Class 12 Accountancy MPBSE Question Paper 2018 - PDF Download
FAQs on MPBSE Class 12 Accountancy Question Paper 2018
1. How Should I Prepare This Subject?
Accountancy is actually interesting if studied logically, we need to analyze the subject thoroughly. Students should do different and multiple questions from the past year so that they can well equip their knowledge in the particular subject. Good marks come from practice and dedication precisely.
2. How will the Questions Be Set for the Current Batch? Following this 2018 Paper will be Beneficial?
Of course any previous year paper is beneficial, where students can refer and expect a lot similar question types from here. The board will follow their definite and already specified question pattern. Patterns of the paper can always be cited from past years like one mentioned here. For further information, students are advised to check the official site of the board and consult with their respective teachers.
3. Is the Accountancy Paper Tough and Lengthy?
This is a very standard question paper which is dedicated to test a student’s knowledge in this subject. There is a whole set of objective based questions that is definitely not tough and is studied in depth. To talk about the length, accountancy is a subject based on drafting accounts and calculation, so the standard length is quite expected and understandable in this paper.