Pretty Coloured Birds – Bluebirds
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The bluebirds are birds which are a group of medium-sized, mostly insectivorous or omnivorous birds in the order of Passerines in the genus of Sialia of the family called thrush (Turdidae). Bluebirds are one of the few birds which belong to the thrush genera in America.
Bluebirds have blue, or blue and rose beige, plumage body colour. The female bluebirds are less brightly coloured than the males, although their colour patterns are quite similar and there is no noticeable difference in size between them.
Here, we will talk about this beautiful bird – Bluebird. Know about its various species and types, and also other interesting facts about this bird.
Taxonomy and Species of Bluebird
The genus called Sialia was introduced by the English naturalist known as William John in the year 1827. He also discovered the eastern bluebird (scientific name as Sialia sialis) which is a type of species.
The Genus Sialia Contains Three Species:
Eastern Bird (Scientific Name – Sialia sialis)
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They are found in east-central southern Canada to the US Gulf states in southeastern Arizona to Nicaragua.
Western Bird (Scientific Name – Sialia Mexicana)
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They are found in California, in the southern rocky mountains, Arizona and in the New Mexico region of the US.
Mountain Bird (Scientific name – Sialia Currucoides)
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Mountain birds are found in Western North America.
Bluebirds are territorial birds who prefer open grassland with scattered trees. The bluebirds have similar behaviour as many species of woodpeckers. The Bluebirds can generally produce between two and four broods during the spring and the summertime (that is in March through August in the North Eastern US).
Incubation of Bluebird Eggs
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The Males are identified as potential nest sites who try to attract the prospective female mates to those nesting sites with special behaviours which include singing and flapping their wings and then placing some material in a nesting box or any cavity. If the female accepts the male and the nesting site, she will alone build the nest and incubates her eggs.
Enemies of Bluebirds
Predators of young bluebirds can be - snakes, raccoons and snakes. Common starling, American Crow, and house sparrow compete with the bluebirds for nesting locations. They take over the nesting sites of the bluebirds, by killing the young ones or smashing their eggs, and probably even killing the adult bluebirds.
Feed on
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Bluebirds eat a variety of small fruits and hunted down insects, spiders, and other creatures from the tree branches. The birds perch, watch, and then swoop to the ground for pouncing over their prey.
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Bluebird pairs mate in the spring and in the summertime when they construct small, bowl-shaped nests. The female bluebird lay four or five eggs and then incubate them for about two weeks. The baby bluebirds remain in the nest, where they are cared for by both the parents, for another 15 to 20 days. Bluebirds generally have two broods in a season. Sometimes, the first baby bluebird will remain in the nest and will assist its parents in caring for the second baby bluebird.
Migration and Population
Bluebirds living in quite higher latitudes. They might head towards the south if food becomes scarce or the temperatures drop too much. Mountain bluebirds typically migrate to the lower elevations during the same lean season time.
Bluebirds are very common, but their numbers have decreased strikingly during the last century. While their populations have been given a boost by creating birdhouse boxes which have become popular in many parks and backyards in the US.
Mountain Bluebird – Their Hue, Chirpings and Their Feeds.
Mountain bluebird (scientific name as - Sialia currucoides) is characterized as small migratory thrush which is found in the mountainous in the districts of western North America. This bird is identified by its light underbelly and by its featuring black eyes.
The Male Bluebird
Adult males of mountain bluebirds have thin bills and they are blessed with bright turquoise-blue and somewhat lighter underneath. While the adult females in the case of mountain bluebirds have duller blue wings with a tail, grey breast, grey crown, a throat and a back.
The Female Bluebird
In a fresh fall plumage, the female has a throat and breast that are tinged with a red-orangish hue. They have a brownish colouration near the flank which contrasts with their white tail underparts. Their call is described as a thin 'few' and their song is described as 'chur chur'.
Mountain Bluebird being honoured as a State Bird
Mountain bluebird is the state bird of Idaho and Nevada. They are omnivorous birds who feed on - spiders, flies, grasshoppers, other insects, and also small fruits. They can survive 6 to 10 years in the wild. The mountain bluebird is said to be a relative of the eastern and the western bluebirds.
Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Bird, a relative of Mountain Bluebird. The scientific name of the eastern bluebird is Sialia sialis. Eastern Bluebirds are small North American migratory birds. If you visit the woodlands and farmhouses of North America, you are sure to find them. These birds loiter and wander in the open woodland, farmhouse and orchards of this region.
Bird lovers’ Favourite
The bright-blue breeding plumage inherited by the male bluebird, are easily observed on a wire or on an open perch – this feature makes bluebirds one of the favourite bird species of bird lovers.
The Chirping of the Male
The male's chirping includes - soft warbles of jeew or chir-wi, they even sing melodious songs like - chiti weew wewidoo. Missouri and New York honour Eastern Bluebird as their state bird.
Western Bluebird
The western bluebird, yet another relative of the Mountain Bluebird Blue is a small stocky bird. They have a length of 15 to 18 cm (which is 5.9 to 7.1 measured in inches). The adult male has a bright blue colour on top and a throat with an orange breast and sides with a brownish patch on the back, and a grey belly with their under tail coverts. While, the adult female is identified as having a duller blue body, wings, and tail. They have a grey throat, a dull orange breast, and also a grey belly with under tail coverts. Both the genders have a thin straight bill and they have a fairly short tail.
Duller Baby Bluebirds
Besides, immature or baby bluebirds have duller body colours than adults, and they have spots on their chest and on their back.
Marking their Territory
Bluebirds have mating sounds like - "cheer," "chur-chur," and "chup." These call sounds help the male western bluebirds find the females easily in the dense forest. While the males use their calls to tell other competing male western bluebirds that the territory belongs to them.
Easily Distinguished from the Other Two Bluebirds
The western bluebird can be easily be distinguished from the two rest other species of the bluebirds.
Difference - The western male bluebird has a blue and the female have a grey throat, while the eastern bluebird has an orange, and the mountain bluebird lacks orange colour on their body.
Bluebird Company
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The Blue Bird Corporation (which was originally known as Blue Bird Body Company) is an American bus manufacturer. The company is headquartered in Fort Valley, Georgia.
Widely Known
Bluebird is known for its production of school buses. Apart from this, the company has also manufactured a wide variety of other types of buses, which includes – transit buses, motorhomes, speciality vehicles such as mobile libraries and mobile police command centres. At present, the Blue Bird company focuses their business on the mentioned lines.
Background Check
This Company was found in the year 1932 in the Fort Valley of Georgia. When A.L. Luce has closed his own automobile dealership to concentrate exclusively on bus production, he gave life to this company. After remaining under the family control, the Blue Bird company changed hands several times. In February of 2015, the company became a publicly owned company, the previous owner holding a share of 58%.
Dark Bluebird
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The Male Eastern Bluebirds are quite vivid and they have a dark blue colour hence often spotted as the dark bluebird. The deep blue above and rusty or the brick-red on the throat and breast gives a spectacular look to this bird.
The Blue colour in Bluebirds
This blue colour in bluebirds always depends on the amount of light in the surrounding. The male often looks plain grey-brown from a far distance. While the females are greyish above with their beautiful bluish wings and tail and orange-brown breast.
Types of Bluebirds
The bluebirds are simply classified as:
Eastern Bluebird
Western Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird
Eastern Bluebirds
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The Males have a vibrant blue with a rusty chest, also they have a throat that is fairly easy to identify. The Females look somewhat similar, but their colours are much more low tones.
They are generally found in:
Golf Courses
Christmas Tree Farms
Their diet changes as per the season. In the warm summertime, they feed on insects. In the cooler wintertime, when the insects go in for hibernation, the bluebirds feed on small fruits.
Western Bluebirds
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In the US, look for these birds on the edge of the woodland. Unlike eastern bluebirds they do not wander in meadows or fields moreover they tend to wander in those areas which have been logged or burned, places that are open but still have many trees.
The western bluebirds are quite clever, they tend to stay close to the ground so they can pounce quickly over their prey - insects, spiders or their favourite food. Western Bluebirds stay low to the ground even while flying.
Mountain Bluebirds
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You can always differentiate a Mountain Bluebird, especially the males, as they are covered with their gifted sky-blue feathers on their head, back, and on their wings. The females have grey-brown, with tinges of blue hue on their tails and on their wings.
Did You Know?
Bluebirds are not endangered. In fact, their population is rising.
All Bluebirds are cavity nesters and they live on artificial nest boxes.
Habitat and the nest cavities were disappearing for many years, but the bluebirds have made an incredible comeback as thousands of bluebird nest boxes were being installed across the US.
The female incubates the four to six eggs, at a maintained temperature of 98 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bluebirds are generally monogamous. However, some birds may switch their partners during the breeding season to raise a second brood.
The male bluebirds might carry nest material to the nest, but they generally do not participate in the actual building of the nest. In this time, they spend much time guarding their mates to prevent them from mating with other male bluebirds.
Families of bluebirds flock together until the spring-fall, where they merge with other family flocks of bluebirds.
The bluebirds love mealworms. You can easily attract a bluebird with a small dish filled with mealworms.
A bluebird can spot a caterpillar and other insects in the tall grasses at a distance of over 50 yards. Such vision!
Bluebirds are beautiful birds loitering in the blue sky. We need not worry about their extinction, as they are continually increasing in number. These birds are found in the US. While, in India, a similar bird called the Asian fairy-bluebird is found, but they are not these bluebirds.
In any case, you are visiting the States, and you spot these pretty birds take care to get their snap and appreciate their beauty.
FAQs on Bluebird
1. What will attract a bluebird?
The following things are sure to attract a bluebird:
A Hunting Perch
A plate of live mealworms
Play a recorded bluebird music
Install a Birdbath
Supply nesting material
Install a Nest Box
Provide a natural shelter for these birds.
2. In which month do the bluebirds build their nests?
From early February till April, they build their nests. At times they build their nests much later. Bluebirds generally use woven grass, pine needles, straw, animal hair or feathers to build their nests.
3. Why are bluebirds blue in colour?
The blue colour in the bluebird is not a pigment but this is a colour that is produced by the structural formation of their feathers. The tiny air pockets and the pigment crystals present in their feather scatter this blue light which they absorb with other wavelengths in nature.