What is Triglyceride?
Triglyceride is best described as the most common type of fat or lipid found in the bloodstream. Triglycerides are usually obtained from food such as oil, butter, and all the other kinds of fat that you possibly consume. They are known to enter your body from the extra calories you consume, but your body does not need them. Since your body does not need these extra calories, the body changes these calories into triglycerides that get stored in the body's fat cells. Although it is necessary to have triglycerides in the body as it releases energy when the body needs them, high triglycerides levels can be harmful.
Causes of High Triglycerides Levels
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Several factors could cause high triglyceride levels. High triglycerides are a matter of concern and should be treated immediately by consulting with a doctor. A triglycerides test is basically a blood test that shows the triglyceride levels along with cholesterol. The triglyceride levels are usually measured in mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). After getting a triglycerides test, any measurement above 150 mg/dL is considered a risk factor. Such high levels of triglycerides may raise the risk of metabolic syndromes and heart diseases.
Some of the causes of high triglycerides are given below:
Smoking cigarettes
Thyroid diseases
Consuming too much sugar or eating more calories than what you are able to burn off
Liver diseases
Kidney diseases
Type 2 diabetes which is poorly controlled
Certain genetic disorders
Some medications
Excessive alcohol consumption
Triglycerides Meaning
Triglycerides meaning could be termed as an ester derived from three fatty acids and glycerol. The main constituent of body fat in humans and other kinds of vertebrates is triglycerides. So, the triglycerides meaning behind all life forms is significant. Triglycerides are present in the bloodstream in order to enable the bidirectional transfer of blood glucose and adipose fat from the liver. It is known as a significant component of human skin oils as well.
What are Normal Triglyceride Levels?
Elevated triglyceride levels place an individual at risk for a disease called atherosclerosis. Cholesterol and high triglyceride levels are usually measured with the help of a blood test. High triglycerides treatment needs to be done once you are aware that you have elevated levels of triglycerides. Normal levels of triglyceride in the blood are considered to be less than 150 mg/dL. Highly elevated levels of triglycerides can cause inflammation in the pancreas.
Also, serum triglycerides are a risk factor for symptoms such as myocardial infarction. The health screening values of s triglycerides and s cholesterol identify them as a risk factor for health. It is necessary to maintain a good triglycerides diet and balance the intake of calories to maintain your health and avoid all kinds of risk factors. Extra fat levels influence a high concentration of glycerides in the blood in the body, and this condition is known as hyperglyceridemia. You can also avoid conditions such as these by maintaining a proper diet.
How to Control High Levels of Triglycerides?
It might be upsetting to know that you have elevated levels of triglycerides. But you can balance the levels by simply making a few lifestyle changes. There are many advantages of incorporating good lifestyle habits that might help you achieve normal levels of triglycerides. Some of the ways in which you can control high levels of triglycerides are:
Lose Some of the Extra Weight: Obesity is one of the primary reasons for many health problems you might have. If you are on the heavier side, losing a few kilograms and maintaining the perfect BMI for your age and height can do wonders for your health. Along with doing wonders, it can also bring your triglyceride levels down in the body. To lose weight, you need to exercise and maintain a diet that is low on calories. It is best to make a diet plan which includes all the essential items such as vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, and lean proteins.
Stop Consuming Excessive Alcohol: Consuming high amounts of alcohol is known to cause huge spikes in triglyceride levels, so limiting your alcohol intake can go a long way.
Try to Get More Physical Activity in Your Schedule: At least a minimum of 20-30 minutes of physical activity every day can play a crucial role in balancing the triglyceride levels in your body. Although, getting a regular schedule of exercising can indeed be challenging. But to get started, you can start exercising about two times a week and then build it up from there to exercise every day.
Now that we know how triglycerides need to be maintained in a healthy amount in the body let us move into some general solved examples for you to get an idea about what to expect in an exam.
Solved Examples
Q1. In What Way Do Triglycerides Function in the Body?
Option 1. Triglycerides are known to protect vital organs
Option 2. Triglycerides stores energy in the body
Option 3. Triglycerides provide insulation
Option 4. All of the above
Answer: Option 4. All of the above
Q2. Do High Levels of Triglycerides Increase the Risk of Heart Disease?
Answer: Yes, it increases the risk of heart diseases, and it increases the risk of stroke too.
FAQs on Triglycerides
Q1. Is There Medical Treatment or Ways for Controlling High Triglycerides?
Answer: Some medications might help you to control high triglycerides. It is always wise to consult a doctor and get your triglyceride levels checked with a blood test. Doctors usually recommended the treatment of high triglycerides with the help of fish oils, niacin, and fibrates. These are supplements that you can get from your local pharmacy without having a prescription. The best way to control triglyceride levels is to take the recommended supplements and maintain a regular diet and exercise schedule as well. So, it is better to make some lifestyle changes to maintain healthy levels of triglycerides.
Q2. Are Triglycerides Only Harmful and Serve No Purpose to the Body?
Answer: No, triglycerides are responsible for many important functions in the body, such as storing energy and protecting all the vital organs. It gets only harmful when the levels of triglycerides exceed the healthy amount, which is 150mg/dL. If the triglyceride levels stay below the said amount, it serves a number of vital functions in the body. But it is recommended to keep cholesterol and triglyceride levels in check by getting regular health screenings from the trusted family doctor. This will ensure that all the vital functions of your body are in check, and if needed, you can get medications and treatments way before any condition becomes fatal.