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Sodium Percarbonate

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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A Guide on Sodium Percarbonate

Sodium Percarbonate is a chemical compound utilized as an option for hydrogen peroxide. The formula of the sodium percarbonate is C2H6Na4O12. Sodium Percarbonate is set up by adding sodium peroxide gradually to super cold absolute alcohol. Sodium percarbonate dissolves moderately quickly in water, discharging sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide in the solution. The slight quantity of moisture available now in the environment is adequate to achieve the percarbonate decomposition. 

It has various other names, which include Peroxy sodium carbonate, Oxyper. 


Sodium Percarbonate


2.1 g/cm3

Molecular Weight/ Molar Mass

157.01 g/mol



Chemical Formula


The following diagram indicates the structure of the Sodium Percarbonate:

[Image will be Uploaded Soon]

Properties of Sodium Percarbonate

The properties of Sodium Percarbonate are explained by dividing them into two main categories. These are:

  1. Physical Properties.

  2. Chemical Properties.

These will be explained one by one as follows:

Physical Properties of Sodium Percarbonate

The physical properties of sodium percarbonate are as follows:

  • They are produced as odourless powder.

  • White solid appearance. 

  • These are highly soluble in water. 

  • Toxic by ingestion.

  • They are used for the production of other chemicals.

  • Prove to be dangerous for eyes, skin, and mucous membranes due to contact. 

Other Properties can be Made More Transparent with the Help of the Following Chart:


No odour


White Solid

Covalently-Bonded Unit


Hydrogen Bond Acceptor


Hydrogen Bond Donar



Soluble in Water

Chemical Properties of Sodium Percarbonate

Sodium percarbonate reacts with sodium bisulfate to form sodium persulfate, sodium carbonate, and water. This can be explained more clearly with the help of the following equation:

 C2H6Na4O12 + 6NaHSO4 → 3Na2S2O8 + 2Na2CO3 + 6H2O

Application or Uses of Sodium Percarbonate

Most of the sodium percarbonate is utilized by the detergent industry for consumer items. Other applications include algaecides, fungicides, synthesis of chemicals, and environmental applications, such as control of scent at squandering treatment offices. A limited quantity is utilized in dental replacement cleaners and toothpaste. Apart from this, other ways by which they can be used are as follows: 

  • It can be utilized as a sterile for wounds instead of hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution as sodium percarbonate can be seen as antiseptic. It can also be used as a deodorant.  

  • It has a beneficial impact on bicarbonate hydrogen peroxide, which provides help in the area of oral cleanliness and treatment. 

  • It can be utilized as an option for alkaline treatments. The minerals which can be bleached using H2O2 consist of chalk, rutile, holmites, and natural silicates.

Health Effects of Sodium Percarbonate

Sodium percarbonate, commonly found in customer items, may represent a danger of side effects due to skin or exposure to inhalation. The following are some of the adverse health effects which can be created from sodium percarbonate:  

  1. Contact - Skin exposures can cause symptoms that range from minor skin irritation to redness and swelling. Even after having exposure to concentrated solutions of sodium percarbonate, treatment is delayed, then it may cause burns. Also, exposure of sodium percarbonate to the eye may bring about extreme eye irritation, injuries, or even visual deficiency.

  2. Inhalation - It can also cause nose and throat irritation due to the inhalation of sodium percarbonate. It can lead to coughing as well. Repeated exposure of such chemicals may cause sore throat or nosebleeds. 

  3. Ingestion - The ingestion of sodium percarbonate may cause swelling, burping, irritation of the mouth and throat, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and nausea. 

  4. Other Effects - The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has not characterized sodium percarbonate as a cancer-causing agent (a carcinogen).

Exposure Potential of Sodium Percarbonate

Work Environment Exposure - Exposures can happen at a sodium percarbonate manufacturing facility or manufacturing, packaging, or storage facility that handles percarbonate. Exposure may likewise occur in case of a transportation occurrence. People engaged with maintenance, inspecting and testing exercises, or in the loading and unloading of sodium percarbonate containers are at more danger of exposure. 

Following excellent industrial cleanliness practices will limit the probability of exposure; however, people engaged with higher hazard exercises ought to consistently wear proper personal protective equipment, for example, entirely protective gloves, goggles, and a hard hat. On occasions where the potential for cleaning is high, appropriate respiratory protection equipment should also be worn.

Releases in Environment - Spills of sodium percarbonate need to be contained and isolated from waterways, sewer channels, and any combustible or flammable materials. Small spills ought to be cleared up and set in a perfect container. Never supplant any spilled or contaminated sodium percarbonate back in the first container. Try not to go through adsorbents to drench sodium percarbonate washings. Sponges and adsorbents may contain synthetic substances that can respond with sodium percarbonate. Rinse sodium percarbonate contaminated cloth or paper towels with water until they are liberated from leftover sodium percarbonate. The inability to do so may bring about a fire when the moist cloth/paper dries.

FAQs on Sodium Percarbonate

1. What is the Difference and Similarity Between Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Percarbonate?

Sodium carbonate is a salt produced using sodium and carbonic acid. This solid base shows up as a white crystalline powder. Sodium percarbonate is an adduct made from sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. An adduct is a chemical that incorporates all the atoms found in the reactants used to make it. Sodium percarbonate is a reasonably stable oxidizer. Like sodium carbonate, it is a white, scentless powder. 

Toxic substances 

Both sodium carbonate and sodium percarbonate are toxic as poison. The exposure of sodium carbonate can cause various symptoms such as breathing issues, throat swelling, collapse, etc. 

2. What is the Difference Between Coated and Uncoated Sodium Percarbonate?

Sodium percarbonate is utilized as an active oxygen part in cleansers, bleaches, and cleaning agents. Here comes the definition: the coated sodium percarbonate is the sodium percarbonate crystals covered with single or numerous layers of different substances to build dynamic oxygen steadiness and improve storage and ensiling properties. 

Coated sodium percarbonate is the more regularly marketed peroxide contrasted with the uncoated sodium percarbonate. However, the uncoated item is still the favoured element for basically blending in with enough soda ash and a few surfactants to form the mainstream oxygen blanches.