What are Determiners?
Determiners are the words, affixes, or phrases used along the noun to specify or determine the reference of that particular noun in the sentence. The determiners may contain different classes of words such as pronouns, adjectives, and many more. They limit the nouns or the noun phrases to a particular place, possession, timeframe, etc. Determiners are very commonly used words while writing a sentence. It may specify whether the noun is close or distant or specify the possession of the noun. A determiner may also indicate the definite element of a class or an indefinite aspect of a class.
There are several types of determiners used in a sentence. Some of them are the articles, demonstratives, possessive determiners, distributive determiners, and many more. Determiners questions are widespread in both the school level or entry-level examinations.
In this article, we will learn about determiners in detail. Also, there are some common examples given to make your concepts clear. We have also added some of the typical questions asked in several exams. We have presented the determiners examples with answers, so it will be easier for you to understand.
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Broad Classification of Determiners
The determiners or determinatives are words that limit the noun, pronoun, or noun phrases. When you see determiner questions, you will come across several types of determiners used. However, they can be broadly divided into two categories: -
Specific Determiners: Such determiners are used in noun phrases to point out or specify particular people, things, events, or places. For example, those, that, our, his, hers, its, their, etc. However, there is a limitation in using the specific determiners. Only one straightforward determiner can be used before the noun.
General or Indefinite Determiners: These determiners are used to talk about places, people, animals, events, etc., in general. There is no specification about a particular area, time, or people. For example – every, more, much, few, either, neither, etc.
Types of Determiners
The determiners may belong to different classes. There are six types of determiners that are generally used.
Articles are very commonly used words in any sentence. The articles consist of – “a,” “an,” and “the.”
“A” and “an” represent the indefinite articles; on the other hand, “the” represents the definite article. For example
The glaciers originate from the big mountains.
I wrote an essay on animal rights.
A big snake is crawling in the backyard.
The determiner words that show the relationships among the subjects present in the sentence are known as possessives. Words such as mine, my, your, her, his, our, etc., can be used as possessive determiners. For example –
These are my shoes.
Her novels are very motivational.
Our school has the best classrooms.
Quantifier Determiners
Quantifiers are very commonly asked determiner questions in the determiners quiz.
Quantifiers are the words that are used to specify or depict the quantity of a subject. Some words such as few, much, very few, little, enough, more, many, etc., can be used as quantifiers. Very few, tiny, a few species that there is a lower amount. Enough, many determine a more significant amount. You will be more apparent by the determiners examples with answers: -
There is enough food production in our country.
He lagged by a few points.
There is a little difference between the twins.
The words which are used for asking a question are interrogative words. When these are used to introduce a noun, noun phrase, or a pronoun, they are known as interrogative determiners. They are also prevalent questions among the determiners quiz. Words such as “whose, how many, how much, which,” etc., can be used.
For example –
Whose Pen is lying on the floor?
Which cricket team is the best this season?
How many ice-creams did you eat?
The words which point out a specific noun demonstrate or specify the noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. We can be more clear by the determiners exercises with answers
That dog always chases the cats.
This is my book.
My mother brought those cookies.
Words such as each, every, either, or neither can be used. They distribute the nouns or pronouns. For example
Each student must do their homework.
Every singer practices on a daily basis.
Neither of them won the match.
Determiners Exercises with Examples
You will understand the better use of determiners by doing the determiners exercises with answers. Following are some of the typical questions which can be asked in the exams.
The students are in ___ beautiful city.
Answer – a (article)
___ seven sister’s waterfall is ___ delightful sight. (a/an/the)
Answer – The, a (articles)
We belong to this place and ____ (this/that) is ___ (our/their) ancestral home.
Answer – This (demonstrative determiners)
our (possessive determiners)
I lost ___ grandfather last year.
Answer – my (possessive determiner)
There is _______ food for all the people.
Answer – enough (quantifier determiner)
FAQs on Determiners Quiz
1. What are the rules for using determiners?
Determiners are words, phrases, or affixes that are used along with nouns, noun phrases, or pronouns to specify the reference of that particular noun in the sentence. There are some rules which should be followed while using determiners. This makes the sentences grammatically correct and more attractive. Some of the rules are mentioned as below:-
The determiners are used to specify the noun. Therefore, it should be written before the noun.
If there are any modifiers in the sentence, such as adjectives, then the determiners must be used before the modifier.
If singular nouns are present, then the use of determiners is necessary. However, if plural nouns are present then, the use of determiners is optional depending upon the sentence.
2. How many types of determiners are there?
Determiners can be broadly divided into two types – specific determiners and general determiners. Specific determiners such as this, that, my, those, etc., are used to point out a specific noun. However, the general determiners such as every, each, many, few, little, etc., are used to talk about the nouns in general. There is no specificity.
The determiners can be of six types which are mentioned as follows: -
Articles- “a, an, and the” are used.
Possessives- words such as my, mine, our, there can be used.
Quantifiers- words such as few, little, enough, more, many are indefinite quantifiers. Cardinal numbers such as twice, one, three, etc., can be used.
Demonstratives- words such as this, that, those, etc.
Distributives- words such as each, every, all, etc.
Interrogatives- how much, how many, whose, etc.