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Which of the subsequent polymers doesn't have vinylic monomer units?
(A) Acrilan
(B) Nylon
(C) Polystyrene
(D) Neoprene

Last updated date: 05th May 2024
Total views: 40.2k
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Hint: Polymers are materials product of long, repeating chains of molecules. The materials have unique properties, betting on the kind of molecules that are bonded and the way bonded they're. It is done due to their broad spectrum of properties, both synthetic and natural polymers play essential and ubiquitous roles.

Complete step by step answer:
Vinyl polymers are polymers made of vinyl monomers; that's, small molecules containing carbon-carbon double bonds. They create the largest family of polymers. Let's examine how we get from a vinyl monomer to a polyvinyl resin using for example the best vinyl resin, polyethylene. Polyethylene is formed from the monomer ethylene, which is additionally called ethene. When polymerized, the ethylene molecules are joined along the axes of their double bonds to create a protracted chain of many thousands of carbon atoms containing only single bonds between atoms.
Now let us see Vinylic monomer, they’re basically a monomer containing a carbon-carbon covalent bond in them.


     ${{\left( -C{{H}_{2}}=CHCN- \right)}_{n}}$

     ${{\left( -{{C}_{6}}{{H}_{5}}-C{{H}_{2}}=C{{H}_{2}}- \right)}_{n}}$

     ${{\left( -C{{H}_{2}}=CHCl- \right)}_{n}}$
   ~{{\left( Hexamethylene\,diamine+adipicacid \right)}_{n}} \\
Only nylon does not have vinylic monomer units.

So, the correct option is (B).

Vinyl polymers are made up of monomers within which one or more of the hydrogen atoms of ethylene has been replaced by another atom or groups of atoms. Not many monomers during which hydrogen atoms have been replaced on both carbon atoms will polymerize.