Leadership- Definition of Leadership, Concept of Leadership
Leadership is defined as the action or an act of guidance of leading a group of people or an organisation. For example,- what a pastor does in his state, a commander does in the play area, the supervisor needs to do the same in his association. Leaders in varying backgrounds possess certain essential characteristics. Leaders ought to have the option to set up contact with their equivalents, manage their subordinates and guide them, intervene in clashes, resolve issues by weighing different other options, apportion scant assets appropriately and face challenges and activities.
Leadership is a powerful social cycle that includes collaborations among pioneers, individuals and outside electorates. Great pioneers are made, not conceived. Leadership is a practical skill and a research area that helps individuals to influence or lead teams, organisations, or individuals. Great leaders are created through an endless cycle of self-study, training, preparing and experience.
Great leaders are persistently working and concentrating on improving their administration aptitudes; they are not settling for the status quo. Authority is a cycle by which an individual impacts others to achieve a target and coordinates the association such that it makes it more durable and cognizant. Leaders complete this cycle by applying their administration ascribes, for example, – convictions, values, morals, character, information and abilities.
Styles of Leadership
Autocratic Style
The expression generally illustrative of an imperious authority style is "Do as I state." Typically, a dictatorial pioneer accepts that the individual is the most astute individual at the table and knows more than others. They settle on all the choices with little contribution from colleagues. This order and control approach is regular with initiative styles of the past, yet it doesn't hold a lot of importance with the present ability. Saying this doesn't imply that that the technique may not be fitting in specific circumstances. For instance, you can plunge into a totalitarian authority style when choices of priority are undertaken on the spot, and you have the most information about the circumstance, or when you're managing unpracticed and new colleagues. There's no ideal opportunity to sit tight for colleagues to pick up experience with their job.
Affiliative Style
An expression frequently used to portray this sort of administration is "People first." Of all the leadership styles, the affiliative initiative methodology is one where the leader gets very close with individuals. A pioneer rehearsing this style focuses on and upholds the feelings of colleagues. The leaders endeavour to open up a pipeline that associates the person in question to the group. In the affiliative leadership style, the leader pays attention to the employees and supports the emotional needs of the team members. It's especially helpful, for instance, in smoothing clashes among colleagues or consoling individuals during seasons of pressure.
Laissez-Faire Style
The laissez-faire leadership style is the exact opposite of the Autocratic style of leadership. This leadership style involves the least amount of oversight, where the leader lets the people swim with the current of their issues. On the surface, the laissez-faire leader may appear to trust individuals but taken to the extreme situation; an uninvolved leader is aloof. While it's beneficial for a leader to give people opportunities to spread their wings, but with the lack of direction, individuals may unwittingly drift away in the wrong direction, away from the monthly or crucial yearly goals of the organisation.
The Laissez-Faire Style is best suitable for highly skilled and experienced employees who happen to be motivated and self-starters. To be most effective with the laissez-faire style, leaders should monitor team performance and provide them with regular feedback.
Importance of Leadership
Leaders Provide Task Support:
Leaders uphold the supporters by gathering the authoritative assets and helping them achieve their undertakings as per principles of execution.
Building the Team Spirit:
No individual can work alone. Leaders create cooperation among supporters to work, aggregate and arrange their exercises with authoritative exercises and objectives a leader functions as chief of the group.
Leaders spur the workers to take up occupations that they, in any case, may not be eager to work out.
Provides Feedback:
At the point when individuals run after very much characterised targets, they need a steady input of their presentation, which helps in accomplishing their objectives adequately. Leaders give them this criticism.
Introducing Change:
Successful leaders can persuade individuals about the need and advantages of authoritative change. The change cycle can, consequently, be easily completed.
Maintain Discipline:
Leadership is an incredible impact that upholds discipline in the association beyond what formal principles and guidelines can. Individuals will be submitted and faithful to rules and guidelines if their chiefs believe in them.
Features of Leadership
Influence other people's behaviour: Leadership is the ability of a person to persuade others to behave in a certain way to achieve a common objective or goal, resulting in willing cooperation.
Group Interaction: This is a group interaction in which two or more people are present and converse. A leader must have followers to be a leader.
Social interaction between the leader and those who follow. The interaction between the leader and the followers determines the success of the organisation's goals.

Features of Leadership
Achieving Shared Organisational Goals: A leader's role in an organisation is to guide employees in achieving shared goals. The leader brings people and their efforts together to achieve common goals.
Continuous Procedure: Leadership is a continuous process. A leader must constantly oversee and supervise their team members to ensure that everyone is working toward the same goals and not deviating from them.
The features of leadership do not include planning.
Purpose of Leadership
Leaders' new goal is to ensure that new futures emerge as quickly as their external markets. Delivering today's results and shaping the future are now two equally important jobs that every business must complete. According to the concept of division of labour, we need two distinct roles for these drastically different jobs. To take care of today's business, management must evolve from a strictly controlled, mechanical job to one that allows leadership to support reforms that increase competitive advantage.
Case Study
Our team has been working on a difficult problem for the past week. As a team leader, I believe the group is reasonably aware of the situation's problems. I tell them I'm confident they'll find a solution and encourage them to keep coming up with new ideas. Which adaptive leadership behaviour am I most likely to use?
Ans: Promoting a team's strength and optimism is one of the best ways to get them to work on a challenging task. It is a well-known approach of adaptive leadership that aids a team in realising its potential. In the scenario mentioned above, it is clear that the team leader is encouraging the members to work hard while also letting them come up with smart ideas. The team is given the task and is given free rein to think and come up with fresh ideas, which is why this leadership quality is known as "giving the job back to the people."
In concluding all the points, we must say leadership is the ability to motivate and influence subordinates to complete their tasks with enthusiasm, competence, and willingness to achieve group objectives. According to management writers, leadership is "the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group to achieve goal achievement in a specific context."
FAQs on Leadership: Styles and Importance in Management
1. What are some of the features of leadership?
It is the process by which a leader exerts power over group members. A leader is someone who influences the actions, attitudes, and beliefs of his followers. It responds to external stimuli. It entails motivating people to work voluntarily toward organisational goals. It conveys a sense of contributing to common goals. The leader recognises the efforts and actions of every employee in the organisation. It refers to a specific situation at a specific time and under specific circumstances. Every situation necessitates a different type of leadership. Everyone is involved. A good leader shares his followers' ideas, knowledge, and credit.
2. What distinguishing characteristics do leaders possess?
According to studies, leaders outperform the general population in the following areas: drive, which combines a strong desire for success with a lot of energy and resolve, self-assurance, creativity, and leadership motivation. Leaders, or at least successful ones, are highly flexible because they can discern what actions or methods are required in a given scenario and then take appropriate action. However, leaders do not operate in a social vacuum, even if some traits appear to be associated with leadership. On the other hand, it appears that different organisations dealing with different duties and issues require different types of leaders.
3. Are some people predestined to lead?
In various ways, Abraham Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth I, and other well-known leaders stand out from ordinary people. As a result of these observations, early academics developed the great person hypothesis of leadership, which holds that all great leaders, regardless of time or place in history, share certain characteristics that set them apart from most people. Despite their best efforts, experts could not compile a concise list of the characteristics shared by all exceptional leaders.
However, this situation has recently changed. Many academics have concluded that leaders differ from others in a variety of significant ways due to more advanced research techniques and a greater understanding of the fundamental aspects of human personality.