In the world of business, communication is an important feature. In communication, you must acquire the skill of speaking properly with everyone. Thus, you must have excellent expertise in spelling and vocabulary. In this article, you will learn many things about spellings and pronunciations.
English plays a crucial role in our life. You can effortlessly understand the word’s spelling by pronouncing it. However, it cannot be the same in every case. There are specific exceptions to it. You can go through some rules here to learn the spellings and remember it.
Here are three rules for determining correct spelling.
Spelling Rule 1: The Silent E
Basically, a letter E after the consonant at the top of the word is silent; however, this does affect how you will pronounce the vowels that are going to come before consonants. The letter E creates the sound of the vowel long enough.
Spelling Examples
The monkey tried to bite me.
In this case, the silent E creates a different word.
When you are going to add a suffix, the E that is silent is typically dropped off from the top of the basic word.
Similarly, try to find out what is the spelling of pronunciation. The spelling of pronunciation is also quite simple. Sometimes, you might come across the wrong spelling for pronunciation as “pronunciation.” However, this is the correct spelling of pronunciation.
Spelling Rule 2: Double Consonants
Try to pay much attention here when you are studying double consonants. It is often difficult to listen when the words are claimed aloud. The double consonants are most of the time identified in words where suffixes are used.
Some words are often pronounced with many syllables; however, the spelling will always remain exact.
Be much careful with the words where the double consonant changes the pronunciation and, therefore, it’s meaning.
Spelling Rule 3: Plural Suffixes
When should you add -s, and -es to form a plural? You might face quite a difficulty in doing so. If the word concludes in -sh, -s -ch, or -z, add -es.
For all other endings, add -s. Some words might not when you are pronouncing the plural form. For example, fish, sheep, etc. If you are not sure, you should check the dictionary.
One must look out of the way to spell all the words correctly. A number of the repetitive errors associated with spelling are
1. Confusion Between 'ei' and 'ie'
The word received has 'ei,' so the chief word has 'ie' letters.
You will notice that you used 'ie' after the 'c' letter. You also use letters' ei' with the remainder.
2. Alphabets and Its Repetition
Some words like tomorrow, starting, occupation, business, etc. have many repetitions of the alphabets.
3. Extra Alphabet within the Word
An additional alphabet within a word alters its meaning entirely.
Within the word, if 'to' is added one extra 'o,' we get 'too.'
The word 'to' means where you are directing to and the word 'too' means ‘also’.
4. Keeping and Dropping 'e' Letter
One should know the accurate time to drop or keep the letter 'e' when making a replacement of a word from its basis.
Must drop 'e' when 'whole' word turns to wholly. As you know, the letter 'e' is kept here, sincerely.
5. Words with the Similar Pronunciation; However, with Variant Spellings
Example: compliment and complement, whole and hole, vice and wise, etc.
6. Using Letters 'z' and s.'
Using the letter 's' and therefore the letter 'z' is suitable. When you write organization as an organization, that’s correct.
7. Various Past Forms
Some words have many past forms. However, it will depend on the place where you are using it. For example,
In the present tense, you can use “Lie”; however, in past and past participle, it becomes “Lied”. Similarly, you can use “Lie” in the present tense; however, it becomes “Lay” and “Laid” in the past participle.
The interesting thing is that both of these words are correct. The thing that changes is the place that you are using it.
The way you speak a word is pronunciation. Some rules might change when you are pronouncing the word. Improper pronunciation might cause a nasty impression. One must pronounce the words properly for proper communication without misunderstanding. You can also try at home by understanding how to pronounce spelling.
Example of Pronunciation Words
To know about an example pronunciation, you can take the word itself. You will have to split the word into pieces when you are going to pronounce it. First of all, the spelling is pronounced so that it becomes easier for you to pronounce it. Then, you can split it into "Pro," "Nun," "Cia," and "tion." Similarly, you can try to pronounce examples to crosscheck how much you have learnt.
FAQs on Spelling and Pronunciation Tips for Clarity
1. State Seven Foremost Frequent Misspellings, Correct Forms, And Tips That Will Help You Remember The Differences.
Here are the seven of the foremost frequent misspellings, their correct forms and tips that will assist you in remembering the differences.
1. Misspelt Word: Separate
Correct Word: Separate
Tip: There's a rat in the word sep-a-rate.
2. Misspelt Word: Definite
Correct Word: Definite
Tip: Check out the ultimate syllable: nite. You will find your answer.
3. Misspelt Word: Calendar
Correct Word: Calendar
Tip: You will certainly pronounce or spell the syllable as [er], so you've got to understand [ar] as you are writing the same: cal-en-dar.
Now, you can also try to write business spelling in English.
2. What is the Importance of Knowing the Correct Spellings of the Words?
(Image to be added soon)
One must know the right spelling of the words. A number of the importance of knowing correct spellings is:
It enables effective communication.
Spelling helps in reading.
It assists in understanding the relationship between the sound and, therefore, the words.
It helps in effective writing.
Spelling helps in maintaining an honest impression.
3. What are the Two Things a Writer Must Keep in Mind?
Writers got to keep two things in mind about spell checkers:
They can't catch any misspellings if a writer doesn’t let the appliance run.
They can't be entirely trusted to catch every spelling error.