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The monomer unit of the given polymer is :

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint : We know that a repeating unit produces the complete polymer or we can say that the polymers are formed by the repetition of a specific unit. These units are called basic units of polymer. A monomer reacts with another monomer to form a larger polymer. Polymers are composed of multiples of simpler units known as monomers.

Complete step by step solution:
We can identify monomer units in any polymer because these monomer units are the building block of the polymer. Here in the problem we are given a section of polymer and asked to identify the monomer so to solve this problem we need to pick a point and then look across and check when the next repetition point came. By doing this trick we will get a repeating unit of the polymer. On observing the given structure we come to know that the repeating unit is $ - C{H_2}C{(C{H_3})_2} - $ which is known as isobutylene. In isobutylene double bond breaks and another molecule of isobutylene attached to it hence the chain continues. So here option A is the correct answer to this problem because it is the structural representation of isobutylene$(2 - $ methylpropene) which is a colourless flammable gas.

Note : We know that polymers are very useful in our daily life. Polymer formation exactly takes place by bonding of carbon atoms one to the next into a long chain. These long chains are called the backbone of polymers. Polymers used to be very resistant to chemicals. They act as thermal and electrical insulators. They had a broad range of uses in industries also.