Class 12 Accountancy MPBSE Question Paper 2017 - PDF Download
FAQs on MPBSE Class 12 Accountancy Question Paper 2017
1. Is Accountancy Tough?
Accountancy honestly is a marks scorer and interesting paper if studied logically, we only need to analyze the subject, read the chapter, understand the concepts then go on to solve the related sums, this will ease the subject and seem interesting as well.
2. The 2017 Question Paper is Quite Old, will it be Even Beneficial?
Of course any past year paper is beneficial, and students can refer and expect a lot similar question types from here. The board will follow their definite and already specified pattern of questioning. Patterns of the paper can always be sited from the past year papers like one mentioned here.
3. Focusing on the Theory or Solving More Numericals, Which will be the Most Beneficial?
Both are important equally, without knowing the theory you cannot proceed on to the sums. While in the exam view point, solving sums are much more scoring, as if a student knows the correct technique of solving he can fetch even the full marks.
4. How Do I Revise This Subject?
Revision of Accountancy can be done by solving the previous year question papers which are easily available for free on our website. This previous year question paper too serves the same purpose. Before the exam students can only go through the previous year questions and solve their answers, this will help them to gain confidence.