Essay on Social Networking Sites
Vedantu provides Essays on various topics to provide students with an understanding of how to write essays in the exam. Essay writing has many benefits: it allows students to have a strong grip on language, improves sentence formation and grammar. Download an essay on the topic Reading is a Good Habit on Vedantu’s site.
Social Networking Sites
Social media is an online platform for communication and the exchange of data. Social media platforms create a virtual world that can be accessible by the internet. One can also define social media as a social network that keeps the entire world connected. Even the world’s richest person Bill Gates suggested to the young entrepreneur the extraction of capitative income from social media in his conference through his quote, “If I was down at the last dollar in my marketing budget, I’d spend it on PR!” PR is nothing but ‘Public Relation’. And PR has a tremendous impact on social networking sites.
Earlier there were post offices to deliver letters from one place to the other. The process was long and tedious. Even for delivery of 30-50 km, at least 7-8 days was minimum awaited. Then the world got a boost with technology. The world started moving at the speed of it. Everything merged up and compacted in this virtual world.
Social networking sites contain connecting websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp and many lesser-known platforms. These websites assist a person to get connected with people who are a thousand miles away. Communication routes are pretty much easier for the messages. It plays a leading role in providing new employment avenues. Many new and lucrative job opportunities have come up due to the rise of social media marketing. Also, job seekers can now submit their resumes or directly communicate with the company owners about their qualities. We can create our profiles online with our business details which assist in promoting businesses. Some businesses are already running on social sites; blogging is most popular amongst all. With the advancement of social media technology, news can spread in a matter of minutes.
A widely popular social media platform is YouTube. YouTube started as a channel for funny videos but it has established itself as a social media website. Platforms like YouTube allow new artists to showcase their talent and earn popularity and money.
Every coin has two sides. On one side where there are so many benefits of such sites, on the other, there are many negative repercussions. Many criminals have the lion’s share in fake accounts. Hacking and other malicious practices have become a common menace. Frequent FIR’s are submitted about money-related frauds. Moreover, women’s safety feels endangered. If proper care is being taken in advance, nothing is going to harm us at all.
Vedantu’s Guidance on structuring Social Networking Sites Essay
The beauty of writing an essay is in the amount of freedom a writer is offered while writing and structuring it. But if you find it difficult to structure Social Networking Sites Essay, we suggest you stick to the basic pattern followed throughout which is as follows:
Introduction: This will be the first paragraph of your essay where you can introduce the idea of social media and talk about some daily life examples to enhance your point further.
Body: This will be the part of your essay wherein you will put forward your main idea and content. Here you can talk about the emergence of social media, some pioneering social media sites, facts and data, changing marketing dynamics, effects of social media on society, and a lot more.
Conclusion: This is where you will give your final thoughts about social media and try to provide a well-balanced ending note which is optimistic. You can also suggest a few way-forwards.
This is a very basic outline for writing an essay that is universally approved. You can modify this structure as per your writing style to include additional points. Also, remember to stick to the word limit mentioned in the question.
FAQs on Social Networking Sites Essay: The Impact of Social Media on Society
1. Which are some of the famous social networking sites available today?
Some of the famous social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp etc. Facebook is the largest social media site with more than two billion users. All these sites provide a different way to connect to the digital world. These websites not only provide a forum to share and connect but also plays an extensive role in digital marketing and advertising. They have also become a source of news and learning.
2. What are some of the benefits of social networking sites?
Social Media provides a way of connecting with the digital world. Everyone can find new people, make friends and communicate with their loved ones all over the world using social media platforms. It also provides a way for students to widen their knowledge by connecting to teachers and professors all around the globe. It provides a platform to increase the business through advertising and provides a creative way of doing business. People can attend meetings and sign deals sitting in the comfort of their homes.
3. Where can students avail a free essay on the topic ‘Social Networking Sites’?
Students can avail themselves of a free essay on the topic ‘Social Networking Sites’ on online learning platforms like Vedantu. Vedantu is a premier learning platform where students can avail free study materials. Online resources like essays on various topics are written by experts to help students understand how to write impressive essays.
4. What are the important points to mention while writing an essay on the topic ‘Social Media Sites’?
Some of the important points to mention while writing an essay on the topic ‘Social Media Sites’ are:
It should contain the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media.
It should briefly explain Social media.
It must contain information about some of the widely used Social Media Platforms.
It must contain knowledge about its effect on the younger generation and common people around the globe.
5. How should I approach Social Networking Sites Essay?
Approaching an essay is a challenge for many students, this usually happens due to a lack of understanding of the topic. For writing an essay on Social Networking Sites you first begin with thinking about the structure for your essay. Then you can shift your focus towards collecting data, facts and numbers. You should also try to include your own experiences and observations. This will bring a unique perspective to the essay which will be of your own. After all this exercise, you can progress towards writing the essay.
6. Why is Social Networking Sites Essay an important topic for an English essay?
Social Networking Sites Essay is a very expected topic in any English exam as it is very relevant in contemporary times. As the times are changing so are our ways of interacting with people in general. Social media has affected every part of our lives. Due to pandemics, human to human interaction has been reduced thus the world has started using social media for connecting. Businesses, meetings, learning, shopping, etc. everything has moved online and everyone is trying to create a presence on social media sites. This has provided ample opportunities but also brought with it a new set of challenges. Due to all of these reasons, an essay on social media is very much expected.
7. I find it difficult to express my thoughts while writing Social Networking Sites Essays. How do I tackle this problem?
The thinking process of every student differs and we understand it perfectly. To express your thoughts while writing Social Networking Sites Essays, you can try to fit in your own experience and observation. Try to recall how your childhood was when social media sites were less prevalent and how it has changed now. You can also try to visit a few social media sites and see how they operate and how it is beneficial for businesses and customers. While doing this exercise keep noting your observations then try to fit these in your essay. You may refer to Vedantu's guide to writing an essay to structure your essay. Also, you may read the above essay for your reference and then start working on your ideas.
8. Do I need to memorise Social Networking Sites Essays word by word for the exam?
No, not at all. There is no need to memorise Social Networking Sites Essay or for that matter, any English essay present on Vedantu’s website. You only need to focus on the structuring of the essay, content to be covered in each part, technical terms and keywords. With these, you will be well equipped to write an entire essay on your own in the exam. Practising a few essays from Vedantu's website will boost your confidence and will prepare you to write an essay on any given topic in the exam hall on the day of the exam.
9. How should I show that social media has various benefits while writing a Social Networking Sites Essay?
You need to highlight the benefits of social media while writing Social Networking Sites Essays. To cover this theme in the essay, you can talk about how social media has changed the world and society for good by bringing people close to each other. Today customers can get access to international businesses, consumers can get access to international products, common people can showcase their talents on various social media sites, a wide variety of educational content is available on these sites, lectures are conducted online for students to attend, etc.