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The temperature of 5 cities in India on a particular day are shown on the number line. Name the cities with temperature more than $0{}^\circ C$?

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Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 420.9k
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Hint:A number line is a simple line having numbers marked on it to show various information associated with that point. It has two parts separated by number 0. Numbers toward the right of the number line are greater than 0 and numbers toward the left of the number line are lesser than 0. By using this knowledge, we can easily solve our problem.

Complete step-by-step answer:
One of the important sub branch of mathematics is representation of numbers using a number line. A number line is a simple line having a list of numbers marked on it to show various information associated with that point. It has two parts separated by zero. On the right-hand side of the zero, we have positive numbers and on the left-hand side of the zero, we have negative numbers.
As per our problem, we are required to find the places with temperature above zero. So, all the cities stated towards the right of zero would have temperature above $0{}^\circ C$.
So, the correct answers are Ooty and Bangalore.

Note: The key step for solving this question is the knowledge of numbers represented on a number line. Students must be careful about the sign of numbers which are represented on the number line to avoid any error.