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Cathode rays are made up of:
a. Positively charged particles
b. Negatively charged particles
c. Neutral particles
d. None of these

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Cathode rays is a part of the experiment conducted by J.J. Thomson in the year 1897, which led to the discovery of electrons. He used a cathode ray tube to establish an electron beam and hence state the characteristics of electrons.

Complete step by step answer:
In the year 1897, a physicist J.J. Thomson experimented with cathode ray tubes. As a result of this, he discovered electrons.
In this, he took a glass tube containing two pieces of metal, that acted as an electrode. Either end of the tube was then subjected to high voltage. As a result of this, a particle stream or ray came out of the negatively charged electrode (cathode) directed towards the positively charged electrode (anode). This ray was called the ‘cathode ray’.
It was then concluded that these rays were negatively charged, which moved around the set of positive charges.
Therefore, the answer is – option (b) – Cathode rays are made up of negatively charged particles.

Additional Information:
Cathode rays (or electrons) do not depend on the material of electrodes or the nature of the gas present in the cathode ray tube.

Note: Other than this, there are many applications of cathode ray tubes. This includes – as a component in television display, in screen of cathode ray oscilloscope, in monitor of computers, radar targets, etc.It is also used to make X-ray sheets. When fast-moving cathode rays are stopped, X-ray is produced.