Marketing Management Philosophies by Vedantu
Vedantu is a well-known platform to avail education for students of all grades. Not only schooling subjects are available but this educational portal has been perfectly designed for making you prepared for your competitive examination. Studying marketing management philosophies from Vedantu will not only bring marks to your scoresheet but will also prepare you for workplace activities in advance.
Marketing is a standard process of selling and buying used to gain profit either in monetary terms or in Fringe benefits. It is a part of the entire management phenomenon. Management is the easiest structured way followed by an organization from the initial step to the implementation process. The step-by-step procedure to achieve the ultimate objective of an organization in an organized manner is nothing but the management.
From these two definitions, we can derive the concept of marketing management. Beautiful kisses only on the selling and buying goods or bonds or any other items in your Market to gain something in return. The marketing concept is a management philosophy that affects various factors. These factors are nothing but influencing aspects of marketing management. Some of those factors are as given below,
Population Growth: Population growth is defined as the rise in the count of people in a population. The population is classified into two ways, one is the overall count of the population throughout the year and one is counted within a single nation. If we talk about the world population then it is estimated as 83 million annually in other words 1.1% per year.
Expanding Household needs: Expansion of household needs could be associated with anything from the requirement of having a new car to the hope of shifting to a new house. This expansion also accounts for an increase in requirements when you welcome a newborn to your home. You may realize that your current room space is not sufficient. This is how the expansion of household needs keeps going on.
Removal of Income: There is a non-operating income that is the portion of a company’s income as it is earned from those activities that are not related to its mainstream business operations. It may include profits, losses, and dividends by the foreign exchange as well as asset write-downs.
Excess Income: Depending on the changing spending habits, the income effect might have both negative and positive consequences especially on a small business according to different factors.
Technological Development: Each business focuses on technological development under the marketing management as it is essential to impress target customers. Stay assured of understanding all topics in simple language as Vedantu has designed a superb format for its lovely students sitting across the world.
Mass Communication Media: These days, mass communication media has become an integral part to spread word of mouth. Here, each company is competing to grab the market behavior and work on all the parameters that contribute to wooing more and more customers.
Credit Purchases: It means to say that you are purchasing on credit to receive services or goods right away by paying for a later scheme. Students, you need to remember that this is really a crucial term in marketing management, so do not worry Vedantu tutors will explain it step by step for you.
Altering Social Behaviour: Marketing management is based on the behavior of the customers so organizations also have to keep an eagle watch on their altering social behavior.
Describe Market Management Philosophies
Marketing management has four philosophies to achieve the objectives of an organization easily. The evolution of marketing management philosophies was started in the mid of the 18th and 19th centuries. It took place during the industrial revolution for the first time. Then after it grew on increasing day by day and derived several philosophies.
Among them, the major 4 marketing management philosophies can be explained as below:
The Production Concept
This concept explains the importance of production in marketing management. It is first among the four marketing management philosophies. Some organizations may believe that if the product has come into the market at a low cost, without considering the customer's requirement, it can be attracted by the customers. It means the product itself can create its demand as the supply is more.
The Product Concept
Another important concept of marketing management taken from the four marketing management philosophies is the product concept. These people believe that rather than the production, supply, price, the growth of an organization depends on the quality of the product. A qualitative product can easily change the customer's purchasing decision, even if it is expensive and doesn't available in large quantities.
The Selling Concept
The vital concept of the four marketing management philosophies. Because every organization's final goal is to increase its sales. So the selling concept plays a vital role. It doesn't consider the quality or quantity and other criteria. It only focuses on the selling of available goods as much as we can. It considers every customer as valuable and tries to make them favorable.
The Marketing Concept
In this 21st century, the market plays a significant role. Because it is the place where the organizational outputs may meet the customer requirements. It is a platform where all the organizations should exhibit their creative, innovative, and qualitative products to attract more customers and to gain the highest market share.
In the Marketing Management Philosophies class 12, another philosophy is also added to make five marketing management philosophies in total. So the next philosophy is, Societal marketing concept:- we can consider this concept as an extension of the marketing concept. Along with all specifications of marketing philosophy, it also considers the well-being of society and the growth of the country depends on the growth of society. Society means public.
These are the major 5 marketing management philosophies. Each concept has its advantages. All the concept's final objective is to increase the growth of an organization. So, we can't differentiate marketing management philosophies.
Thus marketing management is a disciplined, structured way of selling and buying goods which leads to developing the organization. To achieve these outputs, we have observed several philosophies, strategies, etc. Vedantu brings the entire syllabus under one roof where students do not need to collect the material from different sources. They have sorted topics that have been well explained from the examination point of view.
Vedantu serves the students from all corners of the world, the best part is that they do not have to step out of their homes and can grab all the learning from the comfort of their home. Download the study material from Vedantu and observe the difference within your knowledge of the subject.
FAQs on Marketing Management Philosophies Explained
1. Explain the Growth of the Marketing Concept?
From the beginning of the 19th century, marketing management has started growing Day by day. All the growth changes can be categorized into four periods. They are-
Production orientation period:- In the 19th century, the growth of the organization and sales, etc. everything will depend only on the quality of the product. If the quality is good, it doesn't need any promotions or marketing or discounts, etc.
Sales-orientation period:- In this period, the sales of an organization depend on effective sales. In those times, the management believes that, along with the quality of the product, it also needs to educate the customers to purchase our product.
Customer-orientation period:- From the 1950s, importance is given to the customers. All organizations should focus on the customers and their needs. After understanding their requirements, the product is designed and manufactured and comes into the market.
Social orientation period:- after the 1980s, awareness has grown up due to the effect of social media like televisions, print media, etc. Here, it benefits both the customers as well as manufacturers.
2. Distinguish Between Marketing and Selling?
Marketing is a process and step-by-step procedure of selling and buying goods and tries to meet the customer's requirements. Then only the company will get an increase in market share as well as increased profits. Also, marketing is a concept that helps to understand the requirements of customers which helps to suggest the management to produce that kind of product in a required quantity.
Selling is part of the marketing process. Selling is a process in which the goods can be converted into liquid cash. It is also an important concept in marketing management, but it doesn't fulfill all the organizational needs.
3. What are the 10 Ps of Marketing?
10 P's means ten factors required for the marketing process which starts with the alphabetical letter P. They are,
Physical Evidence
Similarly, we can explain the concept of marketing as well as the concept of management with these kinds of notations like C's, M's, etc. These are catchy to remember and tricky to explain. For example, if we take the term capital with the notation C and the same capital can be represented as money with the notation M.
4. What differentiates Vedantu to offer study material of marketing management philosophies?
There are multiple factors that make Vedantu the first choice to obtain a study of marketing management philosophies. The first one is that the process to access the material is as smooth as the butter. The second factor is that before the material reaches students it is tested on all parameters and ensured that it is based on the latest academic syllabus. And, the third factor is that you do not need to pay for this well-sorted content of philosophies, definitions, and explanations of marketing management.
5. How to define marketing management to attain a good score in the examination?
Marketing is known as a core process for selling and purchasing products to avail of profit in both fringe benefits and monetary terms. This is called the foundation of the management process. Vedantu has explained the stepwise process to attain the prime aim of a company in a well-organized way that is known as management. The classrooms are designed in a manner by Vedantu that students find a peace of mind to raise their queries and get a convincing answer for the same.