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What do you mean by short-sightedness?

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: Use the concept of common eye conditions and get more knowledge about the condition and meaning of short-sightedness. Discuss the problems with this short-sightedness and the signs of it.

A common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred, while close objects can be seen clearly is known as Short-sightedness (or myopia),. An eye having myopia can only see nearer objects. Objects which are at a distance will not see clearly. In this defect, image is formed before the retina of an eye and far point come closer. This defect can be removed by using a concave lens of suitable focal length in the eye. If the defected far point is at a distance d from eye then, focal length of used lens,
   \text{F} = - \text{d} \\
                 = -\left( \text{detected far point} \right)
Short-sightedness defects can range from mild, where there may be no requirements of treatment, to severe, where a person's vision is significantly affected and they must visit a doctor as soon as possible for the treatments.
The short-sightedness condition in children can start from early years ranging from 6 to 13 years, but can be treated if visited by a doctor.
Signs that child may be short-sighted can include:
They feel the need to sit in the front or near front row of the class at school because they find difficulty in reading the whiteboard from the rows far from the whiteboard.
They have a habit of sitting close to television sets.
Regular complaining of headaches or tired eyes or water coming from the eyes.
Regularly rubbing their eyes

Note: Make sure about the conditions of short sightedness and observe the different points that are related to image form after defection and go through the details and signs to avoid the mistakes for the short-sightedness.