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NDA 2 General Ability Test Mock Test


Mock Test for NDA 2 General Ability Test

NDA 2 general ability mock test is a must-have study resource for the candidates to prepare questions based on English and General Knowledge better for the upcoming NDA 2 exam available by Vedantu here. The subject experts at Vedantu designed the mock test for the NDA 2 general ability test after a detailed analysis of the General ability syllabus, exam pattern, marking scheme, and previous year's question paper. The mock test is designed to level up your General knowledge and prepare you better for the general ability exam.

Practising NDA 2 general ability mock test teaches you the most effective way to solve  the question in the exam. This eventually helps you to reduce your negative marks and improve your overall score in the exam. So,  waiting for what, start practising Vedantu’s NDA 2 mock test general ability test free and work towards your goal without wasting any more time.

The written exam date for the NDA 2 exam has been announced by the United Public Service Commission (UPSC). The exam is scheduled for September 4, 2022. As only a few days are left, it's time to do rigorous revisions of previously learned concepts to get an edge over the others and clear the exam with excellent scores. This can be best done by solving previous years’ papers and frequently taking mock tests.

Mock tests for NDA 2 general ability tests provide you will a detailed outlook of the NDA 2 general ability exam layout, format, and typology of common questions.  It is a great tool to analyse your preparation, positive points, and weaknesses and work on them efficiently.

Note:  Vedantu’s NDA 2 General Ability Test mock test can be attempted both online and offline. If you wish to attempt offline, you can download NDA 2 general ability test mock test pdf with a single click on the link below. NDA 2 general ability test mock test PDF is available free of cost.

NDA 2 General Ability Test (GAT) Mock Test 2022

NDA Exam 2022 Key Highlights

Name of The Exam

National Defence Academy

Conducting Body

Union Public Service Commission


Twice in a year (April & September 2022)

Selection Process

The NDA 2 Selection Process has two parts:

  • Written Test

  • SSB Interview

Written Text includes Multiple Choice Questions or Objective Type

SSB Interview includes Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test.

Exam Mode


Paper In NDA Exam


General Ability Test

Marks Distribution

Mathematics: 300 Marks

GAT: 600 Marks

Total Number of Questions

Mathematics: 120

GAT: 150 

Marks for each correct answer

Mathematics: 2.5

GAT: 4

Negative Marking

Mathematics: 0.83

GAT:: 1.33

Exam Duration

2.5 hours for each paper (5 hours total)

Question Paper Language

English & Hindi

Note: English paper has to be attempted in English only

NDA 2 General Ability Test Exam Pattern

Total Marks

600 Marks

Total Number of Questions


Total Number of Questions In English Section


Total Number of Questions In General Knowledge Section


Maximum Marks For English

200 marks

Maximum Marks For General Knowledge

400 marks

Marks For Correct Answer

+4 marks in both the section

Marks For Incorrect Answer

-1.33 marks in both the section

Exam Duration

2.5 hours

Key Benefits of Attempting NDA 2 General Ability Mock Test - General Ability Test

  • One of the best study resources to self-analyses your preparation level.

  • Gives you an overview of the NDA 2 exact general ability test paper format with a range of probable questions that can be asked in the exam, thus one of the best tools to assist your exam preparation.

  • It helps you analyze the time you took to complete each question in the NEET mock test.

  • It helps you to improve your speed and accuracy, which plays a crucial role in competitive exams like NDA.

  • Boosts confidence as you have practised enough questions most likely to be asked in the exam.

  • It helps you to improve your speed and accuracy, which plays a crucial role in competitive exams like NDA.

  • Most importantly, mock tests can be taken anywhere, anytime, at your convenience.

How To Take Up NDA 2 General Ability Mock Test?

Follow the steps below to take up NDA 2 General Ability Mock Test online or offline:

  • Sit at a place where you don’t find any disturbance.

  • Download the online OMR sheet and get it printed if you wish to attempt the test offline.

  • Use an alarm and set a time as per the General Ability Text exam duration.

  • Start solving the mock test and mark the correct answer directly in the options given below the questions (if attempting online).

  • If attempting offline, mark the correct response in the OMR sheet.

  • If you are attempting online, your test will be submitted automatically once the time ends. 

  • If you attempt offline, stop solving the questions as the alarm goes off.

  • With online mode, you will get your results instantly as you submit your test.

  • With offline mode, you can verify your answers from the solutions provided online and then award marks as per the NDA 2 General Ability Test Marking scheme.

  • After you get your results, analyze your paper thoroughly to know where you have made a mistake and start working on time so you don’t repeat it in the final exam. Ensure to practice unattempted and wrong questions repeatedly.

Hope you have found NDA 2 General Ability Mock Test beneficial for your studies. We suggest you take a mock test regularly to enhance your time management and problem-solving skills. By attempting a mock test for NDA 2 General Ability Test, you will be able to analyze your mistake, and accordingly, you can take necessary measures to avoid the mistakes. Furthermore, attempting a mock test prepares you to handle different questions that are more likely asked in the exam; thus, appearing NDA 2 General Ability Mock Test is a must to prepare better for the exam.

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FAQs on NDA 2 General Ability Test Mock Test

1. What topics are covered in the English syllabus for the National Defence Academy examination?

The English syllabus of NDA covers vocabulary, Grammar, Usage, Comprehension, cohesion, synonyms, acronyms, etc.

2. What topics are covered in the General Ability Test syllabus for the National Defence Academy examination?

The NDA General Ability Test questions assess candidates' basic knowledge  of History, GK, Current Affairs of National and International Events, English, Science, and Geography. 

3. How to prepare for the NDA 2 General Ability Test exam?

Follow the below tips to prepare better for the GAT exam:

  • Have a thorough knowledge of the NDA 2 General Ability Test syllabus and exam pattern.

  • Refer only to relevant study material.

  • Solve previous year's question papers and attempt mock tests frequently.

  • Clear all your basic concepts of History, GK, Current Affairs of National and International Events, English, Science, and Geography. 

  • Master English grammar concepts and try to practice more and more comprehension from different reference books

  • Most importantly, be positive and maintain consistency in your studies.

4. Which books are best to prepare NDA General Ability Test exam?

Some of the best books that should be used to prepare for the NDA General Ability Test exam include Pratoyogita Darpan, Manorama Yearbook, etc.

5. What is a good score for the NDA General Ability Test exam?

In the NDA General Ability Test section, candidates must score a minimum of 350 marks or more out of 600.