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Tungsten is obtained from the Latin name:
(a) Wolfram
(b) Wolfire
(c) Wolfoam
(d) Wolfox

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: Try to attempt this question by keeping in mind the Latin name and Symbol of Tungsten from the periodic table. Then relate it to the options given in the question.

Complete step by step answer:
The symbol for tungsten, W is taken from tungsten's Latin name Wolfram. The Latin name is taken from tungsten mineral wolframite.
Tungsten is a d-block element belonging to the sixth period and fifth group. It has an atomic number – 74 and atomic weight of 183.86 g/mol. It is a greyish-white coloured lustrous metal, which is a solid at room temperature. Tungsten has the highest melting point and lowest vapor pressure amongst all metals. At temperatures over 1650°C, it has the highest tensile strength. Tungsten also has excellent corrosion resistance and is attacked very slightly by most mineral acids. Not only this, its density is 19.25 times that of water (also comparable to that of uranium and gold) and much higher (about 1.7 times) than that of lead.
Therefore, the correct answer is option (a) – Wolfram.

Note: In Swedish, the word tungsten means “heavy stone”. Tungsten has various applications such as – in the chemical and tanning industry, in TV tubes (electron tubes) and X-ray targets in missile and high-temperature applications in metal- working, mining, and petroleum industries and also as a high-temperature lubricant.