Essay on Clean India
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on 2 October 2014. It was launched to promote cleanliness in society. Till now, it has successfully covered 4041 cities across India. It is one of the important campaigns launched by the Government of India. The ultimate objective is to maintain a healthy and clean environment. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is also known as Clean India Mission or Clean India Drive. It is a national campaign where states are also a part of the mission.
The Concept Behind Such Programs
Cleanliness is our right, and it is also essential whether it is our home, public areas or workplaces. It is one of the basic needs to stay civilised. Therefore, the mission aims to eradicate open defecation throughout the country. Lots of significant efforts have been made since the commencement on October 2, 2014.
As per the statistics, the Government of India has built more than 10 crores of toilets across the country. The motive is to promote proper sanitation and stay healthy. Till now, 36 Indian states have been made defecation free, and the mission is truly on the way to success. It has improved the quality of living among people from many states.
Our government is leaving no stones unturned only to make sure that India becomes cleaner and more hygienic. The scheme has also made people more responsible for sanitation practices. Therefore, we must do our bit to help with the noble mission.
Impacts on Rural Areas
As the campaign was launched to make our country healthier and cleaner, the majority of the missions have had a great impact on the rural areas. In most villages, sanitation programs used to be a far-reaching concept due to the absence of proper toilets. To this day, with the government initiative, things have changed to a better picture both on the rural and urban scale.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has helped small towns in the maintenance drives when it comes to streets and other places. It is not just about our houses, but also to maintain and following the practices when it comes to public places like parks and other areas of tourist attractions. Maintenance of cleanliness not only helps in the improvement of the standard living condition but also provides a positive image when foreigners visit our country.
A Clear Determination of the Objectives
The primary objective of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to spread awareness of cleanliness and let people understand its importance. The motto is to provide basic sanitation facilities, liquid and solid waste disposal systems, safe and adequate drinking water and supply to overall village cleanliness. The action plan has been laid by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. A lot of unhygienic approaches have been controlled after 2019. It also has the plan of implementing a complete Open Defecation Free India.
Highlights of Action Plans :
Improvement in the growth percentage of toilets from 3% to 10%.
Increasing the construction of toilets from 14000 to 48000 per day.
Launching a State Level or National Level media campaign through mobile devices, audio-visual, telephone and local programmes.
Involving school children in the activities for spreading the awareness of sanitation, water and hygiene.
The campaign also aims to conduct open sessions and discussions on hygiene and menstrual health, along with the establishment of eco-wash clubs. It does not focus on the problems of pollution, rather points out the side effects of the same and make people more cautious to prevent future difficulties.
FAQs on Clean India Essay: The Mission for a Cleaner India
1. What is swachh bharat abhiyan?
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has an important role in the reduction of lethal disease rates, health expenditure rates and mortality rates. This drive towards a greener and cleaner India will help in the improvement of the GDP along with generating multiple sources for employment. It will also draw tourists from abroad, therefore, improving the economic conditions. This indicates that Swachh Bharat Abhiyan will take us a step closer towards a safer, cleaner and greener India. It is only possible when every citizen participates in the mission.
2. Why is clean india important?
Clean India is a huge initiative taken towards the sanitation problem in the country. This step was taken by the government of India to make sure the waste management issue gets solved. This campaign was launched to ensure hygiene across the country. India even after being quite a powerful nation now, is still looked at by foreign countries as a nation with poor waste management. So, to change that perception of India by the world, this campaign was launched.
3. Who started clean india?
The clean India campaign was started by the government of India, and it was Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, who inaugurated this step. This movement later spread like a wildfire across the nation. There were numerous cleaning campaigns at almost every level in the country.
4. How can we keep india clean?
Keeping India clean is one of the most important duties of a responsible citizen. To make it happen, a citizen should follow rules and regulations, and make use of environmentally safe products and services. Citizens can make sure the garbage they are producing is disposed of properly. Everyone should maintain proper hygiene in their surroundings. Another way to keep India clean is to minimize the use of plastic as much as possible. Citizens can also use renewable sources of energy and recyclable products.
5. What is the purpose of swachh bharat abhiyan?
Through the Clean India Mission, the Indian government is aiming to solve the problems and side effects caused by lack of cleanliness and improper hygiene maintenance. The primary objective of the drive is to construct bathing rooms and toilets while eliminating open-defecation problems. Cleanliness is our right and thus, the government of India has taken stern initiatives to ensure the same and let the citizens live to a better future. This type of cleanliness campaign is highly essential for both rural and urban areas in your country where a significant sum of money is spent as health expenditure every year.
6. Illustrate the urban condition of swachh bharat abhiyan.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Urban) is under the Ministry of Urban Development and therefore, it is commissioned to provide household toilet and sanitation facilities in all statutory towns. The cost is estimated to be Rs. 62, 009 crore over a period of five years and another sum of Rs. 14, 623 as the centre’s share of assistance. The mission has the hopes to cover 1.4 crore households, provide 2.5 lakh community toilet seats and 2.6 lakh public toilet seats. The mission also proposes to provide solid waste management facilities in each town.