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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1: Day at the Beach


NCERT Solutions Class 2 Day at the Beach Maths - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1, "A Day at the Beach," which helps young students understand basic math in a fun and simple way. This chapter uses a beach day theme to teach counting, addition, and subtraction. The colourful pictures and easy explanations make it enjoyable for students to follow along and learn maths.

Table of Content
1. NCERT Solutions Class 2 Day at the Beach Maths - FREE PDF Download
2. Glance on Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 - Day at the Beach
3. Access NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 Day at the Beach
    3.1Let us Do
    3.2Let us Think
    3.3Let us Match
    3.4Let us Do
    3.5Let us Do
    3.6Let us Play
4. Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 Day at the Beach
5. Important Study Material Links for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 - Day at the Beach
6. Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 2 Maths - Joyful-Mathematics
7. Related Important Links for Maths Class 2

These solutions are part of the CBSE Class 2 Maths Syllabus, which is meant to give students a good start in basic math skills. The solutions offer step-by-step help, making it easy for students to solve problems and understand the concepts. With these NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths, students can practise maths with confidence while enjoying the learning process. Download the FREE PDF to start learning with this exciting chapter.

Glance on Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 - Day at the Beach

  • Students will learn to count different items like shells, buckets, and toys they might find at the beach, making counting fun and easy.

  • The chapter shows how to group similar objects like seashells or pebbles, helping students understand how to organise things.

  • Students will practise adding small numbers by counting beach items like sandcastles and buckets.

  • The chapter helps students compare the number of different objects, like seeing which has more between shells and pebbles.

  • Students will learn to recognise and continue simple patterns, like alternating colours of beach balls or arranging items in a simple order.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 Day at the Beach

Day at a Beach

Look at the above picture. Count and write the number of objects given below.

Coconuts ___ 

Boats    ___

Children  ___ 



Coconuts - 27

Boats - 12

Children - 6

Oranges - 20

How did you count them? Did you count them one by one or in bunches or groups?

Ans: I count them in a bunch.

Let us Do

A. Look at the shops shown in the picture and fill in the blanks.

i. There are ___________ necklaces of shells with 10 shells in each necklace.

Ans: There are 10 necklaces of shells with 10 shells in each necklace.

ii. There are ___________ groups of balloons with ___________ balloons in each group and ___________ loose balloons.

Ans: There are 6 groups of balloons with 4 balloons in each group and 2 loose balloons.

iii. There are _______ bunches of bananas with ________ bananas in each bunch and ___________ loose bananas.

Ans: There are 6 bunches of bananas with 12 bananas in each bunch and 4 loose bananas.

B. Surbhi has collected some seashells. She wants to help her mother in making bracelets and necklaces.

bracelets and necklaces

C. Surbhi has made ____________ groups of shells with _______ number of shells in each group for her bracelets.

number of shells in group

Ans: Surbhi has made 10 groups of shells with 5 number of shells in each group for her bracelets.

D. Her mother has made ____________ groups of shells with ____________ number of shells in each group for her necklaces.

Ans: Her mother has made 5 groups of shells with 10 number of shells in each group for her necklaces.

Let us Think

A. _____________ 

B. _____________ 

C. _____________ 


A. Pencils

B. Biscuits

C. Toffees

Tasty Chikoos! 

Manoj is helping his father in selling chikoos that he has arranged in the trays. 

chikoo shop

There are ______ chikoos in one tray. 

Ans: There are 10 chikoos in one tray. 

How many chikoos are there in total? _______ 

Ans: There are total 80 chikoos

Now help Manoj in placing all the chikoos in the trays for selling. 

A. 25 chikoos 🌰🌰: ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos.

Ans: 5 chikoos 🌰🌰: 2 trays of ten chikoos and 5 chikoos.

B. 43 chikoos 🌰🌰: ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos. 

Ans: 43 chikoos 🌰🌰: 4 trays of ten chikoos and 3 chikoos.

C. 35 chikoos 🌰🌰: ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos. 

Ans: 35 chikoos 🌰🌰: 3 trays of ten chikoos and 5 chikoos. 

D. 58 chikoos 🌰🌰: ____ trays of ten chikoos and ____ chikoos.

Ans: 58 chikoos 🌰🌰: 5 trays of ten chikoos and 8 zchikoos.

Let us Match

match the number of chikoos


solution for matching the chikoos

Fun with Blocks and Strips

blocks and strips

Can you tell how many blocks are there in this block stick?

1 block stick = ________ blocks

Ans: 1 block stick = 10 blocks

count the blocks

Can you tell how many units are there in this ten strip? 

1 ten strip = ________ units

Ans: 1 ten strip = 10 units

Let us Do

count the sticks and units


answer for counting the sticks and units

Complete the below table.

complete the table of strips


solution for counting the strips in tens and units

Let us Make 100!

count yellow and red strips


solution for counting strips and units

Let us Make 100!

Complete the following.

count in ones and tens


solutions for ones and tens

Draw tens (🔺) and ones (🔴) cards and fill in the blanks.

draw ones and tens


solutions for drawing the ones and tens

Make Numbers

Which is less 27 oranges or 72 oranges? Why?

Ans: 27 oranges are less than 72 oranges. This is because 27 is a smaller number than 72. So, if you have 27 oranges, you have fewer oranges compared to having 72 oranges.


Fill in the blanks with more or less.

A. 67 chikoos are _______ than 76 chikoos.

Ans: 67 chikoos are less than 76 chikoos.

B. 53 shells are _______ than 35 shells.

Ans: 53 shells are more than 35 shells.

Let us Do

Fill in the blanks. 

A. 29 is more than 20.

Ans: 29 is more than 20.

B. ______ is less than 41. 

Ans: 39 is less than 41.

C. ______ is less than 76. 

Ans: 53 is less than 76.

D. 49 is more than ______ . 

Ans: 49 is more than 42.

E. 25 is less than ______ . 

Ans: 25 is less than 29.

F. ______ is less than 2. 

Ans: 1 is less than 2.

G. 36 is more than ______ . 

Ans: 36 is more than 30.

H. _____ is more than ______.

Ans: 2 is more than 1.

Let us Play

Flash Card Game

A. Make flash cards of numbers from 0 to 9. Make the desired number according to the rules given below by placing these cards appropriately at tens and ones place. 

i. A number greater than 50. 

ii. A number less than 30. 

iii. A number between 47 and 59.

iv. Which is the smallest two-digit 7 number you can make? 

v. Which is the largest two-digit number you can make? Why do you think that the number you made is the largest?




(i) 58



(ii) 26



(iii) 49



(iv) 10



(v) 99



B. Choose any two flash cards and make a two-digit number. Now swap these flash cards to get another number and find out whether it is bigger or smaller than the previous number. How will you get the largest number using same digits?

find largest digit using flash cards


solutions for finding the largest digit using flash cards

Largest number using same digit = 9,9

Mark by Passing the Path

From the largest number, try to reach the smallest one in decreasing order by passing through each and every number atleast once.

reach the smallest one by each number


solution for smallest one by each number

Play with Numbers

Who am I?

A. I am the largest two-digit number.

Ans: 99

B. I am the largest two-digit number where no digit is repeated.

Ans: 98

C. I am the smallest two-digit number.

Ans: 10

D. I am the smallest two-digit number, my digits are repeated.

Ans: 11

E. I am the smallest two-digit number with 3 at the tens place.

Ans: 30

F. I am the largest two-digit number with 2 at the ones place. 

Ans: 92

Vallam kali 

In Kerala, Onam is celebrated through a famous snake boat race called as vallam kali. The race has nearly come to an end. Look at the picture and observe the position of each boat.

vallam kali snake boat

A. Which colour boat came first in the race? __________ 

Ans: Red

B. Which colour boat is likely to come third? __________ 

Ans: Yellow

C. At which positions are blue and green boats? __________ 

Ans: Fourth

D. Write the position of pink and orange boats on the basis of the picture. ____________ ____________

Ans: Second Fifth

Look at the month of August in the calendar given below.

August month of calender

Read the calendar and answer the following questions. 

A. Onam will be celebrated on which day of the month? 

Ans: Tuesday

B. When is the Independence day celebrated? 

Ans: 15

C. Raksha Bandhan is on Wednesday of this month.

Ans: Fifth

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 Day at the Beach

  • Chapter 1, "Day at the Beach" from Class 2 Maths teaches students basic maths concepts by connecting them to everyday experiences.

  • The enjoyable beach theme makes learning numbers fun and easy for students to understand.

  • This chapter provides simple explanations that help students easily grasp concepts like counting, addition, and subtraction.

  • Practice exercises allow students to apply what they have learned, reinforcing their understanding of these basic math skills.

  • Engaging activities keep students interested and make learning both enjoyable and effective.

  • Overall, this chapter helps students improve their math skills in a fun way, setting a strong foundation for more advanced topics.

Important Study Material Links for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 - Day at the Beach

S. No

Study Material Links for Chapter 1


Class 2 Day at the Beach Important Questions


Class 2 Day at the Beach Revision Notes


The NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1, "A Day at the Beach," makes math learning fun and easy for students. Using simple examples and enjoyable activities, this chapter helps students understand basic ideas like counting, grouping, and comparing numbers. The colourful pictures and clear explanations keep students interested, making it easier for them to understand the lessons. These solutions provide a good start to math learning, helping students feel confident as they move on to new topics.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 2 Maths - Joyful-Mathematics

After going through the Class 2 Maths Chapter 1 Question Answers, students can find detailed NCERT Solutions for all chapters in the Class 2 Joyful-Mathematics textbook.

Related Important Links for Maths Class 2

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for Maths Class 2 –

S. No

Important Links for Class 2 Maths


Class 2 Maths NCERT Book


Class 2 Maths Worksheet


Class 2 Maths Sample Paper


Class 2 Maths Revision Notes


Class 2 Maths Important Questions

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Maths Chapter 1: Day at the Beach

1. What is the focus of Maths Chapter 1, "Day at the Beach"?

Chapter 1 focuses on learning numbers and counting through a fun beach theme. It includes exercises to count items like shells and fish. The chapter uses beach scenes to make learning about numbers enjoyable.

2. How can the NCERT Solutions help with this Maths Chapter 1?

The solutions offer clear, step-by-step answers to the exercises, making it easier to solve problems. They include simple explanations and practice questions to help students understand the material. This makes learning more effective.

3. Are there any specific tips for solving problems in this Maths chapter?

Read each question carefully and identify what you need to count or find. Follow the examples in the solutions for guidance. Practise regularly to get better at solving similar problems.

4. What types of questions are included in Chapter 1?

The chapter includes questions about counting objects, matching numbers, and basic addition and subtraction. These questions use beach themes to make learning numbers interesting and easy. They help students practise their number skills.

5. How can students benefit from practising these NCERT solutions?

Practising with the solutions helps students improve their counting and number skills. It also helps them feel more confident about solving maths problems. Regular practice ensures they understand the concepts well.

6. Is it important to review the explanations provided in the NCERT solutions Chapter 1?

Yes, reviewing the explanations helps students understand how to solve each problem. It provides a clear way to approach similar questions in the future. This helps avoid mistakes and strengthens learning.

7. Can parents use these NCERT solutions of Chapter 1 to help their children?

Yes, parents can use the solutions to help their children with the exercises and explain difficult parts. This support can make learning easier and more enjoyable for the child. It also helps parents see how their child is progressing.

8. How does this Chapter 1 “A Day at the Beach” prepare students for future math topics?

Chapter 1 teaches basic number skills that are important for learning more complex math later. Understanding these basics makes it easier to learn addition, subtraction, and other math topics in the future.

9. What are some common challenges students face with this Chapter 1 Maths?

Students might find it hard to count large groups or tell similar numbers apart. Using the solutions and examples can help them overcome these challenges and understand the concepts better.

10. How often should students practice the exercises in this Chapter 1 Maths?

Students should practice the exercises regularly, ideally a few times a week, to improve their understanding. Frequent practice helps strengthen their number skills and make learning easier.

11. Are there any additional resources recommended for this chapter?

Besides the NCERT Solutions, students can use workbooks or online games that focus on counting and numbers. These extra resources offer more practice in a fun and interactive way.

12. How can students check their answers to ensure they are correct?

Students can compare their answers with the solutions provided. If their answers are different, they should review the step-by-step explanations to see where they went wrong and how to fix it.