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Difference Between Cyclone and Anticyclone for JEE Main 2025


What is Cyclone and Anticyclone: Introduction

To distinguish between cyclone and anticyclone: Cyclones and anticyclones are dynamic weather systems that play a significant role in atmospheric physics. A cyclone is a low-pressure system characterized by inward spiraling winds, circulating counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. These weather phenomena are associated with stormy conditions, such as heavy rainfall, strong winds, and cloudy skies. Conversely, an anticyclone is a high-pressure system featuring outward-moving winds, rotating clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Anticyclones are typically associated with stable weather patterns, including clear skies, calm winds, and dry conditions. The study of cyclones and anticyclones allows us to investigate the complex dynamics of atmospheric pressure, wind patterns, and the formation of various weather events. Let’s understand them further in detail.


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Difference Between Cyclone and Anticyclone

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What is Cyclone?

A cyclone refers to a weather system characterized by a low-pressure center and circulating winds that spiral inward. Cyclones occur due to the interaction of atmospheric conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and pressure gradients. In the Northern Hemisphere, cyclonic winds rotate counterclockwise around the low-pressure center, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they rotate clockwise. These rotating winds generate weather phenomena, including stormy conditions such as heavy rain, strong winds, and clouds. Cyclones can range in size from small-scale disturbances to large, powerful storms like hurricanes and typhoons. Understanding cyclones is crucial for meteorologists and physicists studying atmospheric dynamics and weather patterns. The characteristics of cyclones are: 

  • Low-pressure System: Cyclones are characterized by a central region of low atmospheric pressure. The air pressure in the center is lower compared to the surrounding areas.

  • Rotating Winds: Cyclones feature rotating winds around the center. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winds rotate counterclockwise, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they rotate clockwise.

  • Convergence: Cyclonic winds converge towards the low-pressure center, resulting in inward spiraling airflow.

  • Atmospheric Instability: Cyclones are associated with atmospheric instability, often caused by temperature and pressure gradients. This instability leads to the development of intense weather phenomena.

  • Weather Disturbances: Cyclones are responsible for producing various weather conditions, including heavy rainfall, strong winds, thunderstorms, and sometimes tornadoes.

  • Size Variability: Cyclones can range in size from small-scale disturbances, such as mesocyclones, to large-scale systems like tropical cyclones and extratropical cyclones.

What is Anticyclone?

In the realm of physics, an anticyclone refers to a weather system characterized by a high-pressure center with outward-moving winds. Anticyclones occur when the atmospheric pressure at the center is higher than the surrounding areas. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winds rotate clockwise around the high-pressure center, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they rotate counterclockwise. Anticyclones are associated with stable weather conditions, including clear skies, calm winds, and dry weather. These systems often lead to high-pressure ridges, resulting in a decrease in cloud formation and precipitation. Understanding anticyclones is crucial for meteorologists and physicists studying atmospheric dynamics and weather forecasting. The characteristics of anticyclones are:

  • High-pressure System: Anticyclones are characterized by a central region of high atmospheric pressure. The air pressure in the center is higher compared to the surrounding areas.

  • Rotating Winds: Anticyclones feature rotating winds around the high-pressure center. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winds rotate clockwise, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they rotate counterclockwise.

  • Divergence: Anticyclonic winds diverge away from the high-pressure center, resulting in outward-moving airflow.

  • Atmospheric Stability: Anticyclones are associated with atmospheric stability, often caused by sinking air, subsidence, and divergence of air masses.

  • Clear Skies: Anticyclones are typically associated with clear skies and reduced cloud cover, as stable atmospheric conditions limit the formation of clouds.

  • Calm Weather: Anticyclones often bring calm weather conditions, with light winds and reduced atmospheric disturbances.

Differentiate Between Cyclone and Anticyclone 







Low-pressure center

High-pressure center


Air Flow

Inward spiraling

Outward moving


Weather Effects

Stormy conditions (rain, strong winds)

Calm conditions (clear skies, light winds)



Typically associated with colder air

Typically associated with warmer air


Cloud Formation

Increased cloud formation

Reduced cloud formation



Associated with atmospheric instability

Associated with atmospheric stability

This table highlights some general differences between cyclones and anticyclones, their characteristics can vary depending on their specific location and circumstances.


A cyclone is a low-pressure weather system characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Cyclones often bring stormy weather with heavy rainfall, strong winds, and potentially destructive conditions like hurricanes and typhoons. Whereas, An anticyclone is a high-pressure weather system characterized by outward-moving winds that rotate clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Anticyclones typically bring stable weather conditions with clear skies, light winds, and lower chances of precipitation. They are associated with fair weather and can lead to temperature extremes, such as heat waves or cold spells, depending on the season.

FAQs on Difference Between Cyclone and Anticyclone for JEE Main 2025

1. What causes the spinning motion of cyclones?

The spinning motion of cyclones, such as hurricanes and typhoons, is primarily caused by the Coriolis effect. The Coriolis effect is a result of the Earth's rotation, which causes moving objects to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. As air moves towards the center of a low-pressure system, it experiences this deflection due to the Coriolis effect, resulting in a cyclonic circulation pattern. The rotation becomes more pronounced as the air converges towards the center, creating the characteristic swirling motion of cyclones. The Coriolis effect is a fundamental force that influences the behavior of weather systems on a rotating planet like Earth.

2. Can anticyclones cause extreme temperature variations?

Yes, anticyclones can indeed cause extreme temperature variations. In an anticyclone, the sinking air and high-pressure conditions create stable atmospheric conditions. This stability inhibits the vertical mixing of air and traps heat near the surface, leading to the buildup of warm air masses. As a result, anticyclones often bring periods of prolonged sunshine, clear skies, and calm winds, allowing solar radiation to heat the surface intensely. This can result in extreme temperature variations, especially during summertime, as the stagnant air and lack of cloud cover contribute to intense heating. Conversely, in winter, anticyclones can lead to cold air stagnation and cause frigid temperatures.

3. How do meteorologists predict and track cyclones?

Meteorologists use a combination of observational data, weather models, and satellite technology to predict and track cyclones. They monitor atmospheric conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and air pressure, through weather stations and buoys. Satellite imagery provides a broader view of the cyclone's structure and movement. Numerical weather prediction models use complex mathematical equations to simulate and forecast the behavior of cyclones. Meteorologists input current and historical data into these models to predict the future track, intensity, and potential impacts of cyclones. Doppler radar systems are also employed to track the movement and intensity of cyclones in real time, aiding in timely warnings and advisories.

4. What is the role of anticyclones in atmospheric stability?

Anticyclones play a crucial role in maintaining atmospheric stability. As high-pressure systems, anticyclones promote subsidence, which is the downward movement of air. This subsidence inhibits the vertical mixing of air and suppresses the formation of clouds and precipitation. The sinking air in anticyclones creates a stable atmospheric environment by warming and compressing as it descends. This stability limits the upward movement of air, preventing the development of convective storms and turbulent weather conditions. As a result, anticyclones often bring clear skies, calm weather, and extended periods of fair conditions. They contribute to the maintenance of stable atmospheric conditions over regions where they are present.

5. What are the safety precautions during a cyclone?

During a cyclone, it is essential to take immediate safety precautions to protect yourself and minimize potential risks. Firstly, stay informed by closely monitoring weather updates and heeding advice from local authorities. Seek shelter in a sturdy, designated location or an interior room away from windows. Secure your property by reinforcing doors, closing windows, and securing loose objects. Stock up on essential supplies such as food, water, medications, and emergency equipment. Avoid going outside during the cyclone to avoid flying debris and strong winds. If instructed, evacuate to higher ground or designated safe areas. After the cyclone, exercise caution by avoiding flood-prone areas, damaged structures, and downed power lines.