from Algebra and Calculus. To help you navigate through the vast JEE Advanced Maths syllabus, we have organized the topics into sections. Here are the key topics that you need to cover:


Algebra forms the foundation of many mathematical branches, including calculus and geometry. It deals with symbols, their relationships, and the operations performed on them. Key topics covered in the JEE Advanced Algebra syllabus include:

  • Sets, Relations, and Functions: Understanding the concept of sets, various types of relations, and the properties of functions is essential.

  • Complex Numbers: Complex numbers, their operations, and applications in solving equations and representing periodic phenomena are crucial.

  • Permutations and Combinations: These concepts involve counting techniques and arrangements of elements, with applications in probability and problem-solving.

  • Quadratic Equations: Understanding the nature of roots, graphical representation, and applications of quadratic equations is essential.

  • Binomial Theorem: The Binomial Theorem provides an expansion formula for powers of a binomial expression and has wide-ranging applications.

  • Sequences and Series: These concepts involve the study of ordered sets of numbers and their sums, with applications in various mathematical and real-world scenarios.

  • Matrices and Determinants: Matrices are rectangular arrays of numbers, while determinants are scalar values associated with matrices. Understanding their properties, operations, and applications is crucial.


Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and accumulation. It encompasses differential calculus, which studies instantaneous rates of change, and integral calculus, which deals with accumulation over intervals. Key topics covered in the JEE Advanced Calculus syllabus include:

  • Differential Calculus: Limits, differentiation rules, applications of derivatives to find maxima, minima, and tangents, and related rates problems are essential concepts.

  • Integral Calculus: Indefinite and definite integrals, their properties, applications to finding areas, volumes, and arc lengths, and differential equations are crucial topics.

  • Applications of Calculus: Calculus has wide-ranging applications in physics, engineering, economics, and other fields. Understanding its applications is essential for problem-solving.

Coordinate Geometry

Coordinate geometry deals with the representation and analysis of geometric shapes and figures using the coordinate system. It encompasses two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry. Key topics covered in the JEE Advanced Coordinate Geometry syllabus include:

  • Lines and Circles: Understanding the properties of lines, circles, their equations, and intersections is essential.

  • Parabolas, Ellipses, and Hyperbolas: These conic sections, their equations, properties, and graphical representation are crucial topics.

  • Three-Dimensional Geometry: Understanding the concepts of planes, lines in space, spheres, and their properties is important.


Vectors are quantities that have both magnitude and direction. They are used extensively in physics, engineering, and other fields. Key topics covered in the JEE Advanced Vectors syllabus include:

  • Vector Algebra: Vector addition, subtraction, dot product, cross product, scalar triple product, and their applications are essential concepts.

  • Applications of Vectors: Vectors have wide-ranging applications in physics, mechanics, kinematics, and other fields. Understanding their applications is crucial.

Weightage of Topics in JEE Advanced 2025 Maths

Understanding the importance of each topic in the JEE Advanced 2025 Maths syllabus is essential for successful exam preparation. You can better allocate your study time if you know which topics are more important. The following table shows the weightage of each topic:

JEE Advanced Maths – Weightage of Chapters


No of Questions


Weightage (in %)

Coordinate Geometry




Integral Calculus




Definite integration












Matrix & Determinants




Matrices & Determinants
















Differential Calculus




Application of Derivatives




Vector and 3D








Complex Numbers




Complex Numbers








Straight Line




Fundamentals of Mathematics




Fundamentals of Mathematics




Area under curve




Differential equation




Permutation & Combination




Permutation & Combination




Inverse Trigonometric function




Solution of Triangle




Trigonometric Ratio & identities








By focusing on topics with higher weightage, you can ensure that you cover the most important areas of the syllabus and maximize your chances of scoring well in the exam.

This above weightage distribution indicates that Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, and Algebra holds the highest weightage, followed by Geometry, Trigonometry, and Vectors each have a significant weightage and contribute a smaller portion to the overall Maths score. However, the topics listed above are the most important ones for the JEE Advanced 2025 Maths exam.

Why you should Download JEE Advanced 2025 Maths Syllabus PDF?

Maths plays a significant role in the JEE Advanced exam. The syllabus is divided into 7 units, each of which is assigned a weightage. The total weightage of the Maths syllabus is 30%. The chapters with the highest weightage are Calculus (35%), Algebra (30%), Coordinate Geometry (20%) and Vectors (15%).

Vedantu's JEE Advanced 2025 Maths Syllabus is available in PDF format for free. Simply navigate to the syllabus downloads section, select the Maths syllabus, and click to download the PDF file for FREE. This resource will give aspiring candidates a thorough overview of the topics and content they will need to prepare for the upcoming JEE Advanced 2025 examination.

JEE Advanced 2025 Maths Syllabus - Best Books for Reference

Preparing for the JEE Advanced 2025 Maths exam, which leads to admission to prestigious IITs. Candidates should concentrate their efforts primarily on the topics outlined in the JEE Advanced Maths syllabus PDF. It is critical that they refer the appropriate books to aid in their preparation. Here is a list of some of the best JEE Advanced 2025 Maths books:

Name of the Book


Reasons why this Book Stands Out as the Best Choice for JEE Advanced Maths

Class 11 and 12

NCERT books

Comprehensive coverage of JEE Maths syllabus, aligned with the JEE exam pattern

Class 11 and 12

RD Sharma

Clear explanations and step-by-step solutions, variety of practice problems

Coordinate Geometry-Plane Coordinate Geometry 

SL Loney

Strong conceptual foundation, detailed explanations

Geometry and Trigonometry Plane Trigonometry Part 1

SL Loney

In-depth coverage of trigonometry concepts, numerous solved examples

Objective Mathematics book for JEE Main & Advanced and other Engineering Competitive Exams

RD Sharma

Comprehensive coverage of JEE Maths syllabus, focus on problem-solving skills

Algebra- Higher Algebra 

Knight and Hall

Strong theoretical background, rigorous approach

Calculus- Problems in Calculus of One Variable

IA Moron

Develops problem-solving skills, tackles advanced concepts

Differential Calculus 

A Das Gupta

Clear and concise explanations, variety of practice problems

IIT JEE for Integral Calculus 

Amit Agarwal (Arihant Publications)

Focused on JEE exam pattern, comprehensive coverage of integral calculus concepts

Course in Mathematics for IIT JEE Main and Advanced

Tata McGraw (Hill Publications)

Comprehensive coverage of JEE Maths syllabus, emphasis on conceptual understanding

Algebra Textbook for Main and Advance

Dr. SK Goyal (Arihant Publications)

Focus on problem-solving skills, collection of challenging problems

These books cover a wide range of topics and offer detailed explanations, practice problems, and conceptual clarity, making them valuable resources for JEE Advanced 2025 Maths prep.

Other Important Links for JEE Advanced Maths 2025

Additional resources that go beyond the JEE Advanced 2025 Maths Syllabus can be found here. These hyperlinks lead to useful learning materials, practice papers, mock tests, and insights. You can improve your preparation, overcome challenges, and set yourself up for success by using these JEE Advanced 2025 resources. Dive into a world of learning opportunities designed to help you on your way to achieving your exam goals.

Reference Links


JEE Advanced Maths Practice Paper

Helps students familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and question types.

JEE Advanced Mock Test 2025

Allows students to simulate the actual exam environment and assess their time management skills.

JEE Advanced Sample Paper

Provides a comprehensive overview of the syllabus and helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses.

JEE Advanced Previous Paper Question Paper

Enables students to practice solving past year questions and gain insights into recurring concepts and exam trends.

Unlocking More Subjects: JEE Advanced Syllabus 2025 Resources

The JEE Advanced syllabus includes a wide range of Physics, chemistry, and mathematics courses. Because questions frequently need knowledge of numerous areas, it is important to be familiar with the concepts and formulas in all three subjects. By referring to other subjects, students can gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and be more prepared for the JEE Advanced exam. Find links to additional resources that extend beyond the JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2025.


Subject-Wise JEE Advanced 2025 Syllabus PDF


JEE Advanced Chemistry Syllabus 2025


JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus 2025


The JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2025 is a comprehensive guide for students aspiring to crack the prestigious engineering entrance exam. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from Algebra and Calculus to Coordinate Geometry and Vectors. By staying updated with the syllabus and understanding the weightage of each topic, you can effectively prioritize your study efforts and increase your chances of success in the exam. We encourage you to download the JEE Advanced 2025 Maths syllabus PDF and start your exam preparation with confidence.

FAQs on JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2025 (Released)

1. How do I prepare for both the JEE Advanced and the board exams at the same time?

JEE Main and 12th Board exams usually always occur at the same time. It forces the student to focus solely on JEE preparation. As a result, it is critical to study for both the board examinations and the JEE at the same time. Aspirants who choose the correct content, books, and tutoring are far more likely to succeed in the exam. Certain publications, such as NCERT and HC Verma, feature numerous questions from practical applications of principles that might help you study for both exams. Vedantu has all the materials that will be of great use when you face yourself against such a situation. Head over to the website and let our experts guide your way through.

2. What is the weightage for each topic in the JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2025?

The weightage for each topic in the JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus 2024 is not officially released by the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced. However, based on past years' question papers, it is estimated that the weightage for each topic is as follows:

Algebra: 30%

Calculus: 35%

Coordinate Geometry: 20%

Vectors: 15%

3. What is the JEE Advanced Mathematics Syllabus for 2025?

The JEE Advanced Mathematics Syllabus for 2025 is based on the syllabus for Classes 11 and 12 of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and other equivalent boards. It covers a wide range of topics, including algebra, calculus, coordinate geometry, and vectors.

4. What are the important chapters for each topic in the JEE Advanced Mathematics Syllabus?

Here are some of the important chapters for each topic in the JEE Advanced Mathematics Syllabus:

  • Algebra: Sets, relations, and functions, Complex numbers, Permutations and combinations, Quadratic equations, Binomial theorem, Sequences and series, Matrices and determinants

  • Calculus: Differential calculus, Integral calculus, Applications of calculus

  • Coordinate Geometry: Lines and circles, Parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas, Three-dimensional geometry

  • Vectors: Vector algebra, Applications of vectors

5. What is the difference between the JEE Main and JEE Advanced Mathematics Syllabus?

The JEE Main Mathematics Syllabus is less comprehensive than the JEE Advanced Mathematics Syllabus. The JEE Main Syllabus covers the essential topics from all four domains of mathematics: algebra, calculus, coordinate geometry, and vectors. The JEE Advanced Syllabus covers a more in-depth and rigorous treatment of these topics.

6. What is the syllabus for advanced maths?

The JEE Advanced Maths syllabus covers the following key topics:

  • Sets, Relations, and Functions: Understanding sets, various types of relations, and properties of functions.

  • Algebra: Matrices, determinants, permutations and combinations, quadratic equations, binomial theorem.

  • Trigonometry: Trigonometric identities, inverse trigonometry.

  • Calculus: Differential calculus (limits, continuity, differentiation, applications), integral calculus (integration, applications).

  • Analytical Geometry: Two-dimensional (lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas) and three-dimensional geometry (lines, planes, spheres).

  • Probability and Statistics: Basic concepts, random variables, probability distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion.

  • Vectors: Addition, scalar multiplication, dot and cross products, their geometrical interpretations.

7. Is advanced maths useful?

Advanced mathematics offers numerous benefits beyond the JEE Advanced exam:

  • Problem-solving skills: Advanced maths trains your mind to approach complex problems logically and systematically.

  • Analytical thinking: It strengthens your analytical abilities and critical thinking skills.

  • STEM fields: It forms the foundation for various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

  • Career opportunities: Strong maths skills are valuable in various careers like engineering, finance, data science, research, etc.

8. What is the difference between basic and advanced maths?

While basic maths covers fundamental arithmetic operations, algebra, and geometry, advanced maths delves deeper into:

  • More complex concepts: Advanced maths introduces concepts like calculus, vector analysis, probability theory, etc.

  • Abstraction and theoretical depth: It requires a higher level of abstraction and theoretical understanding.

  • Problem-solving complexity: Advanced maths problems often involve multistep solutions and require applying various concepts together.

9. How can I improve my advanced maths?

Here are some tips to improve your advanced maths skills:

  • Solid foundation: Ensure a strong grasp of basic maths concepts before diving into advanced topics.

  • Practice regularly: Solve problems consistently from various resources like textbooks, previous year papers, and mock tests.

  • Focus on understanding: Don't just memorize formulas; strive to understand the underlying concepts and their applications.

  • Seek help: Don't hesitate to seek guidance from teachers, tutors, or online resources when facing difficulties.

10. What are advanced maths skills?

Advanced maths skills encompass:

  • Problem-solving: Ability to analyse complex problems, identify relevant concepts, and apply them effectively.

  • Analytical thinking: Logical reasoning, critical thinking, and ability to draw conclusions from data.

  • Algebraic manipulation: Proficiency in handling algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities.

  • Calculus: Understanding of limits, differentiation, integration, and their applications in solving problems.

  • Geometry: Ability to visualize and manipulate geometric shapes, apply geometric theorems, and solve spatial reasoning problems.

11. Should I choose standard or advanced maths?

Choosing standard or advanced maths depends on your career aspirations:

  • Engineering and STEM fields: If you aim for engineering, physics, or other STEM fields, pursuing advanced maths highly recommended.

  • Other fields: If your career path doesn't heavily rely on advanced mathematical concepts, standard maths might suffice.

Remember, a strong foundation in advanced mathematics opens doors to various opportunities and strengthens your analytical and problem-solving abilities, regardless of your chosen field.