NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter-5 Poem - The School Boy - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 5 The School Boy
1. 'Nor Sit in Learning's bower Worn Thro with the Dreary Shower.'
Which of the Following is a Close Paraphrase of the Lines Above?
Nor can I Sit in a Roofless Classroom When it is Raining.
Nor can I Learn Anything at School Through Teachers Going on Lecturing and Explaining.
Nor can I Sit in the School Garden for Fear of Getting Wet in the Rain.
Nor can I learn anything at school through teachers going on lecturing and explaining.
2. Can I Access the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English The School Boy File Free of Cost?
Yes, NCERT Solutions Class 8 English The School Boy is available for you free of cost on our site. You can also access the file from our Vedantu App.
3. 'A cruel eye outworn (stanza 2)' refers to which of the following sentences?
The Lessons Which are Difficult or Uninteresting.
The Classroom Which is Very Shabby or Too Noisy.
The Dull or Uninspiring Life at School with Lots of Work and no Playing.
Mark the Answer That You Consider Right.
The dull or uninspiring life at school with lots of work and no playing.
4. In Stanza 2, 'The Mood Changes,' Which Word or Phrases Reflect the Changed Mood?
The word or phrases reflecting the child's mood are:
Cruel eye outworn (of the teacher).
Sighing and dismay.
Drives all joy away.
5. How can I write perfect answers for Chapter 5 of Class 8 English Honeydew in exams?
Writing well-composed and impressive answers is your key to scoring high marks in English. To write perfect answers for Chapter 5 of Class 8 English, follow the given below points:
Read the chapter well and understand the author's vision behind it.
Refer to Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 of Class 8 English Honeydew. The solutions here are provided by English experts and exemplify the correct way to answer questions in exams.
Read several supplementary books to evolve your vocabulary and strengthen your grasp of the English language.
6. Is the boy happy in the poem “The School Boy” of Class 8 English?
At the start of the poem "The School Boy '', the boy seems like a happy child in love with nature. But as the poem progresses we understand that the child is in fact dismayed at the thought of going to school on a bright happy morning. It appears that the boy despises sitting in school and wants to enjoy the sunny morning outside. The boy is distraught at the thought of spending hours at school and is not happy at all.
7. What is the poem “The School Boy” of Class 8 English about?
The poem “The School Boy'' written by William Blake narrates to the reader the story of a young boy. Through the poem, we learn that the young boy is in love with nature. He describes the various things in nature beautifully and makes mesmerizing comparisons. However, he hates spending hours in school "caged" like a bird. The boy does not enjoy his time in school and feels burdened under the weight of books and expectations of the school.
8. Who winds the horn in the poem “The School Boy” of Class 8 English?
According to the narrator of "The School Boy,'' the huntsman winds the horn. The boy hears the sound of a hunter from a distance. The boy in the poem says these lines whilst describing the bewitching beauty of a summer morning. He also mentions the sound of birds singing on trees. To him, it seems like the skylark is singing with him. All these things make the boy fall in love with the morning in the summer.
9. What do you know about the poet of the poem “The School Boy” of Class 8 English?
"The School Boy" is written by the poet "William Blake" as part of his poetry collection called "The Songs of Experience."
William Blake was a poet of English origin. He was also a painter and a printmaker. He contributed several masterpieces to English literature. Of these, his illustrated book of a poetry collection titled, "Songs of Innocence and Experience" is most famous.
Unfortunately, his talent was not recognized as much during his lifetime as it did after his death.