Water is an inorganic, clear, tasteless, odourless, and almost colourless chemical substance that is the primary constituent of the Earth's hydrosphere and all known living creatures' fluids. Even though it contains no calories or organic nutrients, it is necessary for all known forms of life. Each of its molecules has one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms joined by covalent bonds, as indicated by its chemical formula, H2O.
What are bodies of water?
We all understand how vital water is to our survival. As we know, about 3/4 of the earth's surface is covered by water. The numerous water bodies spread this water over the earth in diverse forms and configurations. These bodies of water range in size from large oceans and seas to little ponds. Thus different kinds of water forms we see on the earth’s surface are in the form of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, ponds, waterfalls, etc.
Water bodies are composed of water – both salt and fresh, huge and tiny – that differ in numerous ways from one another. They range in size from oceans to small brooks and streams; geographers usually exclude small, transitory water features like puddles from this group. To say the least, bodies of water, from ponds to the Pacific, are among the most important natural resources on the globe.
It is critical to recognize that one approach may not fit all water bodies in order to reach the goal of waterbodies regeneration. The strategy will differ from one waterbody to another depending on the aim, ecological services, livelihood, and socio-cultural practices.
Types of Bodies of Water
Following are different forms of water bodies
Rivers and Streams
Oceans are the world's largest bodies of water, covering at least 71% of the planet's surface. The World Ocean is the final destination of all marine saltwater seen on Earth.
However, because of the way our continents are organised, it is easy to distinguish between distinct ocean basins. As a result, in terms of size, the Pacific Ocean is the largest. The Atlantic Ocean is next, followed by the Indian Ocean. Then there's the Southern Ocean, followed by the Arctic Ocean. Oceans are important to humanity in a variety of ways: we receive our food from them, we use them for transportation, and they have an impact on the water cycle.
These can be basically called sub-sections of the oceans. Seas are the parts of oceans that are bounded by land masses on their coasts. The Mediterranean Sea, the South China Sea, the Caribbean Sea, and the Bering Sea are all examples. Despite the fact that these and most other seas connect directly to the ocean, some landlocked bodies of saline water, such as the Caspian Sea, are known by the term. Bays, straits, and gulfs are examples of smaller coastal ocean divisions that fall under the sea category.
These are inland bodies of water that contain either fresh or saltwater. Lakes are also surrounded by land, therefore some consider the Caspian Sea to be a lake. There is no discernible difference between a lake and a pond. Lakes can be massive – such as North America's Great Lakes or Russia's Lake Baikal, which is the world's deepest – or tiny – such as the Great Lakes of North America or Russia's Lake Baikal, which is the world's deepest. There isn't an obvious distinction between "lake" and "pond," for example. Lakes are formed by a variety of processes, ranging from glacial erosion and volcanic eruption to river damming (natural or anthropogenic).
Rivers and Streams
Rivers are formed by water moving on the Earth's surface — or smaller counterparts known as streams, creeks, brooks, rills, and other names. Although rivers – which may or may not run year-round – might flow into isolated basins with no exit, most freshwater in these channels eventually drains into the ocean. Rivers are vital sources of water and electricity, as well as transportation channels and fishing grounds, and humans have lived along them for millennia. The Nile in Africa has long been thought to be the world's longest river, but evidence suggests that the Amazon in South America, which is also the largest, maybe longer. The Yangtze, Congo, Mekong, Mississippi, and Mackenzie are among the world's great rivers.
Glaciers are water bodies that have frozen over. They are comparable to frozen rivers in that they are a type of water body that moves slowly. Glacial ice, which may be millions of years old and covers 10% of the planet's land area while storing about three-quarters of its freshwater, is found in mountain glaciers, ice caps, and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. If all those glaciers melted, the global sea level would climb by 230 feet.
Freshwater Bodies
Freshwater makes up only 3% of the total amount of water on the planet. One of the key sources of water for our everyday needs is freshwater bodies. Types of freshwater bodies are found in glaciers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers, streams, wetlands and even groundwater. Freshwater environments are disappearing at an alarming rate, despite their importance to life as a source of drinking water, supporting crops through irrigation, giving food in the form of fish, powering homes through dams, and conveying commodities by barges. Waterbodies have been under constant and unremitting stress over the last few decades, principally due to growing urbanisation and uncontrolled urbanisation.
To sum up we have discussed different kinds of water forms and their characteristics along with examples. The majority of the water that people use on a daily basis originates from these land-based water sources. They play a critical role in preserving and restoring ecological balance. They serve as drinking water sources, groundwater recharge, flood control, biodiversity support, and livelihood options for a vast number of people.
FAQs on Different Types of Bodies of Water
1. What are the classification of water bodies?
Three broad categories of water bodies are moving water, oceans and lakes.
2. Define Bay?
A bay is a body of water, which is again partially enclosed by land. It is a wide mouth opening of land, where the water is surrounded by land on three sides and is joined to the sea on the fourth side. Foe example bay of Bengal.
3. What are waterfalls?
A waterfall is a body of water that falls from a great height. When a river rushes over the brink of a cliff and falls from a considerable height, it creates a waterfall. Waterfalls are both stunning tourist attractions and useful generators of hydroelectric power.