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Write the name of producers and consumers in the food chain, you have observed.

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Producers are those who make their food by themselves by using the process of photosynthesis, which are made up by the bottom of the tropical pyramid.  Consumers of autotrophs (producers) are mostly herbivores and after them, omnivores and carnivores feed on them. 

Complete answer:
A food chain is the sequence of events in an ecosystem in which one living organism consumes another, and that organism is then consumed by another larger organism. A food chain is formed by the flow of 
nutrients and energy from one organism to another at different trophic levels.
i) Producers (Autotrophs)- The plants produce energy from the sun.
ii) Consumers- It includes the primary consumers called the herbivores which feed on producers; secondary consumers called the carnivores which feed on herbivores. Consumers in a food chain are divided into three categories: primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers.
iii) Decomposers- These organisms feed on dead decaying matter.
According to the ten percent law, at each trophic level, exactly 90% of the energy is lost in the transfer, with only 10% being passed on as usable biological energy. 

Mostly the producers are green plants which produce food  with the help of sunlight. And these plants are consumed by primary consumers, which in-turn are consumed by secondary consumers and followed by tertiary consumers and so on. 
For example a plant is consumed by a snail,the snail will be then consumed by a frog which in-turn is consumed by a snake . Snake upon death, the dead body is consumed by vultures. The dead bodies of animals and plants are organic compounds decomposed by a section of organisms called decomposers. 

Producers - Plants
Primary consumer - Snail
Secondary consumer - Frog
Tertiary consumer - Snake
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Note: Consumers are generally all the living organisms (animals and humans) which depend upon others for food and producers are those which produce food by themselves like plants and are not dependent on others for their growth and development.