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Environment Class 7 Notes CBSE Geography Chapter 1 (Free PDF Download)

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Exam-Focused Revision Notes for CBSE Class 7 Social Science Chapter 1 - Environment

Looking for concise and comprehensive revision notes on Environment for Class 7 CBSE Geography? Look no further! Our carefully crafted revision notes cover all the essential topics from Chapter 1, providing you with a thorough understanding of the subject.

We are all surrounded by living and non-living things. Every single thing that is present around us can be a part of the environment. There are so many elements at play in the environment. Whether it is a tree or a car or a human being, all of them are part of the environment. The Class 7 Geography Chapter 1 can help the students understand a little bit more about the environment in the best way. Most of the physical, natural, as well as chemical forces also tend to fall under the environment.


Nature craves balance and it can be achieved by the interaction that happens between the biotic components of the environment with the abiotic components of the environment. The environment is divided into two parts, the Human Environment, and the Natural Environment.


Important Topics Covered in This Chapter

The following is a list of the important topics that are included in this chapter. 

  • Components of the Environment

    • Natural Environment

    • Human-made Environment

    • Human Environment

  • Atmosphere

  • Ecosystem

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The environment is the surrounding we live in. It consists of both the biotic and the abiotic components. Our environment includes mountains, rivers, lakes, animals, plants, people, etc.

  • Biotic Components: All the living organisms in our environment are said to be biotic components. Example: Plants and animals.

  • Abiotic Components: All the non-living organisms in the environment form the abiotic components. Example: Land and mountain.

Types of Environment

Our environment can be classified into two types:

Natural Environment: The natural environment consists of all the things occurring naturally like land, water, plants, air etc. The natural environment is further divided into different domains:

  • Lithosphere: The solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth that is made up of rocks and minerals and with a thin layer of soil. Eg: mountains, plateaus, highlands, etc.

  • Hydrosphere: Hydrosphere basically consists of all the water bodies on the surface of the planet earth. This includes the sea, rivers, lakes, etc.

  • Atmosphere: This thin layer or blanket of air that surrounds the earth is known as the Atmosphere. This layer protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. This consists of a number of gases, dust and water vapour.

  • Biosphere: The biosphere of the earth includes living organisms present in our environment. All the plants and animals are a part of our biosphere.

Human Environment: This is a type of environment where human beings modify their surroundings as per their own requirements. The early human beings lived a very simple life and fulfilled their needs from the natural resources available around them. With time and development, human needs started increasing, with these growing needs humans began to change and modify their environment around. For example, the wheel was invented, people started a barter system, and trade and commerce started.

Then came the time of various revolutions that changed the outlook of the environment as a whole. With the industrial revolution, people began setting up industries by cutting down forests. Urbanisation began, and people started clearing forests and started construction of human settlements. Transportation began to develop. There were various other developments too that changed the way of living of the humans and they started creating their own environment. We humans must learn the optimum utilisation of resources.

Ecosystem: An ecosystem is an interaction between all the living beings with their physical and chemical environment i.e their surroundings. Generally, they are dependent upon each other. It is a community or gathering of living life forms that live in and associate with one another in a particular environment. For example, tropical forests are environments composed of living creatures, such as trees, plants, bugs, and miniature living beings, which are inconsistent with other physical or substance segments.

Getting an Overview of the Environment

The environment can be defined as the people, place, nature, and things that tend to surround any particular living organism. The combination of man-made and natural resources and phenomena tends to create an environment for every single living being. The natural environment might refer to the different abiotic as well as biotic components that exist on the earth. However, the man-made phenomena would reveal all the interactions and the creations which tend to happen between different human beings. It is safe to say that all the creations made by nature as well as human beings tend to create a whole environment in the best way.

Get an Insight into Natural Environment

To define the natural environment, one has to know what comprises it. The natural environment consists of plants, animals, air, water, and land. It is important to know the layers of the environment which are described below.

  • Lithosphere: The lithosphere is known to be the hard top layer which is also called the crust. Made with minerals and rocks, Lithosphere is covered with a soil layer that is pretty thin. The surface of the lithosphere is pretty irregular and there are landforms present such as plants, plateaus, mountains, valleys, and so much more. This layer provides the space for grasslands, forests, and agricultural lands too.

  • Hydrosphere: The water domain is called the Hydrosphere. There are different sources of water that are present in this domain. These include lakes, seas, rivers, oceans, ponds, and so much more. Water is extremely essential for living beings.

  • Atmosphere: The atmosphere is another component of the natural environment and it is characterised by a thin air layer that completely surrounds the earth. It is held there due to the forces of gravitation. The main function of the atmosphere is to protect the earth from harmful UV rays of the sun as well as heat.

  • Biosphere: The last and one of the most important components of the natural environment is the biosphere. It consists of all the plants as well as the animal kingdoms. This is basically a pretty narrow zone that interacts with the land, air, and water in order to support life.

Some Details About the Human Environment

In the chapter Our Environment Class 7, there is a specific mention of the Human Environment. This environment consists of the interactions of human beings with the natural environment and the modifications which take place due to these actions. Humans tend to have a habit of adapting themselves very easily to their surroundings. Hence, the needs of people became different from time to time. 

With the increase of the needs of human beings, the interactions with the environment also began to increase. Humans also learned to domesticate animals and grow crops in the best way. New technologies and inventions came into existence. All of that increased production as well. Not to mention that transportation became a lot faster. Also, there was a revolution of information which gave rise to a whole new human environment.

Benefits of Studying the Revision Notes on CBSE Class 7 Geography Environment Chapter 1

Vedantu’s revision notes on CBSE Class 7 Geography Environment Chapter 1 are meant to help students reach their revision goals since they can go through the important concepts that are related to the chapter in a concise yet comprehensive manner. The notes we provide are curated by our expert teachers and subject matter experts, who cater to students’ needs for exam-appropriate study materials that can be used to complete the revision process without much hassle. Students can easily study from these notes to memorise the major ideas in the chapter and elaborate on the same in the exam.

Summary of Environment Class 7 CBSE

Importance of Environment:

Explore the significance of the environment in our lives and understand its role in sustaining ecosystems and supporting life on Earth. Learn about the interdependence between human activities and the environment.

Components of Environment:

Discover the different components of the environment, including natural components like air, water, land, and living organisms. Understand how human activities impact these components and the need for their conservation.

Natural Resources:

Gain insights into the various natural resources present in our environment, such as forests, wildlife, minerals, and water. Learn about their importance, distribution, and sustainable management.


Understand the concept of an ecosystem and its components, including biotic and abiotic factors. Explore different types of ecosystems, their characteristics, and the delicate balance that exists within them.

Environmental Degradation:

Learn about the causes and consequences of environmental degradation, including deforestation, pollution, and depletion of resources. Discover the importance of sustainable practices to mitigate environmental issues.

Conservation of Environment:

Delve into the significance of environmental conservation and sustainable development. Explore measures like afforestation, conservation of water resources, and waste management to protect and preserve our environment.

Environmental Laws and Initiatives:

Become familiar with the environmental laws and initiatives implemented to safeguard our environment. Learn about organizations, both national and international, that work towards environmental protection.


By studying Vedantu’s comprehensive revision notes on Environment for Class 7 CBSE Geography, Chapter 1, you will gain a solid foundation and a deeper understanding of the subject. Prepare effectively for your exams and develop an awareness of the importance of environmental conservation in creating a sustainable future. Remember, these revision notes are designed to aid your learning and revision process, allowing you to grasp key concepts and excel in your academic journey.

FAQs on Environment Class 7 Notes CBSE Geography Chapter 1 (Free PDF Download)

1. What is the Ecosystem?

The ecosystem is an enlarged community that comprises organisms, animals, plants, microbes, etc. that are situated in one particular location. There are several nutrient cycles that tend to link so many components of the physical and the living nature. Some of the examples of an ecosystem would include grassland, a rainforest, a mountain, a desert, and so much more.

2. What are the Biotic Components?

According to The Environment Class 7 Notes, Biotic components comprise the living things that make up the environment such as plants and animal life.

3. What are Abiotic Components?

Abiotic components can be defined as those components of the environment which are of non-living, physical, and chemical nature. Some examples include air, water, wind, light, minerals, and glass.

4. What is the difference between the Natural and Human Environment?

The natural environment consists of all the natural forces such as air, water, land, animals, plants, and much more. The human environment consists of human interactions with the environment.

5. What do you understand about the lithosphere?

The lithosphere is the subdivision of the natural environment. It can be defined as the solid surface or the hard layer of the earth's surface. It is built of minerals, stones, pebbles, and rocks. This top crust of the earth is covered with a thin film of soil. The surface of the lithosphere is irregular and includes natural landforms like plateaus, mountains, valleys, deserts, plains, etc. It plays a vital role in our lives as it gives us forests for getting food commodities, land for cultivation and human settlement, and grasslands for grazing. Also, it is a natural reservoir of minerals.

6. What is the atmosphere? 

The atmosphere is a thin film of air that surrounds the earth. It is made of different types of gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulphur, water vapours, dust particles, etc. The atmosphere sticks to the earth through the gravitational force. This force is responsible for holding the atmosphere across the earth. It prevents humankind from scorching and avoids the harmful rays of the Sun. The changes in the atmosphere initiate modifications in the weather and climate.

7. How are humans responsible to modify the natural environment?

Human activities are responsible for changing the natural environment. The needs of people are increasing day by day. Hence, they tend to change the environment to fulfil their requirements. Human beings sometimes destroy nature to get precious resources like wood, minerals, food, and other materials to earn a huge amount of money. Many constructors destroy natural vegetation to build industries, roads, corporate offices, etc. This way humans are changing ecosystems to date.

8. Write different domains of the environment. 

The different domains of the environment are:

  • Lithosphere - It is the uppermost surface of the earth. Hence, it’s known as the “Earth’s Crust”. It is built of minerals and rock. It is surrounded by a thin film of soil. It gives us grasslands, forests, etc. 

  • Atmosphere - It’s a slim layer of air that surrounds our planet earth. The atmosphere is made up of dust particles, water vapours, gases like hydrogen, oxygen, etc. 

  • Hydrosphere - Hydrosphere refers to the water reservoirs present on the earth. It consists of water reservoirs like rivers, lakes, seas. 

  • Biosphere - It comprises living creatures like plants and animals.

9. How have human beings adapted to the environment?

Human beings have been dependent on nature since ancient times. They have been interacting with nature and moulding themselves according to it. Ancient humans have changed themselves so that they can live in their natural surroundings. They had an easy life and fulfilled their needs from the environment itself. With gradual development, humans learnt to grow crops and rear animals for their livelihood. Steadily, different modes of transportation arose and trade started. In the modern world, the invention of the Internet has made everything easy. This is how humans have adapted to nature.

10. Define the environment.

The surrounding we live in is composed of various living and nonliving components which make our existence possible and is known as the environment. The living components include plants and animals whereas the non-living components include the land, air, water etc.

11. Define the terms Biotic and Abiotic?

The term "biotic" is cast by the combination of two terms, "bio", which means life, and "ic", which means like. In this manner, the term implies life-like and is identified with all the living substances present in an ecosystem.

Plants, Animals, fisheries, and so forth comprise the biotic elements. The term abiotic alludes to all the nonliving elements present in an environment. Daylight, water, and land all comprise abiotic factors.

12. Explain the Natural Environment?

The natural environment incorporates all living and nonliving things occurring naturally or free gifts of nature. The natural environment incorporates land, water, air, plants, and animals. This environment incorporates the connection of every living species, atmosphere, climate, and common assets that influence human existence.

13. How can I effectively revise Social Science?

To revise Social Science effectively, create a study schedule, review your class notes and textbooks, make concise summary notes, use visual aids like charts or diagrams, practice answering past exam questions, and seek clarification from your teachers or our Vedantu master teachers if needed.