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An emulsion is a colloidal solution of:
A.two solids
B.two liquids
C.two gases solid and liquid

Last updated date: 06th May 2024
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Hint: An emulsion is a mixture of two or more such liquids that are usually immiscible that owe to the liquid-liquid phase separation. Emulsions do not exhibit any static internal structure.

Complete answer:
An emulsion is a mixture of two or more such liquids that are immiscible such as oil and water. So, we can conclude that an emulsion is a colloidal solution of two liquids.

So, out of the given four options, B is the correct option.

Additional information:
We know that emulsions have both the continuous and the dispersed phase that contain a boundary coming between both the phases which are called “interface”. Emulsions appear cloudy due to the presence of a number of phase interfaces that scatter the light passing through the emulsions. Emulsions appear white in colour, when the light is allowed to disperse in equal proportions. If the emulsion is diluted, then wavelengths of higher frequency and lower wavelength will be scattered and the emulsion appears in blue colour. This is also called the Tyndall effect.
On the basis of the properties of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium, emulsions can be classified. It can be classified as oil in water and water in oil.

Students may get confused between the dispersed phase and the dispersion phase. The dispersed phase is the liquid which is present in less amount and dispersion medium is the one which is present in large amounts.