NSEJS Sample Papers With Solutions
FAQs on NSEJS Exam Sample Paper 1
1. Is NSEJS a MCQ?
Yes, the National Standard Examination in Junior Science Sample Papers has MCQ format.
2. Can Class 9 give the NSEJS exam?
Yes, the eligibility criteria of NSEJS states that students in high school who are in the 10th or lower classes and have not yet completed their 10th board examination with passing marks before November 2022 can apply for NSEJS 2022 exam.
3. What should I study for NSEJS?
The NSEJS tests students on the class 10 CBSE syllabus of Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
4. Can we give NSEJS twice?
Yes, the NSEJS exam can be taken twice.
5. How many students appeared for NSEJS?
Annually, more than 80000 students appear for NSEJS countrywide.
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