JEE Advanced Maths Question Paper-2 Year 2018 with Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2018 Maths Question Paper-2 with Answer Keys
1. How was the JEE Advanced 2018 Paper?
JEE advanced 2018 paper analysis. Rating the difficulty level of the jee advanced paper, many candidates said that paper 1 was easier as compared to paper 2. Students said the mathematics section was easy and physics was “relatively difficult”.
2. What is the Maximum Marks in JEE Advanced?
JEE Advanced exam has two papers. Paper 1 contains a total of 54 questions for 186 marks and Paper 2 contains a total of 54 questions for 186 marks.
3. How is JEE Advanced Rank List Generated?
Based on the marks secured by the candidates in the examination, the rank list will be prepared. Candidates, who appeared in both JEE Advanced papers, those candidates will be considered for the ranking. In case, if the aggregate marks of two or more candidates are the same, then the highest rank will be given to the candidate who secures more marks in the Mathematics subject. If this process does not work, then the highest-ranking will be allotted to the candidates based on Physics marks. If again, this process doesn’t work then the same rank will be given to the candidate.
4. What is the best way to prepare for the JEE Advanced exam?
To prepare well for the JEE exam you need to manage time well and try to prepare more from Revision notes and previous year question papers. Vedantu will provide you with both revision notes and question papers of previous year that are designed by experts. You can use them and score well in the examination. These question papers will help you to do self assessment and also will help you to manage your time in the examination.
5. How to prepare Mathematics for your JEE Advanced examination?
To prepare Mathematics well for your exam you need to revise all the notes that you have and prepare the theories and equations well. Students often neglect this part but concentrate on this part too if you want to score well in your examinations .You need to start early and be consistent if you want to get a good grip on Mathematics. Mathematics is a subject that requires practice rather than cramming that is why it is considered as tough by most students.
6. How much time should you give to Mathematics to crack the JEE Advanced exam?
Daily you need to revise and practice Mathematics problems. Everyday give atleast 5 to 6 hours of your study time to Mathematics and remember not to exhaust yourself while you prepare and practice your questions. It is a fact that at a point your mind will saturate and you won't be able to grab more information . So take breaks in between and practice the numerical part.this is really necessary.
7. How much theoretical part and equations are important in Mathematics from a JEE point of view?
When we talk about theories and equations students often neglect this part during revision of Mathematics as they give importance to numericals only. But this part is as important as the numerical part and needs to be revised well. Because if you are clear with your basic concepts then only you can move forward with further solving the problems. If the concept is not clear how can you think of preparing for the examination on the basis of incomplete knowledge about a concept.
8. How to manage Mathematics while writing the JEE Advanced exam?
You need to be confident while writing your exam. Don't get nervous or confused and try not to give more than 2 minutes to a particular question so that you can attempt most of the paper and whatever questions you attempt try to be more accurate with your answers. As accuracy is really very important because for each wrong answer you attempt you are provided with negative marking. So be careful while you attempt to answer any question.