Class 10 Hindi RBSE Question Paper 2020 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on RBSE Class 10 Hindi Question Paper 2020
1. From where I can digitize RBSE Class 10 Hindi Question paper 2020?
You can download and digitize RBSE Class 10 Hindi Question paper 2020 on best platform . Here you can easily download all types of question papers. This site offers an easy way to download questions papers.
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2. How RBSE Class 10 Hindi Question paper 2020 will be helpful in overall preparation?
This RBSE Class 10 Hindi Question paper 2020 will help you to know the importance of every chapter and weightage of every chapter. Going through this paper will help you to know the pattern of the question paper. This will let you to go through the types of questions that will further come in your exams.
3. What is the syllabus of Class 10 RBSE Hindi?
The syllabus for class 10 RBSE hindi constitutes consists of the following sessions:
Topics | Marks |
Unseen passage | 8 |
Rachna | 12 |
Hindi grammar | 12 |
Hindi Textbook Shitij | 48 |
Total | 80 |
There are a total of 19 chapters of the Hindi textbook that will come in the final Rajasthan board exams. For whole brief syllabus you can visit
4. Name the topics of hindi grammar that will come in RBSE?
Hindi grammar is the best language offered to the students. This will improve the communication skills as it will provide good grammar to the students. It consists most important topics :
Sentence jumbling
5. Is NCERT sufficient for RBSE?
Yes, NCERT is sufficient for RBSE but if a student wants to score good in exams, then students must go through sample papers and all the previous exams including important questions. This will help you to understand the basic concepts of the chapter along with good content to write in exams.