Introduction to Fancy Ways of Learning English
English is the most used international language and has been declared a compulsory language in many countries. English is widely used in dialogue for trade and communication, deals and negotiations, and peace and prosperity.
Learning the language is necessary to study the improvised textbooks, achieve a job and visit the World. English learning for kids starts at school but facing the barriers, we cease learning at the door of adulthood or even before. Here we shall discuss how to learn English for kids. Reading, Writing and Speaking are the three aspects of the language, we shall cover them along.
Ways to Improve English for Kids
Learn Alphabets
First, learn the alphabet using English learning books for kids. Learning the alphabet and pronunciation is a very important step in learning English. Learning words and sentences by using an alphabet is easier than just sounds. It is a very basic step in learning reading and writing skills.
English Alphabets Arranged in Serial Order
Learn Grammar
Kids learning English words need to learn grammar first to learn a language. A language’s grammar defines how the word order for sentences is structured, which helps develop and maintain correct pronunciation. A grammar rule is a set of instructions that have to be followed when making sentence(s) to form a coherent sentence. Grammar rules make up the structure for any language that helps in learning and teaching the rules to form sentences correctly and efficiently and to avoid using wrong words and sounds in any given word order or sentence construction.
Start at an Early Age
Starting young helps them learn the language quicker, keeps them engaged and fun, to keep their attention, so they don't lose interest. Parents should try to enrol them in a how-to-learn English for kids program once they can read and write. According to studies, learning the English language starts at the age of around 6 months old. It is said that children exposed to several languages before they reach age 7 are likely to grow up as “bilinguals” who are skilled in two or more languages and can speak them fluently. The earlier one starts learning a foreign language, the easier it is for one to master it compared with an adult trying their best to learn another language.
Read Newspaper
Reading newspapers helps kids learn English words. The newspaper words keep the sentences organised, and each is introduced by a punctuation mark: question mark, exclamation point. They also help you learn how to form questions and the difference between a question and a statement. You can ask your school teacher or an experienced reader to help you read newspapers.
A Kid Reading the English Newspaper
Watching Movies for Learning English
Watching movies is a great way of learning English for kids because it is very entertaining. Whether you are learning English as a second language or even as a native speaker doesn't matter. Watching movies improves your listening skills; if you watch a movie intelligently, you can understand everything from a different perspective. The directors make sure that the sound effects are very loud and clear. If you are learning English as a second language, watching movies is the best way to improve your vocabulary and speech. Because sometimes, you don't know how to explain something in English, but when you see it in movies, it will be easier for you to understand.
We've compiled a list of the top best websites to learn English. Here's a quick overview of each:
BBC LearnEnglish
BBC Learning English
British Council
Fluent Buss
Advantages of Learning English
The following are some of the advantages of learning English.
They develop the habit of speaking in English.
Understanding a new language has benefits like increased flexibility of mind, increased creativity, enhanced memory, and better critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Higher academic achievement
Cultural Enrichment
How to Improve English Speaking?
The following are the ways to the English improvement:
Set a Routine: The best way to learn is to practice daily. Fix a time and stick to it. Short sessions of about fifteen to twenty minutes are enough for young children with short attention spans. Also, remember that short, regular sessions are better than long, irregular ones. Make the sessions fun to keep children engaged.
Play Games: Kids learn better when having fun, so engaging them in games is the best way to teach them English. Make flashcards, play games like Pictionary or scrabble and do crosswords with them to practice English.
Engage in Role-playing: Role-play means acting out or performing a character's part. Make a tale with your child’s favourite cartoon personality or a superhero and act it out. Talk out the dialogues and involve the child in the storyline to practice speaking English.
Indicate Picture Books: Children like bright-colourful pictures in stories. Use these to teach them the alphabet, names of animals, fruits, vegetables, etc. Begin by indicating the picture and telling them what it is, then ask them where it is and finally let them name it on their own. For example, point toward the picture of a dog and tell them, “this is a dog” first. When they have located the dog, ask them, "Where is the dog?" and allow them to demonstrate.
Using Songs or Rhymes: Several video songs and rhymes are available online today. Most of these user actions demonstrate the meaning of the song or rhyme. Such videos are beneficial in teaching kids English as they learn the activities which help them understand the meaning even if they cannot repeat the song or rhyme.
Using stories: Reading short stories to children is an effective way of teaching English, and it helps children learn the language and develop listening and reading skills.
Speaking Comes From Speaking
Using Everyday Situations: Describing everyday situations and routine activities makes language learning more accessible. This will help kids become fluent speakers as they can easily talk about any topic because of speaking practice. Please encourage your child to converse with you in English from the start. For example, you can talk about what they're doing, describe how they wear their clothes, what colour they prefer, and so on.
Easy English Sentence
Here are a few easy English sentences that can help kids to learn English in the easiest way by using these sentences in daily life.
What is your name?
Nice to meet you.
What do you do?
Where are you from?
I am sorry.
Excuse me!
Basic Words in English
Some of the essential words in English that make English easy to learn are:
This, That, She, He, Who, Whom, How, What, Do, Does, Say, Get, Make
Good News
There is good news for kids who want to learn English via digitalization.
Just recently, Google announced the launch of "Smart Compose," an AI-powered tool that will help writers draft emails more easily.
The Smart Compose tool provides you with the first few sentences of your email (or any document) on your screen. That can be very beneficial for people who want to learn or practice their grammar or simply need some help in planning their next sentence quickly and easily.
Public speaking, Addressing assembly and talking to people boost a kid's speaking skills. The speech competitions and debate competitions are some rapid ways to polish English Speaking and thinking skills.
Penning down diary entries daily, Story writing, poem and prose writing supports the writing skills. Reading aloud the content on paper, in books, or in magazines helps improve reading and comprehension abilities.
Learning English improves self-esteem and confidence in speaking. English learning can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression by improving self-esteem and confidence in speaking a new language. Many English learning books for kids are available to make English learning easier.
FAQs on English Learning for Kids: Fun and Effective Methods
1. Which method is more beneficial in English Learning?
Both the online and offline modes have their advantages. The variety of audio-visual media helps in easier and better understanding of the subject, while books help in reading and retaining abilities.
2. Why is grammar important?
Grammar is the backbone of a language. It helps in sentence formation, arrangement and beautification of the sentences. Without Grammar, a delivery in written or verbal would sense nothing. It forms the structure and helps make every situation distinguishable in terms of time and tense, gender, number, and so much more.
3. What are the three basic and most important concepts of English grammar?
Nouns, Pronouns and adjectives are the three basic and most important concepts of English Grammar.
4. What are some of the best ways for kids to learn english?
Some of the best ways are
1. Songs and Rhymes - This is a very playful way to learn english for kids. It can help enhance their vocabulary as well.
2. Picture Book - Visuals are considered to be one of the best ways to retain the knowledge gained for a longer time. Visual ways help them to remember the words by remembering the pictures.
5. How can vocabulary games help kids in learning English words? Name one.
Vocabulary games can fascinate kids in learning. This is a very interesting way to keep the kids amused without diverting from learning. A very popular vocabulary game among kids is Scrabble.