Essay on a Good Friend for Students in English
An essay is a creative writing skill that enhances the imagination of a writer in every way and provides wings to paint their canvas of mind with their creativity. Essays have been widely used by people in every field to exchange and share their thoughts, experiences and ideas without any foundation. Unlike reports, formal and informal letters, Notices, Advertisements and other formats of writing, an essay gives the writer more flexibility to create without any pressure of how, what and when in the format and content. That makes an essay one of the most important writing skills to learn for anyone and everyone.
An essay is always an important part of the syllabus for students in their language subject right from Class 1. This continues to hold relevance to higher and senior secondary education and even after school. Especially for the students who pursue language in their bachelor's degree, the essay becomes an important part of their everyday learning. It is, therefore, advised for students to learn the basics about essays right from the beginning so that with consistent effort and practice they will get fully prepared for the same in their subsequent classes.
In most subjective competitive exams, essays play the role of a necessary role to fulfil. In the Mains examination of Civil Services, essays constitute a major weightage in the marking scheme and have proven to be a game-changer for a lot of students. In other examinations as well that include language papers in them, essays only help them to perform better. Even in the objective question papers, a good essayer can perform better than other students in answering Unseen passages or compositions. Practising Essays also improves the vocabulary of the students to dive into creativity and make it a little more than beautiful.
A good friend is a person who is capable of caring, irrespective of any conditions or whether he/she is being cared for or not. A good friend never judges us for our mistakes but only encourages us to do better and become responsible human beings.
Long Essay on a Good Friend
Friendship can exist between any beings and it is not only confined to humans only. Some people call their pets their best friends because they love them unconditionally without expecting anything in return. It surpasses age and could be found between even an old man and a small boy. Friendship is the most important relationship because it is not defined by any social boundaries or roles. A good friend will always look out for you in any situation. As there is an old saying- “Friend in need is a friend indeed”.
Yet friendship is separated from love in our society, but we have to ask ourselves that don’t we love our friends? If two lovers are not great friends then the relationship will face many clashes as they still are playing roles. Friendship detaches you from your roles in society and allows you to explore the unknown, where you can be yourself with the other, our friend accepts us as we are, we become friends because of the way we are.
Role of a Good Friend
A good friend sticks by your side both in your good times and hard times. They always provide you with support to rely on during troubled situations; they inspire you not to lose hope and peace in life. They are the ones with whom we celebrate our joy and success. A true friend is almost like your sibling, who has seen your good and bad sides and knows all your faults and your strength and yet remains completely unbiased with you.
As we grow older we realise that a good friend is always tough to find. We cannot always expect to meet people who will turn out to be good friends and will stay along with us for a long time. So it is very much important not to lose contact with close friends over some time. We all get busy in life to fulfil our needs and desires of earning money and sometimes we lose touch with our good friends. This only brings out the worst as we are no longer in touch with the energy that always supported us at some point in our life.
Do Friendships require Regular Calls and SMS?
A true friendship will never require daily conversations or daily spending of time together. Fellowship recognizes the concept of personal space. A good friend will always give you the privacy you need and allow you to go about your life as you always wanted. A good friendship thrives over gaps of silence. You can go a very long time without any interaction and then one day meet to realise nothing has changed at all.
Traits of Good Friends
Good Listeners - It is of utmost necessity that a friend should be a very good listener.
Reliable - A good friend is one whom you can rely on for anything and everything. People share maximum secrets with their friends only.
Loyalty - True friends are always loyal to each other. A good friend will never try to betray you in any way, talk bad about you behind your back or do anything that questions your friendship.
Trust - Good friends are always trustworthy. One should have friends to whom you can share all your secrets without any fear of getting disclosed.
Short Essay on a Good Friend
Throughout our lives, we meet many people either physically or on social media. Some of them only remain our acquaintances, while others end up becoming some of our very closest friends. The very close ones become like family members. Some say a good friend is just like our family member that we choose for ourselves.
It is always a matter of luck if one gets a good friend in their life. True friendship takes time and trust to build. It does not require any hard work or external push, because it is fun to be around friends. The hard part is to maintain a friendship for a long time. One silly mistake, and all the years’ worth of trust breaks in a split second.
Friendship is not bound by people’s financial status. A king can be a best friend to a poor beggar and poor labour can be a good friend to a rich industrialist. As we all have heard the story of Lord Krishna that he was in unconditional true friendship with poor Sudama. The friendship of Krishna and Sudama is a milestone for many people. They were like true soul mates.
Good Friend Essay Conclusion
Friendship is one of the best relationship bonds that people share in the world. A good friendship is developed on the foundation of trust, loyalty, and faith. Without love and emotions, no friendship can last long. We must make valuable friendships throughout our lives. They help us through life. We all must have one good friend whom we can always trust and rely on.
How does Vedantu help Students in learning Essay writing?
Vedantu is an online learning platform that ensures a 360-degree quality learning of the students by providing necessary study material for free and important courses for different exams.
For Essay writing in English, Vedantu provides Topic wise explanations on different topics of essays. In addition to this, Vedantu also provides free access to study material including NCERT text with solutions, Solved CBSE Sample question papers and Previous Year's question papers, Important Questions and keynotes for better revision, solved reference material including all four sections of composition, writing, NCERT text and novel for students.
To initiate master learning in the English language, Vedantu also provides English courses like Spoken English course for students of age 7 to 14, Personalised English reading course for students of age 4 to 6. Curious students or parents can initiate their success with Vedantu by starting with a free online counseling session. Students can register at Vedantu or download the Vedantu app from the play store or app store and register themselves there.
FAQs on Essay on A Good Friend: What Makes a True Friend
1. Who is a Good Friend?
A good friend is the one who stands by us through thick and thin. He or she never judges us for our actions and always acts as a guiding light in the moment of darkness. A good friend can motivate us to achieve our dreams by reminding us what we are good at.
2. Why doesn’t a Good Friend fall apart while away for some time?
It’s because true friendship has no boundaries and cannot only thrive during physical meetings. A good friend always gives us our space to explore and waits to listen to our findings.
3. What makes a Good Friend?
Good friends are always caring, loyal, passionate, and critical of you. These qualities make a friend a good friend, the person who talks behind your back and laughs at you can never be your good and true friend.
4. Why is learning and practising the essay "A Good Friend" so important for students to score high marks in Exams?
Essays always come with a good weightage of marks in the respective subject. This ensures that students should at least prepare for all the possible topics that are important and have chances to be asked in exams. The essay on "A Good Friend" is an important topic in this regard to cover. This topic has been seen to be repeatedly used in question papers especially for the junior Classes of 1 to 7. By learning this essay and practising it over and over prepares the students for the other related topics as well. It also provides necessary keywords that can be used in different topics of essay writing. Therefore, before going to the exam hall, students of all classes should at least have a reading on the essay topic "A Good Friend".
5. What is the importance of learning Essay writing for the students of all classes?
Essay writing is the most conventional and convenient way to share ideas without boundaries or boundation. Essay writing is the easiest way to convey a message or share a piece of information on any subject. Be it CBSE, ICSE or even state board exams of any class, Essay writing always holds a relevant weightage not only in English, Hindi and other language subjects like Sanskrit but for all the subjects especially Social Science and other theoretical subjects. It helps students learn the necessary writing skills and presentation of any spontaneous topic. This is necessary for all the subjective exams and even beyond exams, that is in life. By learning good essays, students will become pro at communicating their innovative ideas in the simplest way possible.
6. What should be the approach of students to learn about Essay writing and other questions of the writing section in the english language Exam?
English Writing includes several questions like writing Reports, Notices, formal and informal letters, articles, advertisements, posters, matrimonials, resumes etc. One such topic among them is essay writing. Once the students properly learn essay writing then it becomes easier for them to decode the other formats of writing. As a result, essay writing becomes the foundation of learning all the other formats of writing. Students who wish to master essay writing should immerse themselves in reading. That's right. Reading spontaneous content of sample papers, unseen passages, and unread chapters will give your mind a habit to create fresh and exciting images which is the first requirement of writing a good essay. For this, students can find sample Question Papers of English at Vedantu to start right away. After some time, reading should become a habit so students can start writing and check their writing by themselves to see where they could get better. Keep practising the same from different question papers and voila, you made it!